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Enhance your preparation for COM3704 revision with detailed insights into new media theories, online media concepts, and the Information Society. Includes typical exam questions and key themes discussed in the chapters.
COM3704 Revision Discussion Presentation 2 November 2018
Contents • Introduction 2. Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (based on previous exams) • Tips and advice • Conclusion
Introduction This presentation is intended to aid in the revision process for COM3704 by offering some guidance. It therefore does not provide scope for the forthcoming exam. The issue of the restrictions on exam scope have been previously communicated in the tut letter.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 1: New media theories and applications Provides an overview of new media applications and theoretical frameworks. Key themes in this chapter: - Characteristics of new media: digitality, hypertextuality; dispersal; virtuality; interactivity and convergence. • New media versus traditional media • Theoretical frameworks for technology benefits- technophobic approach; techno-neutral and intermediary perspective.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) Typical question from previous exams: - Critically compare traditional media to new media and discuss implications of new media for society by referring to six characteristics of new media. In answering, you would need to make a distinction between traditional and new media. Thereafter discuss the 6 characteristics (digitality, hypertextuality, convergence, interactivity, dispersal and virtuality). You could use your own examples to highlight these features and their benefits. - Provide a definition of the term traditional media and new media, give some examples. Explain the 6 characteristics of new media and how these characteristics are responsible or not for the decline of traditional media.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 2 : An overview of online media - It provides an overview of online media within the context of convergence as a technical driver of various online media. Key themes in this chapter: • Analogue and digital media • Web 2.0 • Weblogs and blogosphere • Podcasting and vodcatings • Virtual world In approaching this chapter, you should try to understand concepts regarding ICT technology processes.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 2 - For instance key ICT terms and concepts in this chapter you need to understand and provide examples on include: - What is a weblog? - What is blogging? - What are wikis? - What is are blog aggregators? - What is the blogosphere/ - What is a podcast as distinct from a vodcast? - What is streaming? - What is subvertising? - What is social networking?
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 2 Typical exam questions from the past: • Define and discuss web 2.0. Discuss and explain 4 primary forms found in Web 2.0 and provide your own examples of each platform. • Define and describe blogging and the blogosphere and provide one example. • Define and describe wikis and provide one example. • Define and describe social networking and provide examples. The idea in reading this chapter is to have a technical understanding of the concepts and be able to use your own examples in real-life, which allows you to gain further marks. Your ability to understand the concepts and relate them in real-life is what will be make you succeed in answering typical questions from this section.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 3: Internet and Information Society - Introduction to the architecture and function of the Internet. The notion or concept of the Information Society, do denote societal progression from an industrial era to an era where information is playing a prominent role in business and social life. Key themes in this chapter: - Technical aspects of the Internet: Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol; packet switching; browsers; servers. - Intranets; extranets and email - Theories explaining Internet provision in SA – Game Theory and Normative Theory - The Information Society including its various definitions such as occupational; economic; technological; spatial and cultural
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 3: Internet and Information Society Typical exam questions asked: - Discuss the role of intranets, extranets and electronic mail. - What is an Information Society and what development indices have been used to measure an Information Society? In your answer, explain why or why not, South Africa or your country of residence, should be considered as an Information Society. - There are many ways in which Internet services can be explained in different governments. However, in accordance with Game Theory and Normative Theory, how can Internet service provision be explained in South Africa? Provide examples in your answer.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 4: Uses of the Internet - Overview of uses of the Internet including organisational uses, social uses and as a learning and teaching tool. Key themes: • Organisational and social uses of Internet • The Internet as a teaching and learning tool • Online shopping, online entertainment and online chatting • Social networking cites
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 4: Uses of the Internet Typical exam questions that may be asked: - What role can the Internet play as a teaching and learning tool? Provide 3 advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet as a teaching and learning tool and your discussion should include issues on the digital divide. - What are the uses of the Internet? Your discussion should include organizational uses of the Internet; societal uses of the Internet and the role of the Internet as a teaching and learning tool. - What is the difference between online entertainment, online shopping and online chatting? Provide examples to substantiate your answer.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 5: New media use by individuals and organisations - New media/ICT uses Key themes: - Women and ICTs - Challenges facing women and ICTs - Teleworking - New media and journalism – online and offline publications - Online advertising and online public relations
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 5: New media use by individuals and organisations • Typical questions asked in an exam: - Write an essay on the use of new media by organisations and individuals (with a specific focus on women). Include teleworking; discuss ICTs and developpmentand empowerment of women and challenges women fact in ICTs.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 6: Fit for the smaller screen: film, mobile TV and the new individual television experience - Television in new mobile devices. Key themes of chapter (and key terms): - Prodsumers, producers and prosumers - ‘Snacking’ and bite-sized movies - Three business models for mobile television: wholesale model, mobile operator model and broadcaster-driven model
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 6: Fit for the smaller screen: film, mobile TV …… - Typical exam questions under this chapter: - Discuss mobile television by answering the following questions: define a prodsumer; discuss the constraints of the smaller mobile screen; discuss the concepts ‘snacking’ and ‘byte-sized’ moviews; discuss the specific genre that can be created for the smaller screen of the mobile phone.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 7: Electronic government - Overview of models and theories of e-government and e-governance. Key themes in the chapter: - Digital democracy - Models of digital democracy - Guiding principles for e-government in South Africa
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 7: Electronic government - Examples of exam questions under this chapter: - Discuss the use of new media in governance. Please include a definition and discussion of e-governance and e-government and discuss the ways in which governments use electronic government. - Discuss the different models of digital democracy in South Africa - Explain any three theories of e-government and give examples of each. - Discuss five disadvantages of e-government and provide examples. - Critically discuss four challenges of e-government.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 8: International media and services- digital broadcasting television and radio - Overview of digital broadcasting, including digital migration and broadcast technologies. Key themes in this chapter: -Digital migration - Digital Terrestrial Television - Digital satellite television - Theories of public service broadcasting
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 8: International media and services- digital broadcasting television and radio Typical exam questions: - Provide a definition of digital terrestrial television and discuss three differences between analogue and digital television - Discuss three advantages of digital television. - Name and briefly describe any three theories or models that describe the role of public service broadcasting - Critically analyse digital migration in broadcasting in South Africa. In your analysis, describe the key purposes of digital migration in the communication industry in general and in the broadcasting sector in particular.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 9: New media and development - The role of ICTs in development. Key themes in this chapter: - Economic theories of telecommunications and development - Telecommunications and economic growth
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 9: New media and development Typical exam questions asked previously: • Describe, define and critically discuss the economic theories of telecommunications and development. Support your discussion by providing examples that illustrate how these theories are applicable within the South African context or in the country of your residence.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 10: New media and cybercrime - Overview of crime in the online environment. Key themes in this chapter: - Definition and various types of cybercrime - Precautionary measures to prevent cybercrime (pay attention to Table 10.1 in page 190 of the prescribed book. Typical exam questions: - Define and discuss six types of cybercrime and provide examples. - Discuss and list five precautionary measures you would use to curb cybercrime. Most configurations of the question will ask you to describe the various types of cybercrimes and precautionary measures that one can undertake to curb it.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 11: Internet Addiction Disorder - Socio-health consequences of the Internet. Key themes in the chapter: - Grohol’s model - Types of Internet Addiction - Symptoms of Internet Addiction - Prevention and treatment of Internet Addiction Typical exam questions under this chapter: - Grohol (2003) developed a model to explain why people use the Internet to a great extent. Critically explain Grohol’s model of pathological Internet use by describing the main elements of Grohol’s model of pathological Internet use. • Discuss three stages of the model. • Discuss the six types of Internet Addiction and some of the ways to treat Internet Addiction.
Overview of the chapters and typical exam questions often asked (in prescribed book) CHAPTER 12: New Media – present and future policy perspectives - New media and ICT policy issues. Key themes in this chapter: • Theories of regulation and leapfrogging model • South African Telecommunications Policy evolution • Regional organisations and their contribution to ICT policy Typical exam questions: • The South African telecommunications policy has been in evolution both prior to and post-1994. Discuss the four stages of South African telecommunications policy. • Define and discuss the leapfrogging model. • Discuss three theories of telecommunications regulation and give some examples from South Africa or your country of origin. • Critically discuss one European and one African regional organisation that promotes ICT policies and briefly illustrate the impact these organisations have on national ICT Policy.
Tips and advice • Try to use previous exam questions for revision as the course has recurring themes since it is based on a prescribed book. Look at typically exam questions under each chapter. • Ensure you answer on topics that you are most comfortable about (you can choose any 4 questions for the exam). So as you go through the topics in the chapters, be mindful of which ones you are most comfortable with. • To be on the safe side though, you should at least be competent and well-read on a minimum of 8 Chapters. This would give you enough options to answer any 4 out of 8 questions (though covering 10 chapters would be a much better option). • As you answer the exam questions – essentially it is about defining ICT concepts, demonstrating you understand these, the theories and use of examples of your own. You score additional marks when you use your own knowledge and case studies from real-life (outside the prescribed book) to further discuss and explain the concepts in the module.
Tips and advice • It is worth stating that there are limits unfortunately (placed by the department) in providing scope. • However, the course is structured based on the prescribed book and therefore questions are modelled around what is covered in the book whilst also allowing you to use your own examples. So there will not be any question covered that does not deal with what is covered in the prescribed book. • Let us engage further if there are any questions. • We hope this presentation is helpful in assisting in the revision process.
Conclusion • Best wishes for the exam and good luck! • This course typically has a good pass rate!