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Indian wedding without flowers is quite an unimaginable affair. Flowers add charm and grace to the occasion, thus increasing the aesthetic factor of the surrounding. From Varmalas to Bidaai, royal wedding to beach wedding Goa. You see enchanting flowers beautifying and elevating the aura of the auspicious affair.<br>Different traditions around the globe incorporate flowers in vivid fashion to enhance the vibrancy and good vibes for the occasion.<br><br>
Importance of flowers in Indian Weddings Indian wedding without flowers is quite an unimaginable affair. Flowers add charm and grace to the occasion, thus increasing the aesthetic factor of the surrounding. From Varmalas to Bidaai, royal wedding to beach wedding Goa. You seeenchantingflowersbeautifyingandelevatingtheauraoftheauspicious affair. Different traditions around the globe incorporate flowers in vivid fashion to enhance the vibrancy and good vibes for theoccasion. Butnotalltheflowersholdsimilarsignificanceindifferentcultures,for example, Marigolds which are considered to be sacred and a symbol of prosperity are shelved in Christian weddings. It is believed that they bring misfortune and grief, however, Hindu culture regards them as a sign of prosperity andtogetherness. Since they are worshipped to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi which are consideredto betheidealcouple,hencenewlywedsareblessed withthe many petalsmarigoldsintheanticipationofasimilarbeginningandjourney ahead.
Marigolds: Bothorangeandyellowmarigoldholdshighimportanceintheweddingritualsas they represent the sun, imparting brightness and positivity in the life of the new couple. White marigolds are also used for the décor purposes as well as in some rituals. Jasmine: Anotherwhiteflowerwhichis widelypopularinHinducultureisthatofJasmine. Itis anintegralpartofthesouthIndianweddingsbecauseofitssweetfragrance and freshness imparting qualities. Jasmine is also considered to exude proximity and passion between thecouple. Lily: Lily,is anotherpopular choice whenitcomestowhiteflowers.Symbolizing purity and elegance, white lilies accord great significance in various customs. These flowers embody love and truthfulness which is primarily requisite in this journey of the newpair. Orchids: Ifyouwanttomakeyourweddinganexoticaffair,thereis nobetter choicethan orchids. Available in various colors, orchids have a rich and an opulentappeal. Theyuplifttheatmospherewiththeirtantalizingscentand emblematizewisdom andpower. Roses: Although,whenitcomestoholdingprimerelevance,roseshold anundisputable position.Scintillatinglybeautiful,theselivelyflowers serve multiplepurposes. Wherewhiteandpinkrosesstandforhappiness andgrace,theredrose symbolizes true love andpassion. Hire Behind the Scene, Best Event Company inGoa.