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Learn how to create a procedure for management responsibility in compliance with SQF standards. Customize templates and define responsibilities for efficient system maintenance.
Procedure Tutorial Management Responsibility
Introduction to Management Responsibility • In this presentation we will discuss how to write a procedure for management responsibility. • We will use the SQF Code and requirements for our example, but the process will be very similar for the other standards (FSSC 22000 and BRC) • We will introduce: • The Management Responsibility procedure and how it relates to the requirements of the SQF code • Ideas on customizing the procedure for your organization The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
General Requirements • Your company must be able to demonstrate its commitment to the SQF System. • Management is responsible for key tasks in building and maintaining the system. • We describe this process in a procedure P-210 Management Responsibility • The numbering system is flexible, use what works for you. This example is from our template package The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Start by identifying the purpose of the procedure. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
In the SQF code, specific responsibilities are assigned to management. • Define these in the procedure. The responsibilities for this procedure are assigned to top management in your company. • Think of top management as those who can provide the resources needed to implement and maintain the system, and with the final authority on decisions that affect the system and product safety. • Be sure you are able to clearly show who top management is in your organization. • The procedure should list responsibilities for top management. The procedure goes into more detail on these tasks in the instruction section that we will be reviewing shortly. Responsibilities The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Responsibilities • Management is assigned the task of conducting management review of the SQF system. • Involve the SQF Practitioner, and again use top management with the authority to assign resources and responsibilities for maintaining an effective system. • We will look at the process in more detail as we review the instruction section. • Other responsibilities include documenting and implementing a system to handle customer complaints, and preparing a business continuity plan. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Instructions • The next section of the procedure describes the process. This is the detail of how those responsible will carry out responsibilities in a manner that meets the requirements of the code or standard. • Now we will review the Instructions section. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Food Safety and Quality Policy • This section is where the process that you will follow to meet the requirements is described. You need to have your team review and edit this document to make it suit your organization. Be sure to keep an eye on the code as you make changes, and be sure your process meets the requirements. • As we saw in the code, and in the responsibilities section of the procedure, management must create a food safety and quality policy. Do this in a steering team meeting, and document it here. You will also need to have a copy or copies printed, signed and prominently displayed in the facility. • Identify how you will communicate it to all employees. One way to do that has been included here, that is to communicate it to employees during orientation and during company meetings. You can put your own method in here, but make sure it includes existing employees as well as new employees when they are hired. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
SQF Practitioner • Having a designated SQF Practitioner is a requirement for certification. Make sure that the assignment is documented; the organizational chart is a logical place. • To meet the training requirements for the practitioner, make sure the designated person has taken the training modules designated in the procedure, and keep the certificate of completion as a record. Our online training programs are listed in the example and are an effective method of training the practitioner. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Organization and Reporting • Continue to write instructions for each of the responsibilities and requirements of the code or standard. We will review these now, starting with Organization and Reporting. Cover these items in the procedure: • Other functions with responsibilities that relate to food safety must also be documented and the organizational structure and authorities communicated. • Use an organizational chart and job descriptions. Because almost every position has an affect on food safety, make the organizational chart to reflect the whole organization. • Back up for those with food safety responsibilities must be documented in the job description. • A register of backup positions is also a useful tool for clarifying who is responsible in someone's absence and has been included in our template package as form F-210-001. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Training of Personnel • Remember that the documented system provided here is made up of procedures, forms and PRP templates. • You will see the procedure makes reference here to the PRP program,Training of Personnel. The code requires that management is responsible for establishing and implementing training needs for those whose jobs have an affect on product legality and safety. • Ensure that management is involved with, and assigns a qualified person to establish and implement these training needs through the use of the food safety fundamentals program “Training of Personnel”. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Communication • It is required that all personnel know that they must report food safety problems to someone with the authority to initiate action. • Management must inform employees of this responsibility. Here we have stated that that will take place during employee orientation, training sessions for SQF and in regular meetings. • Make sure that you include this in those training sessions and meeting agendas. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Management Review • At least annually management will meet to review the suitability and effectiveness of the SQF system. • The procedure must outline an effective process for organizing the meeting, as well as required agenda items. • List additional information sources that you will use to make sure the review of the system is effective. • The meeting outputs will include action items to update and improve the SQF system. • Minutes of each review meeting are kept as your record, and should include action items and the person assigned responsibility for caring them out. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Customer Complaints • The procedure outlines a process for handling customer complaints. • Your methods and responsibilities for handling and investigating complaints must be documented; we have included it in this procedure. • As you tailor this section for your company remember that a person knowledgeable about the incident must analyze the complaint, corrective action should be taken in relation to the seriousness of the incident and records must be maintained. • In this process the severity is determined, and possible food safety issues mean a corrective action is initiated using the CAPA process. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Business Continuity Plan • Finally, management must prepare a business continuity plan for emergencies. • Create a form or use F-210-002 in our templates package to prepare your plan for emergencies. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Forms and Records • Include references to forms that are used as part of the process and records that are kept. • For this procedure form F-210-001 is used to record back up personnel for food safety related positions, F-210-002 is used for the business continuity plan, and minutes of management review are maintained as a record. • List any additional forms or records that you use that relate to this procedure. The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Next Steps • Identify the team that will be responsible for the process • Use top management to make up this team • Designate a team leader and provide them with: • The implementation plan • The procedure and forms • Results of the Gap Analysis for this process • Schedule and attend the first team meeting • Explain the responsibilities of the team • Review the information provided The complete template for this and all sections of the code/standard are Available at www.22000-Tools.com in our templates package.
Please contact us with questions: 1-800-746-3174 cweber@22000-Tools.com