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Rooms and Places in the home. VY_32_INOVACE_AJ3r0108 Vocabulary presentation Jaroslava Dlabajová. Which rooms are usually located on the ground floor ? . kitchen. living room. dining room. hall. bathroom. toilet. In some houses you will also find :.
Rooms and Places in thehome VY_32_INOVACE_AJ3r0108 Vocabularypresentation Jaroslava Dlabajová
kitchen livingroom diningroom hall bathroom toilet
In somehousesyouwillalsofind: Utility room/laundryroom = a smallroom , usuallynext to thekitchen, whereyourclothes are washed and dried Pantry/larder = a smallroomwhichisusedforstoring food
music room library
bedroom toilet bathroom study Children´sroom sparebedroom guest (bed)room
Whereisthebasement? • Itis a room/ roomspartlyorcompletelybellowgroudlevel cellar= an underground roomwhichisusedforstoringthings
Wherecanyoufindtheattic? • It´sthespaceorroomundertheroof
sponge hairdryer towelrail washbasin toothbrush bath medicinechest
pillow alarm clock bedside table rug chestofdrawers lamp
kettle cooker sink blender teapot dishwasher cookingutensils
potatoes jars old box bottle
Patio/terrace= a paved area behind a house wherepeoplecansit and eat
What do we call these…. • A roomimmediatelybelowtheroofof a house? • A roofedentranceinto a house? • An underground roomusuallyusedforstoringthings/food? • An area behindthe house whereyoucansit and eat? • A roomnext to thekitchenwhereyoucanfind a washingmachineor a tumble-dryer? • A smallroomusedforstoring food?
SourceS: • www.microsoft-office.com • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Patio_andaluz.jpg; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Timber_frame_detail.jpg Oxfordský studijní slovník, OUP 2010