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Buy Wholesale Blank T-shirts at Bulk Threads

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Buy Wholesale Blank T-shirts at Bulk Threads

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wholesale Blank T-Shirts While perusing the good old world of online cat videos during my lunch break yesterday, I came across a clip that taught me to be even more thankful for companies like Bella Canvas and Next Level Apparel. THREADS BULK Buy one get one Free Delivery Free Return

  2. ABOUT US Super Clothing Is Almost Here Bulk Threads A young man--whom I won't name or link to--with a large following on everyone's favorite video-sharing platform, tried to explain to his followers why he was tripling the price of his name brand item, a personal hygiene product he promised his followers could buy for $150 if they preordered, but if not, would have to buy for $450 after preorders.

  3. Every clothing Has a Story We Believe In Fun His rationale? The higher the price, the more "luxury" the item. That is, while recognizing that he himself wouldn't pay the larger price, and that nothing about the product would change to make it worth the higher tag, if he raised the price and kept quantities limited consumers would think the item is more "luxury" than otherwise and would feel privileged to buy it.

  4. Get Best Stuffs Bulk Threads

  5. GET IN TOUCH We’d love to hear from you PO Box 486, Orem, Utah, 84059 bulkthreads@gmail.com @bulkthreads www.bulkthreads.com

  6. THANK YOU We Think It's Good To Say Thank You Bulk Thre

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