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Discover how Brandenburg & Berlin exchange for regional innovation, leveraging tools like RITTS and SEED-REG for cluster development and knowledge sharing. Learn about the achieved benefits and future goals.
When Exchanging is Good for Innovation: Experiences from Brandenburg Reiner Kneifel-Haverkamp Head of Unit, EU Economic and Financial Policies, Coordination EU Funding Regions for Economic Change – Networking for Results Brussels, 17 February 2009
Why do we exchange? Improve regional innovation policy Pilot new methods and tools of innovation support Improve performance of our institutions Promote Berlin-Brandenburg as innovative business region
Institutions • Brandenburg Government • Brandenburg Economic Development Board - ZAB Zukunftsagentur Brandenburg • Regional Development Bank - ILB Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
Which tools did/do we use? Some Examples Innovative Actions (RISI, e-EuropeRegio) Innovation Programme (RITTS) INTERREG B (VBN InnoReg) INTERREG C (SEED REG) Framework Programmes for R&D (before, CLUNET) Associations, networks (eris@, IRE)
VBN InnoReg www.baltic.org/vbn Objectives Analysing the knowledge potential, good practices, joint interests and development needs in innovation promotion in VBN partner regions to develop a joint approach to innovation promotion for the VBN macro-region Promoting regional collaboration and international networking between regional authorities, universities, technology centres and enterprises to foster competitiveness of the Baltic Sea region
SEED-REG Objective: improve the effectiveness of early-stage financial support instruments, by the exploitation of interregional cooperation and through large-scale information exchange and sharing of experience,
before Objectives: • comparative analysis (benchmarking) of efficient support instruments for the RTD in geographical areas with demographic significant imbalances (including specific support tools for rural companies and entrepreneurs) • Mentoring • foresight studies of policies and support instruments to RTD guided to future sectors, intensive in knowledge and with high added value
CLUNET www.proinno-europe.eu Objective: share experiences and implement concrete pilot projects regarding cluster innovation and development policies; focus on future challenges and opportunities for clusters, Participation of the Montreal Metropolitan Community allows to benefit from the Canadian's experience in cluster policies and provides a unique platform for internationalisation.
What did we achieve? • We know the players and the themes, and we know better where we stand; • We improve internationality of regional cluster initiatives, SMEs and intermediaries; • We used project results for policy improvements; • We had „windfall profits“: we „discovered“ and developed a new sector (Security)
Innovative Actions contribution to regional development: BIS 2006 & BIEM • BIS 2006 - Creation and implementation of a broad information society strategy (RISI 1994-1999) eris@ • Brandenburg innovation programme for e-business and media convergenceBIEM - Initiating structural change in SME through the use of ICT, in particular • Digitalisation of business processes • Interconnecting small enterprises to virtual networks • (e-EuropeRegio 2000 – 2006)
What do we need to do at home? • Develop a more strategic approach to networking: • Improve practical arrangements (budget, advice) • More strategic selection of projects/networks • Dissemination of knowledge from projects/networks • Improve mainstreaming of project results into policy • improve internationalisation of regional cluster initiatives, SMEs and intermediaries • Stabilize and improve understanding for exchanges and cooperation at EU-level
What needs to be done at EU-level? • Money for people to meet: Simplify rules (lump sums) • Current INTERREG B and C procedure produces disappointment! • Focus calls and/or create 2-step-procedure
Thank you for your attention! reiner.kneifel-haverkamp@stk.brandenburg.de