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  1. Asking these questions helps us known the general background of age and genre of our target audience. As 14/19 of our target audience were aged 14-19 this would help us as we will know what is suitable and not suitable to use in the trailer. We have carry out from the survey since there was a majority 11 out of 19 males from the survey ,we are considering to moralise our target audience more towards males, however we will also cater to females by adding some characteristics.

  2. 17 out of 19 of our target audience do not like when trailers give away the film. This will help us when we are planning out shot list and script as we will know not to give too much of the story away. When we surveyed our target audience we asked what type of genre do you prefer watching, a majority said thriller this is significant to us as our initial idea was based on this so we are glad to hear that we are already appealing to our target audience.

  3. Its important how long a trailer should be because if its too long we could lose our audience. In our survey, we asked how long do you prefer a trailer to be. There was a close result of the difference of 2 votes between trailers wanting to be 1:30 minutes and 2+mins. From this it shows that our target audience do not like the trailer to be under 1:30 minute as one 1 out of 19 only picked a trailer to be 1 min long. This will help us in the production of the trailer to not makes it too short. Music is one of the key conventions to our genre. We asked do you like the psychological sounds in trailers, a majority our target audience 16 out of 19 said yes while 6 said no. As it was a mix response we could use some of the psychological sounds but not too much of it.

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