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lR;eso t;rs. PRESENTATION BY- SUDARSHAN SETHI (IAS) COMMISSIONER, MID DAY MEAL GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR. INTRODUCTION. MDMS is being implemented by MDM Commissionerate under Administrative Control of RD & PRD Department in Rajasthan.
INTRODUCTION • MDMS is being implemented by MDM Commissionerate under Administrative Control of RD & PRD Department in Rajasthan. • Mid Day Meal is being provided to all eligible students studying in 81436 Govt., Govt. aided, school run by local bodies and EGS /AIE centers.(Enrolment as on 30.9.2008 for class 1 to 5 is 58.55 Lacs and 6 to 8 is 22.15 Lacs ) • State Government started providing cooked meal since July, 2002 from State budget. GoI started assistance from September 2004. • Currently, Rs. 2.08 and Rs. 2.60 is the cooking conversion assistance per student for primary and upper primary students respectively in which State Government per student share is Rs. 0.50 for both the categories. • Different recipes are served on different days which contain the prescribed quantity of nutrients. • A separate Commissionerate has been established and an exclusive MD M software has been developed.
ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP Minister, RD & PRD ` Principal Secretary, RD & PRD Secretary, PR & Commissioner, (MDM)
MDMS PAB APPROVAL 2008-09 • All Students Studying in Class I to VIII in – • Government, Government Aided & Local bodies schools, EGS and AIE centers are benefited under this programme. • Details of School’s Category and Enrolled Students Total Schools 82007 Total Enrolment(I-VIII) 85.69 Lacs Anticipated Working Days 236 Days GoI allowed for 200 Days only
MDMS COVERAGE 2008-09 • All Students Studying in Class I to VIII in – • Government, Government Aided & Local bodies schools, EGS and AIE centers are benefited under this programme. • Details of School’s Category and Enrolled Students Total Schools 81,436 Total Enrolment 80.70 Lacs Anticipated Working Days 236 (164 upto Dec,08)
MDM MENU • MDM Special Menu – Meal according to local demand and practice is provided once a week. • A seasonal fruit is provided once a week. • Above menu is displayed on notice Board. • Mid Day Meal is regularly provided. • Food grains @ 100 gms for Primary Students and 150 gms for Upper Primary Students are used for cooking. • Different Ingredients fixed for each menu.
COOKING CONVERSION ASSISTANCE Cooking Conversion Assistance (Rs. Per students per day) BUDGET PROVISION OF MID DAY MEAL SCHEME, 2008-09 State Government - Rs. 95 Crores GOI - Rs. 500 Crores Total - Rs. 595 Crores
TRANSPORTATION UNDER MDMS • From year 2007-08 , Dept. for Food & Civil Supplies has been designated as State Nodal Transportation Agency. • Foodgrains are delivered at door step of schools on monthly/bimonthly basis.
*Including expenditure of State Head at school level. ** GOI has released only 5122.86 lakhs in this F.Y. Remaining expenditure has been done from the savings of previous year.
* In Addition to above, Rs.240.00 Crores received from GoI in financial year 2008- 09 for construction of 40,000 Kitchens and is in process of release to districts.
Allocation, Lifting and Utilization of foodgrains *Total figures for Class 1-5 ** Total figures for Class 1-5 and 6-8 (Allocation upto Sep`08, Lifting and Utilization upto December, 08)
% of Students Covered by Different Kitchens MID DAY MEAL SCHEME, RAJASTHAN
Availability of Infrastructure in Schools MDM Scheme, Rajasthan
EFFORTS FOR EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF MDMS • State Govt. making all possible efforts to improve the infrastructure and mode of implementation of MDMS. • Weekly menu information is permanently displayed on notice boards. • Important points for inspection circulated at every level During Year 2008 – 09, more than 1 lakh 33 thousand visits have been done till Jan,09. • Formation of SDMC in each school. • State/District/Block level review meeting. • Constitution of MDM Trust. Cont.
EFFORTS FOR EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF MDMS • Regular feedback to Education Department. • External evaluation agency earmarked (SIERT) for independent external evaluation. • Software developed for MDM Scheme in 2008-09 for effective MIS. • Promoting Public Private Community Partnership (P.P.C.P). • Annapoorna Women Co-operative Society (AMSS) are promoted to involve local women & mothers in implementation of MDM. • MDMS in summer vacation in drought affected areas.
BUDGET PROVISION OF MDMS 2009-10 • State Government - Rs. 95 Crores • GOI - Rs. 350 Crores • Total - Rs. 445 Crores
REQUIREMENT OF CENTRAL ASSISTANCE (FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2009-10)(Rs. in Lacs) • Requirement of assistance is on the basis of enrolment, no. of days and current assistance(Rs. 1.58 and Rs. 2.10 for Pry. And U. Pry. Students respectively). GOR would be providing state share @ .50 paisa per student. If GOI increases cooking assistance, requirement would increase accordingly.
ISSUES RELATED TO GOI Increase in cooking conversion assistance. (Rs. 3.08 for I-V & 4.60 for VI-VIII) MDM to students of Pre Primary Section.(School-40,Enrolment-2547) Tax Exemption to MDM Trust. Gas facility on priority and on domestic rates. Additional funds for CA Audit of MDMS. Allocation of foodgrains to be done on annual basis. In 2008-09, assistance sanctioned by GOI is for 200 days but actual working days are 236. Therefore, additional funds & foodgrains are required.