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P2P Working Group Report. Hyun-chul Kim 2003.8.29 (Fri). P2P Session. 2003.8.27(Wed) Early Morning, AM 7:30~9:00 About 15 participants Program Korea@Home project, by Connor Park/KISTI An Hybrid P2P-style distributed computing platform
P2P Working Group Report Hyun-chul Kim 2003.8.29 (Fri)
P2P Session • 2003.8.27(Wed) Early Morning, AM 7:30~9:00 • About 15 participants • Program • Korea@Home project, by Connor Park/KISTI • An Hybrid P2P-style distributed computing platform • Test operation (2003.2.6~2.14) : 6,472 clients, Max 644Gflops (> World Top Rank 124th), Avg. 470.6Gflops • Applications : Virtual Screening for new drug design, 3D image rendering • Structured P2P Network for Loop Avoidance, by Chan-mo Park/KJIST • An Overview of Jxta for Supporting P2P Technologies and Applications, by Simon See/NTU&Sun • Several application examples developed using Jxta
P2P WG Meeting • 8.27(Wed) AM 11:00~12:30 • 6 participants • Need to revise and/or elaborate more on WG charter Currently the WG charter is mentioning only about P2P techs/applications on a High-bandwidth network, but only a few countries in APAN have High-bandwidth pipes, while others do not. Heterogeneous network environment (from tens of K/Mbps to tens of Gbps, in terms of BW) across APAN community may provide us a unique position (kinda niche place) in proposing as well as developing P2P Techs/Systems necessary in a such environment Need to perform Requirement Analysis through brain-storming/discussion among WG members as well as young people (students) who use/research on p2p applications for content exchange, internet messaging, etc., everyday naturally leads members to discuss/cooperate with each other.
Plan for the next 6 months • Hyun-chul Kim will keep going as the WG chair • Charter revision (goals, direction, specific action items and milestones) : activate a series of discussion on p2p@apan.net and graduatestudent@apan.net and draft by mid/late September. • Implement the defined action items, based on the WG meeting participants’ comments. • Prepare joint meeting/session with I2 P2P WG members for the next Honolulu APAN meetings. (I2 contact point : David Futey/Stanford and Ana Preston/UTK).