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Buy Erlocip 150 mg is used as the first-line treatment of patients with pathological process non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC) whose tumors have stratum protein receptor (EGFR) coding DNA nineteen deletions or coding DNA twenty-one (L858R) substitution mutations as detected by FDA. The upkeep treatment of patients with domestically advanced or pathological process non-small cell carcinoma whose illness has not progressed once four cycles of platinum-based first-line therapy.
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11/05/2018 Buy Erlocip 150 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/erlocip-150.jpg) FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value) ERLOCIP 150 MG $200.00–$380.00 Buy Erlocip 150 mg (Erlo?nib), It is used to treat metasta?c non-small cell lung cancer, as first line treatment, maintenance treatment, or a?er failure of one prior chemotherapy. It is also used to treat locally advanced, unresectable (which cannot be https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/erlocip-150-mg/ 2/7
11/05/2018 Buy Erlocip 150 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store removed by surgery), or metasta?c (cancer which has spread) pancrea?c cancer in combina?on with another drug called gemcitabine. Pack Size Price Quan?ty 30 Tablet/s $200.00 ADD TO CART 1 60 Tablet/s $380.00 ADD TO CART 1 Compare (/Product/Erlocip-150-Mg/?Ac?on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=6030) Add To Wishlist (/Product/Erlocip-150-Mg/?Add_to_wishlist=6030) (h?ps://www.mcafeesecure.com/verify?host=alldaygeneric.com) DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (0) Erlocip 150 mg (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com) (Erlo?nib) Uses Erlo?nib is used to treat metasta?c non-small cell lung cancer, as first line treatment, maintenance treatment, or a?er failure of one prior chemotherapy. It is also used to treat locally advanced, unresectable (which cannot be removed by surgery), or metasta?c (cancer which has spread) pancrea?c cancer in combina?on with another drug called gemcitabine. How it works Erlo?nib belongs to a class of medica?ons called tyrosine kinase inhibitors. It works by preven?ng the ac?vity of a protein called epidermal growth factor, and thereby stops the growth and spread of cancer cells. Common side effects https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/erlocip-150-mg/ 3/7
11/05/2018 Buy Erlocip 150 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store dry skin, cough, fa?gue, alopecia, nausea, folliculi?s, Infec?on, liver func?on test abnormali?es, abdominal pain, anorexia, , dyspepsia, vomi?ng, conjunc?vi?s, depression, skin fissures., acne, rigor, pruritus, diarrhea, stoma??s, neuropathy, rash, paronychia, dyspnea, serious lung disease, headache, gastrointes?nal bleeding, weight changes, flatulence Expert advice • Erlo?nib tablets should be taken either 1 hour before or 2 hours a?er inges?on of food. • Erlo?nib is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. vStop smoking and use effec?ve contracep?ve measures while on erlo?nib treatment. • Do not start erlo?nib if you use contact lenses, have had eye problems (ulcers in front part of eye, dry eyes, inflamma?on in front part of eye), liver or kidney problems, Gilbert’s syndrome (liver disorder that causes increased bilirubin), intolerance to some sugars, are pregnant or breast-feeding. • Tell your doctor if you suffer from breathing difficulty associated with fever or cough, severe diarrhea, loss of appe?te, nausea or vomi?ng, severe blistering or peeling of skin, severe pain in abdomen, acute or increasing pain and redness in eye, blurred vision or sensi?vity to light, increased eye watering. Frequently asked questions Erlo?nib Q. Is erlo?nib safe during pregnancy? Erlo?nib may harm the fetus hence not recommended for use during pregnancy. Please follow your doctor’s advice regarding its use. Q. Is erlo?nib safe during lacta?on? Erlo?nib may not be safe for a breast-fed infant. It should only be used if no other alterna?ve drug is available. Please follow your doctor’s advice regarding its use. Q. Is erlo?nib cytotoxic, chemotherapeu?c drug, biologic or monoclonal an?body? Erlo?nib is not a cytotoxic, chemotherapy drug, or monoclonal an?body. Erlo?nib is a biologic tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Q. Is erlo?nib FDA approved? Yes, erlo?nib is approved by FDA. Q. Does erlo?nib cause neutropenia? Yes, erlo?nib can cause neutropenia. Q. How long does erlo?nib work? A single dose of erlo?nib works for around 36 hours. Related Products https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/erlocip-150-mg/ 4/7
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11/05/2018 Buy Erlocip 150 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Important disclaimer Please note that not all medica?ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian pharmacy. The medica?ons in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved Interna?onal fulfillment center located in a country other than India. In addi?on to dispensing medica?ons from our Indian pharmacy, medica?on orders are also filled and shipped from interna?onal fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Medica?on orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mauri?us and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdic?ons. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Copyright (C) 2018 alldaygeneric.com (h?ps://alldaygeneric.com). All Rights Reserved. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/erlocip-150-mg/ 7/7