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Buy Temoside 20 mg (Temozolomide) is an imidazotetrazine deritave and an antineoplastic agent. It is a prodrug that has little to no pharmacological activity until it is hydrolyzed in vivo to 5-(3-methyltriazen-1-yl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (MTIC). After administration, temozolomide undergoes rapid, nonenzymatic hydrolysis at physiological pH to MTIC, which is the active form of the drug. MTIC is generated through the effect of water at the highly electropositive C4 position of temozolomide, causing the ring of temozolomide to open, release carbon dioxide, and generate MTIC.
6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store My Account (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Checkout (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/checkout/) Contact Us (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/contact-us/) Track Order (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/track-my-order/) My Cart (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/cart/) Order Status (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Support (h?p://support.alldaygeneric.com/) Type Keyword... (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) SHOPPING CART 0 items - $0.00 (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/CART/) Equivalent Brand Generic Name HOME (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM) CATEGORY/HIV-HERPS/) HIV & HERPS (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/PRODUCT- TEMOSIDE 20 MG https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 1/8
6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/temoside-20.jpg) FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value) TEMOSIDE 20 MG $54.00–$315.00 https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 2/8
6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Buy Temoside 20 mg (Temozolomide), Temozolomide is used in adults and in children above 3 years of age to treat certain specific types of brain tumor such as glioblastoma mul?forme (malignant grade IV brain tumor) or anaplas?c astrocytoma (grade III brain tumor). It is usually used together with radiotherapy or other medica?ons and is generally given a?er other cancer medicines have been t… Pack Size Price Quan?ty 5 Capsule/s $54.00 ADD TO CART 1 15 Capsule/s $162.00 ADD TO CART 1 30 Capsule/s $315.00 ADD TO CART 1 Compare (/Product/Temoside-20-Mg/?Ac?on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=9224) Add To Wishlist (/Product/Temoside-20-Mg/?Add_to_wishlist=9224) (h?ps://www.mcafeesecure.com/verify?host=alldaygeneric.com) DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (0) Temoside 20 mg (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com) (Temozolomide) Uses Temoside 20 mg capsule is used in adults and in children above 3 years of age to treat certain specific types of brain tumor such as glioblastoma mul?forme (malignant grade IV brain tumor) or anaplas?c astrocytoma (grade III brain tumor). It is usually used together with radiotherapy or other medica?ons and is generally given a?er other cancer medicines have been tried without success. How it works Temoside 20 mg capsule is an an?tumor drug and belongs to a class of medica?ons called alkyla?ng agents. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells in the body. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 3/8
6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Common side effects Nausea, Pale colored skin, Altered vision, Memory impairment, Confusion, Cons?pa?on, Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Fain?ng, Fever, Hair loss, Headache, Insomnia, Loss of appe?te, Balance disorder (loss of balance), Coordina?on impaired, Sore mouth, Sore throat, Vomi?ng, Weakness Interac?on for Temoside Food : It is be?er to take this medicine empty stomach (1 hour before food or 2 hours a?er food). Alcohol : Interac?on with alcohol is unknown. Please consult your doctor. Pregnancy : It is unsafe to use during pregnancy. Human and animal studies have shown adverse effects on the foetus. The poten?al benefits may warrant the use in pregnant women despite poten?al risks. Please consult your doctor. Lacta?on : It is probably unsafe to use during breas?eeding. Please consult your doctor. Expert advice for Temoside • Swallow full tablets on an empty stomach, one hour before your meal. • Avoid being near people who are sick or have infec?ons. Consult your doctor if you develop symptoms of opportunis?c infec?ons (such as Pneumocys?s jirovecii pneumonia) and reac?va?on of infec?ons (such as hepa??s B virus) Using temozolomide may increase your risk of developing certain types of bone marrow cancer. Be aware about your specific risk. • You may be given medica?on to prevent nausea or other side effects while you are receiving temozolomide. • Your blood will be tested frequently during treatment to monitor the side effects of temozolomide on your blood cells as you may have a small risk of other changes in blood cells, including leukemia. • Avoid ac?vi?es that may increase your risk of bleeding or injury. Use extra care to prevent bleeding while shaving or brushing your teeth. • Do not drink alcohol while taking temozolomide. • Do not drive or operate machinery while using temozolomide as it may make you ?red or sleepy. • Both male and female pa?ents should take effec?ve contracep?ve precau?ons during and a?er 6 months of treatment. Male pa?ents should seek advice on conserva?on of sperm prior to treatment as temozolomide treatment may cause infer?lity. Frequently asked ques?ons for Temoside Temozolomide Q. What is temozolomide used for/ what does temozolomide treat/ Is temozolomide chemotherapy/ is temozolomide cytotoxic/ is temozolomide a radiosensi?zer? Temozolomide is an an?-cancer (an?neoplas?c or cytotoxic) chemotherapy drug. It is used to treat specific types of brain tumor. It is a radiosensi?zer. Q. Is temozolomide effec?ve/ does temozolomide work? https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 4/8
6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Temozolomide is effec?ve and works for pa?ents if taken at recommended dosage and dura?on as recommended by the doctor. Q. How is temozolomide given/administered/ metabolized/ how long does temozolomide stay in the body? Temozolomide is given as a capsule and is taken by mouth. It should be administered in the fas?ng state, at least one hour before meal. It is rapidly metabolized at physiologic pH to the ac?ve monomethyl triazenoimidazole carboxamide (MTIC). The half-life (t1/2) in plasma is approximately 1.8 hours. Q. How does temozolomide cross the blood-brain barrier? Temozolomide because of its small size and lipophilic proper?es is able to cross the blood-brain barrier rapidly and is present in the cerebrospinal fluid. Q. Does temozolomide cause hair loss? Hair loss is a side effect of using temozolomide. Always follow doctor’s advice regarding its use. Q. Is temozolomide FDA approved? Temozolomide is a FDA approved drug. From Where I can Buy Temoside 20 mg? AllDayGeneric is a trusted online drugstore from where you can purchase all kinds of generic medicines at highly compe??ve prices. You can buyTemoside 20 mg online and assure maximum benefits. Disclaimer We provide only general informa?on about medica?ons which does not cover all direc?ons, possible drug integra?ons, or precau?ons. Informa?on at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instruc?ons for a par?cular pa?ent should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this informa?on and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the informa?on on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment. Related Products https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 5/8
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6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) OUR SERVICES About Us About Indian Pharmacy Contact Us Terms and Condi?ons OUR SUPPORT Guarantee Cancella?on Policy Refunds & Returns An? Spam Policy MY ACCOUNT My Account My Cart Checkout Login PAGE FAQ https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 7/8
6/18/2018 Buy Temoside 20 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Important disclaimer Please note that not all medica?ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian pharmacy. The medica?ons in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved Interna?onal fulfillment center located in a country other than India. In addi?on to dispensing medica?ons from our Indian pharmacy, medica?on orders are also filled and shipped from interna?onal fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Medica?on orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mauri?us and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdic?ons. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Copyright (C) 2018 alldaygeneric.com (h?ps://alldaygeneric.com). All Rights Reserved. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/temoside-20-mg/ 8/8