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2014 Assessment Results

This report analyzes the 2013 and 2014 assessment results in Florida and Miami-Dade districts, focusing on the impact of changes in high school cut scores on school performance grades. The report also highlights changes in curriculum and scoring rubric, and the overall increase in student achievement.

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2014 Assessment Results

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2014 Assessment Results A-1

  2. 2013 and 2014 FCAT 2.0 Writing

  3. FCAT 2.0 Reading, 2013 to 2014Percent Scoring 3-5

  4. FCAT 2.0 Mathematics, 2013 to 2014Percent Scoring 3-5

  5. Florida, Miami-Dade and Selected DistrictsReading and Mathematics – Percent Scoring 3-5

  6. FCAT 2.0 Science, 2013 to 2014Percent Scoring 3-5

  7. 2013 and 2014 End of Course - Algebra

  8. 2013 and 2014 End of Course - Geometry

  9. 2013 and 2014 End of Course - Biology

  10. 2014 End of Course – US History

  11. Florida, Miami-Dade and Selected Districts2013 and 2014 End-Of-Course Assessments Percent Scoring 3-5

  12. Changes for 2013-14 • Inclusion of 100 points for US History in High Schools; • New Raised Cut Scores in High Schools; • Elementary students who were being instructed  under two curriculums (New Florida Standards/Common Core  and NGSSS); • Additional grade levels  who completed the FCAT on the computer  (Grade 6 Math, Grade 8 Reading)  and • Writing results that used, for the second year in a row,  the new scoring rubric - yet scores were flat

  13. The Bottom Line The changes in the high school cut scores on the accountability system may result in a decline in school performance grades even though students in M-DCPS demonstrated substantial increases in student achievement.

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