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企业经营竟争取胜之道. 杂翁教授 美国佐治亚州立学院大学 (Georgia College & State University) Milledgeville, GA 31061 Atlanta, GA 20 11 年 10 月 30 日. A: The reality of market competition:. The competition is the primary principle of market economy. The trend of international competition – “a global village”.
企业经营竟争取胜之道 杂翁教授 美国佐治亚州立学院大学 (Georgia College & State University) Milledgeville, GA 31061 Atlanta, GA 2011年 10月30日
A: The reality of market competition: • The competition is the primary principle of market economy. • The trend of international competition – “a global village”. • A business must – and has to - survive under intensified competition. • In competition, there always are “winners” and “losers”.
During the history of competition, however, • Someone being winners more of the time – becoming a big one. • Someone being losers more of the time – eliminated eventually. • Why? • In certain degree, we can say: • For winners – they know “how to compete correctly?” • For losers – they competed in a wrong way.
Today, I want to talk about – for a business: • What does it mean – to compete in a right way, and • How to compete in a right way? With some famous business examples.
B: The change in competition environment: • Where the CEO coming from? - The trend in the source of CEO. • How Japanese auto makers winning in the competition? • Competition criteria in modern market place (show the chart)
Functions of Operations Management • Relationship between Operations and Other Functions: Three Primary Functions in Business: Which function is the most important function for a firm to sustain competitiveness in an international market?
Product Design Choices • Auto design: why do Japanese cars cost less to make but sell for more high quality? Partly because of the US auto makers’ costly product design with too much product variation and options. Complexity has too high a price.
Product Design Choices (II) • Where is the Niche? American automakers try to make something for everyone. In their endless proliferation of models, they have painted themselves into a higher-cost corner than their Japanese competitors. Look at the differences between the options and models possible with the Honda Accord and the Ford Thunderbird.
Product Design Choices (III) What are the differences between the two plants with the complexity of production Planning, assembly scheduling, personnel shifting, parts/materials supplying, quality controlling and work measuring?
Alternative Order-Wining Criteria in the Marketplace • 1.Cost leader • 2.Unique feature of products/services • 3.Variety of products/services • 4.High quality • 5.New product introduction leader • 6.Flexibility to Market changes • 7. product customization • 8.Delivery Speed • 9.delivery reliability • 10. ……………………
C: How to compete correctly? (竞争之道) • nTraditional competition criteria (like low price) is no longer the major and only competitive weapon! • -- Ford Company: T-Model Story.
The car that changed the world The 1925 Ford Model T
1. From 1910-1925, through technology development/labor specialization/……, Ford improved the productivity of their Auto-Assembly Line significantly. Their average production cost was reduced from $4,000 to $1,000. Ford was the most Efficient Car-Maker in the world at that time. Ford Motor Company Example
Ford Motor Company Example • 2. In 1930, Ford had to shut down their production line. Ford was still the most Efficient Car-Maker in the world, but they lost the Competitive Advantages in the Marketplace.
Different Products/Industries - Must Compete Differently • Different industries, different markets, different products/services, must compete differently! • Different firms can compete differently in the same markets – with different focus and competitive advantages: • Example: Sugar vs. Cell Phone? • (In Service): Education vs. Phone service • Fast-food: McDonalds vs. Wendy’s • Manufacturing: Apple vs. Dell • Small Business vs. Wal-Mart
A higher quality, 100% fresh beef burger (and associated products) sold to an older (over 25) market on an “as you want it basis”. A uniform, economical, mass produced burger (and associated products) sold to younger market on a standardized basis. Wendy’s McDonald’s Mission & Purpose
Wendy’s Operations McDonald’s Operations
Wendy’s Operations McDonald’s Operations
Different Products/Industries - Must Compete Differently (III) • All of your business function must support your competitive strategy: • Why watch is so cheaper today? (Timex Example) • A firm must change technology before it is too late – (Tire Industry example – S-curve application).
TIMEX –(Its early Success) Not taken seriously at first by U.S. and Swiss watch manufacturers, Timex introduced its line of inexpensive watches in 1950. By 1970, half of the watches sold in the U.S. (and lots of foreign countries) were made by Timex. The success of Timex depended upon a careful matching of production and marketing strategies. The Timex formula through the early years: Mass Production and Mass Marketing.
TIMEX: Mass Production • Single, simple product focus • Simple process technology • Unskilled labor • Economies of Scale • Product durability stressed • High degree of standardization
TIMEX: Mass Marketing • Mass distribution through drug stores • Changed consumer’s views towards watches: No longer a “heirloom”, but functional • T.V. Ads used to reach masses • Now consumer challenged that relationship
小企业与沃尔玛对弈之技巧 • 超大型超级市场沃尔玛的出现, 无疑給天下的小零售商带来了如何生存的挑战. • 一个基本现实点是: 小企业是不可能在低价格上和沃尔玛竞争的. • SO, IF YOU CAN”T KILL WAI-MART TOMORROW, THEN YOU MUST COMPETE WITH IT. • 在沃尔玛和其它大型百货商店、大型折扣店的重重压力之下,当地的小型零售商店改如何生存?
小企业与沃尔玛对弈之技巧 • 从成功的经验看,成功的小型商店经营者都认识到,沃尔玛所代表的大型商店所具备的低成本低价格优势是小商店不能企及的,所以通过低成本竞争不可能战胜沃尔玛,甚至不足于与之提及抗衡。 • 既然如此,从竞争策略上看,采用“差异化竞争”或者超越低成本和差异化竞争的“蓝海策略”才是获胜之道,这也是与沃尔玛对弈的生存、发展之路。 • 小商店的经营策略应是-通过专注好自身的经营,扬长避短,在竞争中存活,最重要的就是,专注于沃尔玛没能提供的产品和服务。具体而言包括: • 1、发展自有品牌, 2、提供特殊的商品 • 3、接受特殊的订单, 4、更加密切的售后服务 • 5、与每一个顾客打好关系, 6. ……
All of your business function must support your competitive strategy: • A firm must change technology before it is too late – (Tire Industry example – S-curve application). • Do you know the development history of auto tires? • --橡胶轮胎必需加固, 从棉线加固, 到尼龙加固, • 到聚乙希加固, 到钢丝加固, …
Technology Improvement S-Curve Return on Technology Investment Early stage Late stage Middle stage Resources Investment in Technology Development
如何利用现代信息科学技术-在市场经营竟争中取胜如何利用现代信息科学技术-在市场经营竟争中取胜 • Eggs from U.S. - 百佳超级市场 -鸡蛋附带的信息就比鸡蛋本身更值钱! • 条形码(barcode)- Star Market story. • 有了必要和及时的信息,百佳超市能够算出其每平方英寸销售面积的”硬子价格”, 从而定出相应的PRICES, 进而打败其所有主要竞争者.
几个有趣的案例 • 1. ZAPPOS -世界上最大网上鞋店的成功之路 • 2. 一个台湾公司-长荣公司的海外发展之路 • 3. “上品折扣”在北京的成功之路 • 4. 德国阿尔迪超市成功的故事
E-Shoe Retailer - Zappos ”Amazon”of Shoe Retail
About Zappos • In 2008, the annual sales of Zappos was $800 million, over ¼ of E-shoe retail market, whose market size is over $3 billions • It is so famous and popular that it is known as “Amazon” in this industry, which is the leader of E-shopping business. • Diversified the products, such sunglasses and purse, etc. • Open the first direct store in Las Vegas in 2007 • Aimed to reach a $1 billion sales in 2010.
Zappo’s Core Value • Deliver WOW Through Service • Embrace and Drive Change • Create Fun and A Little Weirdness • Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded • Pursue Growth and Learning • Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication • Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit • Do More With Less • Be Passionate and Determined • Be Humble
The Founder of Zappos • Founder: 谢嘉华, A Chinese Guy born in Illinois: • Graduated from Harvard University • Major in Computer Technology, and won couple of champions • Starts running a pizza business while in school • Made his first bucket of gold of founding LinkEchange, an internet advertising company • In 1999, Xie first invest 1 million on Swinmurn’s online shoe store, Shoe Site, which is changed name to Zappos soon. (The name Zappos is derived from the Spanish word zapatos, meaning shoes.) • Later, another 10 million investment is added Zappos by Xie, who became the CEO of Zappos in 2000.
Operational Problems • Difficulties at the beginning: • Insufficient Orders • 1/10 of orders are unavailable, either out of stock or delivered wrong shoes • Kept on losing money and faced the threat of bankrupt • Zappos did "almost nothing" in sales for 1999 Xie seek solutions from his business friends and took certain of actions accordingly to solve those key problems to improve the Zappos’s performance.
Solving Image and Delivery Speed issues • To help customers easy shopping: every pair of shoes in inventory of total 58,000 pairs is pictured at 8 different angles, most popular ones – even video taped with models. • To ensure fast delivery, Zappos located its warehouses next to UPS’ airports and make them work 24/7.
Solutions to Customers Confidence and Free Return Policy • Free return • No successful examples before in E-shoe retailing because it’s too easy to buy the wrong shoes. • Need to relief customers’ discomposure as well as minimize the cost. • Xie designed E-mail system for Zappos to automatically reply custpomers’ e-mail of return requests. • Zaoppor paid $100 millions as a shipping cost for all returns and redeliveries.
As A results • Greatly enhanced customers’ satisfaction and loyalty: • Since 2000 to 2007, Zappos’s sales increase dramatically in past 7 years • Grossed over $800 million in merchandise sales in 2007, and is projecting over $1 billion in 2008 • Zappos serve for total customers of 5 million. • 60% of total customers returned customers • Other 25% use word of mouth to bring in new customers to Zappos • $15 million venture capital is invested in.
High Requirements of Employee • Zappos manage professional skills of call in service, and try to create free and easy shopping atmosphere to customers. • Thus, customer representatives are required to perform cleverly and humorously in couple of hours.
Employee Training • Zappos has its own special method to look for those qualified employees. • Professional 4-week training program, make employees aware of company’s strategy, culture, and customer devotion. • After the first week of training program, “deal no deal” time – offer $1000 to ask trainees to quit. About 10% new employees choose to deal. • The idea here is that Zappos take initial cost to instead of long term investment, and try to identify the matching-ness between company value and employees’ individual value.
巴黎长荣桂冠酒店经营10年苦尽甘来 巴黎长荣桂冠副总经理孙志坚 2003年到了法国,经过5年时间摸索,“5年多的经验才稍稍了解法国为何”。 从开幕时期200多位员工比顾客还多的惨澹经营,到2004年净利1.8万欧元,2005年净利109万,之后每年的成长率是4%到5%,再到今天63%以上络绎不绝的欧美顾客,长荣桂冠成功的进入了法国旅馆业。
初期的错误和艰辛 • 成立之初: • 338个房间雇用了200多人,还和台湾一样细分工作时段、工作职场等,光一个保全职务就请了12个人,需要支付高额社会分摊金。 • 八部二会似的庞大组织,让法国员工乐得每天无所事事的领高薪,五个工会每月和资方开会时轮番上阵予取予求。 • 外包也出问题,将清洁工作外包给长期负责巴黎最着名四星级旅馆的清洁公司,不符合自身平价旅馆 身份。
错误原因 • 最主要原因是台湾对欧洲很陌生 • 筹备初期,长荣桂冠在不了解法国的法令规章甚至风土民情,就莽撞投入 • 长荣桂冠最初并不清楚法国的劳资法、税务规定等,加上要从台北看天下,不承认欧洲人无论是在社会、政治、经济、工会等各方面都和台湾有天壤之别 • “投资一个陌生的环境,不是来当地考察三五天就可以胸有成竹的冒险 ” • 要以台湾的管理模式在全世界一以贯之,绝对有铩羽而归的可能 • “要进入他们(法国巴黎酒店)赚钱的游戏规则,人家(其他酒店)知道在这个区块要用甚么方式赚钱 ”
如何解决问题 控制成本: • 坚持与员工工作权的官司,5年下来,200多位员工只剩61人,五个工会中最大的三个工会也式微了。 • 原因:这是一个非常个人主义的国家,人人自扫门前雪」,利用他们的不团结个个击破。“法国给工会太多权利了 ” • 台北总公司的支持做后盾,付出大笔员工离职赔偿金,长痛不如短痛。
如何解决问题 提升经营: • 卖价拉高复盖成本 • 产值高和高附加价值是企业可以在法国成功的关键,,这是和台湾平价实惠的设定理念很不一样的经营概念 • “本土化”也是一个经营上必须有的认知 • 在别人的国家,无论是业务拓展或是人员聘用、管理方式都必须以国际性的方式来处理,才能增强竞争力 • 在法国,「不要和一般人想的一样就可以成功」 • 在10月份旅游旺季时,进行长荣桂冠的改装工程,理由是淡季时更需要旅客