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Welcome to the 2018-19 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series

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Welcome to the 2018-19 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the 2018-19 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series As you enter, please review the Zoom controls below. Leave your audio and video off, unless prompted by a host. You can post any questions in the chat box. Thank you! Click to open the Participants box. This will allow you to give nonverbal feedback. Click to open the Chat box. This will allow you to chat with Hosts and Participants. Please leave your audio muted and video off (both indicated by a red slash).

  2. Welcome to the 2018-19 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series Free and open to the public, this series aims to help faculty teach about the earth in the context of societal issues. The series incorporates InTeGrate principles into teaching practices, provides materials available for adoption, and creates a forum for participants to learn and share teaching strategies. • https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/workshops/webinars/2018_2019/energy_earth_envt/index.html

  3. Integrating Energy, Earth and Environmental Education • David Blockstein • Senior Adviser • Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences • Teresa Sabol Spezio • Visiting Assistant Professor • Environmental Analysis • Pitzer College • Cornelia Colijn • Executive Director, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy • Stuart Weitzman School of Design • University of Pennsylvania

  4. Integrating Energy, Earth and Environmental Education David Blockstein Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Dblockstein@AESSonline.org

  5. Webinar objectives Become aware of Energy, Earth and Environmental Education (E4) Learn how E4 is presented in classroom settings Learn about approaches for certificates and degree programs related to energy systems Develop ideas on how to use these approaches at their own institutions Learn about InTeGrate modules on energy

  6. Energy, Earth and Environmental Education (E4) Integrates the component fields to understand the role of energy in society Connects the physical understanding of the Earth with understanding of the roles of humanity Informs about energy solutions to climate change An emerging meta-discipline

  7. InTeGrate Modules Regulating Carbon Emissions Carbon, Climate, and Energy Resources Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability

  8. Regulating Carbon Emissions https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/carbon_emissions/index.html

  9. Carbon, Climate, and Energy Resources https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/change_inthe_air/index.html

  10. Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/energy_sustain/index.html

  11. National Energy Education Development Project https://www.need.org/

  12. National Energy Foundation https://nef1.org/

  13. National Energy Education Summit http://www.energyeducationsummit.org/

  14. CAMEL Climate Change Education https://camelclimatechange.org/index.html

  15. Energy & Sustainability: A Multi- and Interdisciplinary Structure to Understand Energy Futures Teresa Sabol Spezio Pitzer College

  16. A Multi-disciplinary Classroom • Course: Energy & Sustainability • Introduced basic chemistry information • Introduced basic sustainability metrics • Comparing energy sources to understand energy futures • Taught at large public intuitions and small liberal arts colleges

  17. A Multi-disciplinary Classroom • Opportunities • Knowledge from myriad disciplines • Passion for interdisciplinary thinking • Passion for environmental issues • Focused analysis on a particular issue

  18. A Multi-disciplinary Classroom • Challenges • Limited universal knowledge • Reducing complicated issues to narrow questions • Creating shared foundation for learning

  19. Graduate programs in Energy Management and Policy Cornelia Colijn University of Pennsylvania

  20. Education Graduate Students in Energy (Policy) www.kleinmanenergy.upenn.edu


  22. Example Q We are entering a period of unprecedented uncertainty. Demand for specific types of expertise is rapidly changing. How can professional graduate-level energy and environmental programs ensure that their curriculum keeps pace with employer needs? Should (and can) programs be both proactive and reactive in curriculum design?

  23. Opportunities to Learn More AESS DISCUSSION SYMPOSIUM JUNE 27, 2019, 10:30am FUTURE HEALTH OF GRADUATE EDUCATION IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT - Stanford - CMU - University of Wisconsin-Madison - Penn

  24. https://e4workshop.wordpress.com

  25. E4 workshop topics classroom issues (content, curriculum and pedagogy), advancing diversity, connecting with campus and community practices, secondary education creating and sustaining degree and sub-degree programs

  26. Discussion questions What are your experiences in E4 education? What are the key learning outcomes for E4 at your level of education? What strategies do you use or have you seen others use to achieve these outcomes? What challenges have you experienced or heard about? What strategies are needed to advance E4?

  27. Upcoming Opportunities Thank you for participating in the Spring 2019 webinar series. See you in the fall! Consider your department or course for NAGT’s Traveling Workshops Program Fall workshop application deadline: June 15 Join us at the 2019 AESS Sustainable Futures Conference– June 26-29, Orlando, FL Energy, Earth, and Environmental Education (E4): A Community Building Workshop, June 26 Future Health of Graduate Education in Energy and Environment, June 27 Join us at the 2019 Earth Educators’ Rendezvous – July 15-19, Nashville, TN Become a member of NAGT Webinar evaluation We appreciate your feedback and ideas • https://serc.carleton.edu/219427 InTeGrate Webinar Series Community Discussion • https://serc.carleton.edu/219429

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