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Basic Network Concepts:. 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers. Protocols and the OSI Layers Different protocols work at different levels of the OSI model. Here, we look at a few of the main protocols for this exam, apply them to the OSI model, and see how they
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • Protocols and the OSI Layers • Different protocols work at different levels of the OSI model. Here, we look at a few • of the main protocols for this exam, apply them to the OSI model, and see how they • fit in the OSI model’s seven layers.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • IPX • IPX is an extremely fast, streamlined protocol that is not connection oriented. IPX was once fairly common because of its widespread use on Novell NetWare. IPX is a routable protocol that is located at the network layer of the OSI model. Because it is also an unreliable connectionless transport, IPX also applies to layer 4—thetransport layer. Remember, unreliable means data is sent without acknowledgment of receipt, and connectionless means that a session is not established before transmitting. • IPX is capable of being run over both Ethernet and Token Ring networks using the appropriate network interface card (NIC). For a number of years, IPX over Ethernet was the default use of NICs.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • SPX • Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) is a transport protocol used by IPX for connection-oriented communication. It is responsible for breaking the message into manageable packets and ensuring the data reaches the destination. SPX is the equivalent to TCP but for the IPX/SPX protocol suite. Because SPX runs at the transport layer, it is considered a layer-4 protocol.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • IP: The Internet Protocol (IP) in the TCP/IP protocol suite performs the same routing functions that IPX does for the IPX/SPX protocol suite. IP is responsible for the logical addressing and routing of messages across the network. IP does not ensure the delivery of the packets; that is the responsibility of higher-layer protocols, such as TCP.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • The logical address that IP uses is known as an IP address and looks similar to—which is different from the physical address (MAC address), which looks like 00-02-3F-6B-25-13. The logical address is responsible for identifying the network the system resides on along with an address of the system, whereas a MAC address is very flat and identifies only the physical system on the LAN—not “where” the system resides. IP is fully capable of running over either Token Ring or Ethernet networks, as long as an appropriate NIC is used. IP over Ethernet is the most common implementation in networking today, because Ethernet is much less expensive than Token Ring and because TCP/IP is used widely on the Internet.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • IP is a network-layer protocol and is responsible for logical addressing—as a result, an IP address is referred to as a layer-3 address. • TCP: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a transport-layer protocol that is responsible for breaking the data into manageable packets and ensuring that the packets reach their destination. TCP is considered a connection-oriented protocol, which means that it relies on a session being first established. This is different from a connectionless communication, which just sends the data out and if it reaches the destination, great; if not, no big deal. With connection-oriented protocols, a session is established through introductions. (“Hi, I’m Glen Clarke. Nice to meet you, I am going to send you some data.”) Connection-oriented protocols will monitor that session to ensure that the packets have reached their destination.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • UDP:The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite and is the brother of TCP. When you send data on a TCP/IP network and if you need a connection-oriented conversation, you have learned you would use the TCP protocol. But what protocol do we use if we want to have a connectionless conversation? UDP. Both TCP and UDP are layer-4 protocols. IP is used to deliver both types of data, but TCP and UDP determine whether it is connection oriented or not. • NFS:The Network File System (NFS) is a protocol for file sharing that enables a user to use network disks as though they were connected to the local machine. NFS was created by Sun Microsystems for use on Solaris, Sun’s version of UNIX. NFS is still used frequently in the UNIX and Linux worlds and is available for use with nearly all operating systems. NFS is a protocol that is used universally by the UNIX community. Vendor and third-party software products enable other operating systems to use NFS. It has gained acceptance with many companies and can be added to nearly any operating system. In addition to file sharing, NFS enables you to share printers. NFS is located in the application layer of the OSI model and is considered a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The primary reason to use the NFS protocol is to access resources located on a UNIX server or to share resources with someone working on a UNIX workstation.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • SMB and Novell NCP: Microsoft’s Server Message Block (SMB) and Novell’s NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) are protocols that are implemented in redirectors. A redirector is software that intercepts requests, formats them according to the protocol in use, and passes the message to a lower-level protocol for delivery. Redirectors also intercept incoming messages, process the instructions, and pass them to the correct upper-level application for additional processing. • SMB and NCP are used primarily for file and printer sharing in Microsoft and Novell networks, respectively, and are considered application-layer protocols. • SMTP :The Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) is the protocol that defines the structure of Internet mail messages. SMTP uses a well-defined syntax for transferring messages. • An SMTP session includes initializing the SMTP connection, sending the destination e-mail address, sending the source e-mail address, sending the subject, and sending the body of the e-mail message.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • FTP and TFTP: The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standardized method of transferring files between two machines. FTP is a connection-oriented protocol, which means that the protocol verifies that packets successfully reach their destinations. • The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) has the same purpose and function as FTP, except that it is not a connection-oriented protocol and does not verify that packets reach their destinations. By not verifying that data has been successfully transferred to its destination and therefore requiring less overhead to establish and maintain a connection, TFTP is able to operate faster than FTP. TFTP has no authentication mechanism, whereas FTP can require a username and password. • DECnet: DECnet is a proprietary protocol developed by the Digital Equipment Corporation for use primarily in WANs. You can run DECnet on an Ethernet network, but it is done infrequently. DECnet is a routable protocol.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • DLC: Data Link Control (DLC) is not a common protocol. DLC, a nonroutable protocol, was sometimes used to connect Windows NT servers to printers. • TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, and DECnet are routable protocols; NetBEUI and DLC are not.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.02 Protocols and the OSI Layers • It is important to understand the protocols, services, and applications that we deal with every day and what layer of the OSI model those products may be working with.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • 802 Project Standards: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a large and respected professional organization that is also active in defining standards. The 802 committee of the IEEE defines one set of standards dear to the hearts of most network professionals. Twelve subcommittees of the 802 committee define low-level LAN and WAN access protocols. Most of the protocols defined by the 802 committee reside in the physical and data link layers of the OSI model.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • IEEE 802 Categories: As the use of LANs increased, standards were needed to define consistency and compatibility between vendors. The IEEE began a project in February 1980, known as Project 802 for the year and month it began. IEEE 802 is a set of standards given to the various LAN architectures such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and ArcNet by the LAN standards committee. The goal of the committee was to define more of the OSI’s data link layer, which already contained the LLC and MAC sublayers. Several 802 subcommittee protocols are the heart of PC networking. Although there are a number of 802 project categories, a few of them are focused on for the exam and • therefore will get a little more focus here in this section.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • 802.3: Based on the original Ethernet network from DIX (Digital-Intel-Xerox), 802.3 is the standard for Ethernet networks today. The only difference between 802.3 Ethernet and DIX Ethernet V.2 is the frame type. The two Ethernet networks can use the same physical network, but devices on one standard cannot communicate with devices on the other standard. • Remember that Ethernet is defined by the IEEE 802.3 standard.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • The 802.5 network introduced a unique access method—token passing. The Token Ring IEEE 802.5 standard passes a special frame known as the token around the network. This token is generated by the first computer that comes online on the Token Ring network.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • 802.11: The IEEE 802.11 standard is the standard that addresses wireless networking. • This standard includes the wireless access point (WAP) devices and the wireless • network interface cards (NICs) that are used to send and receive broadcasts from the cell or WAP device. • The WAPs and wireless NICs can be set to use different frequencies to allow for cell overlap. This technology does not include the same technology used by cell phones to manage movement of PCs or mobile devices. The wireless NIC is set to a specific frequency and must be changed manually to be able to communicate with another cell. This means that a PC cannot be moved from one cell area to another without changing frequency, unless for some reason the cells operate on the same frequency and have no overlap of coverage area. • There are a few wireless standards that were developed in the IEEE 802.11 category, and those are listed as follows:
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • 802.11a Supports speeds of 54 Mbps at frequencies ranging from 5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz. 802.11a wireless components are not compatible with 802.11b devices. • 802.11b Supports speeds of 11 Mbps at frequency ranges of 2.400 GHz to 2.4835 GHz. 802.11b wireless components are compatible with 802.11g devices, which use an enhancement of the 802.11b standard.
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards • 802.11g Supports speeds of 54 Mbps at the same frequency range as 802.11b, which allows devices from the two standards to coexist. For example, I have an 802.11b wireless access point, but I am connected to it with my 802.11g wireless network card. I am getting only the 11 Mbps transfer rate because it is the lowest common denominator between the two standards. • 802.11n Is a new wireless project that runs at 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz and is backward compatible with 802.11a/b/g standards. The goal of 802.11n is to increase the bandwidth and the range. 802.11n has data transfer rates of over 100 Mbps!
Basic Network Concepts: 2.03 802 Project Standards
Basic Network Concepts: Certification Summary • In this chapter, you have learned about some of the more popular network protocols, such as NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP. You have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of these protocols, which ones are routable, and which ones are nonroutable. • You also have learned that in order for all of the different manufacturers of networking components to build technologies that will work together, there had to be some standards defined. There are two major standards that manufacturers follow: • the 802 project models and the OSI model. In this chapter, you looked at each layer of the OSI model and what functions they perform. An easy way to remember the layers (application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and physical) • is with the sentence, “All People Seem To Need Data Processing.”
Basic Network Concepts: Certification Summary Two-Minute Drill • Network Protocols: Packets and protocols are the fundamental building blocks of data transmission over the network. • Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) is the protocol most commonly used with older versions of Novell NetWare. • IPX/SPX is the fastest routable network protocol suite available. • The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the most common protocol used today. TCP/IP, a routable protocol, is the protocol on which the Internet is built. • The NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI) is a transport protocol commonly found in smaller peer-to-peer networks. • NetBEUI is a nonroutable protocol. • AppleTalk is a routable protocol used in Macintosh environments. The OSI Model • The Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model is a seven-layer model that
Basic Network Concepts: Certification Summary • defines the function of network protocols and devices. • The seven layers of the OSI model, from highest to lowest, are application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and physical. • SMTP, HTTP, Telnet, and FTP are all examples of application-layer (layer 7) protocols. • Compression and encryption are examples of functions that can be performed at the presentation layer (layer 6). • The session layer (layer 5) is responsible for the creation of sessions and the management of those sessions. • The transport layer (layer 4) is responsible for the reliability of the transmission, including breaking the data down into manageable packets and sizes using acknowledgments and packet sequence numbers to ensure that data arrives at the destination and is pieced together in the correct order. Examples of layer-4 protocols are TCP, UDP, and SPX. • Layer 3, known as the network layer, performs logical addressing and delivery functions. Examples of layer-3 protocols are IP and IPX.
Basic Network Concepts: Certification Summary • The data link layer, layer 2, is responsible for physical addressing and converting the packets to electrical signals. Any device that works with MAC addresses runs at this layer. • The first layer of the OSI model, located at the bottom, is known as the physical layer and is responsible for carrying the signal. Your network media and architectures are defined at this level. • An IP address is known as a layer-3 address and looks similar to • A MAC address is known as a layer-2 address and looks similar to 00-02-3F-6B-25-13. • A port address is known as a layer-4 address and looks similar to 80 (web server port). 802 Project Standards • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has created • Project groups that define networking standards. • 802.3 is the Ethernet (CSMA/CD) standard. • 802.5 defines the Token Ring standard. • 802.11 defines the wireless standard.