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Belgi an cousine !. In this presentation we want to show you some information about our tipical dishes. Belgian food.
Belgiancousine! In thispresentation we want to show yousomeinformationaboutourtipicaldishes.
Belgianfood Belgium has been called a nation of gourmands a country, in other words, where "big cuisine" comes before "fine cuisine". It has been said that Belgium serves food of French quality in German quantities.
Belgiansnacks What do we usually gorge on when you meet your friends?
Ourdelicious chips We have many kinds of potatoes and that’sthesecret of our chips. Potatoeshave to be cut out thinpieces. We fryitonly one time in one portion of oil. We eatitwithsourcream.
Waterzooi Waterzooiisour popular soup. We preapareitwithchickenorfish. Insidethe soup arepotatoes, celery, fish, salt, pepperand parsley. Addyouought to addsourcream.
Waffles Therearen`tproblemswithfindingwafflesinour country. Crisp on the outside, soft and wet in the middle . Thebestarewaffleswithcastorsugar, fruits and whippedcream .
Belgianchocolate We havethe most famouschocolateintheworld. We’vespecialmuseum of chocolateintheBruges. Peoplearoundtheworldloveit. We areproud of it.
Traditionalchristmasmeals. On the eveof Christmas a special meal is prepared in the households, which the Belgian families enjoy together. The lavish meal begins with a drink and nibbles, after that is main dish made with sea-food and usually it's stuffed turkey.
Christmasdessert The dessert is basically a chocolate Christmas log, made of sponge roll, and cream. It is called 'Kerststronk‘ Chocolate butter cream is used to cover the outside of the dessert and it is prepared in a way Special cakes are also baked, for serving as treats during the holiday season.
Carbonadeflamande Usually on sundays my mum prepares traditional Belgian dish called carbonadeflamande. It's a sweet-sour beef and onion stew made with beer and seasoned with thyme and bay but you can add you ingredients like mushrooms. It's often accompanied by french fries or boiled potatoes. It's quite easy to prepare but you ought to put your heart into cooking to prepare delicious meal. All my family love it because of its peculiar taste and feeling of fullness after eating.