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2010 Survey of California Home Buyers. Percent of First-Time Home Buyers. Q. Was this your first home purchase?. Share of Distressed Sales. Q. Was the home you bought a regular market sale, an REO/ bank-owned property, a short sale, or other?. Share of Distressed Sales (All Buyers).
Percent of First-Time Home Buyers Q. Was this your first home purchase?
Share of Distressed Sales Q. Was the home you bought a regular market sale, an REO/ bank-owned property, a short sale, or other?
Share of Distressed Sales(All Buyers) Q. Was the home you bought a regular market sale, an REO/ bank-owned property, a short sale, or other?
Share of Distressed Sales Q. Was the home you bought a regular market sale, an REO/ bank-owned property, a short sale, or other?
Home Buyer Tax Credit Influenced Buying Decision Q. Was the Federal Home Buyer Tax Credit an influencing factor in your home buying decision?
Primary Reason For Buying Your Home Q. What was the primary reason for buying your home?
Primary Reason For Buying Your Home(All Buyers) Q. What was the primary reason for buying your home?
Primary Reason For Buying Your Home(First-Time Buyers) Q. What was the primary reason for buying your home?
Primary Reason For Buying Your Home(Repeat Buyers) Q. What was the primary reason for buying your home?
Became Aware of Home Purchased Through Agent Q. Did you become aware of the home you purchased through a real estate agent?
How Home Buyers Became Aware of the Home(Home Buyers Who Found the Home on Their Own)
Direction of Home Prices in Neighborhood 2010 Q. Do you think home prices in your neighborhood will go up, down, or stay flat in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
Direction of Home Prices in Neighborhood 2009 Q. Do you think home prices in your neighborhood will go up, down, or stay flat in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
Direction of Home Prices in Neighborhood 2010 Q. Do you think home prices in your neighborhood will go up, down, or stay flat in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
Direction of Home Prices in Neighborhood 2009 Q. Do you think home prices in your neighborhood will go up, down, or stay flat in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
Time Planned to Stay at Current Home Before Selling It(All Buyers) Mean = 56.6 months; Median = 60 months Q. How many months do you plan to stay at your current home before selling it?
Down Payment As a Percent of Home Price(2010 vs. 2009) 2009 Mean = 25.1% 2010 Mean = 30.9% Q. How much did you put down as your down payment for the home purchased (in percent of the home value)?
Down Payment As a Percent of Home Price Q. How much did you put down as your down payment for the home purchased?
Financing Options • Q. Did you finance your home purchase through: • A fixed-rate mortgage • An Adjustable-rate mortgage • Relative • No financing
Financing Options • Q. Did you finance your home purchase through: • A fixed-rate mortgage • An Adjustable-rate mortgage • Relative • No financing
Buyers Who Know the Terms of Their Loan Q. Do you know the term of your loan?
Level of Difficulty to Obtain Financing(All Buyers) 2009: Mean = 8.1 Median = 9 2010: Mean = 8.5, Median = 9 Scale: “1” = very easy, “10” = very difficult Q. Please rate how easy of difficult it was to obtain financing on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very easy and 10 being very difficult.
Level of Difficulty to Obtain Financing Mean Q. Please rate how easy of difficult it was to obtain financing on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very easy and 10 being very difficult.
Internet Buyers vs. Traditional BuyersPercentage of All Home Buyers Surveyed Q. Did you use the Internet as an important part of your home-buying and selection process?
Home Buyers Who Looked at Newspaper/Magazine Ads to Search for a Home Q. Did you look at newspaper/magazine ads to search for a home?
Top Internet Sites Visited Q. What Internet Sites did you visit as part of your home buying process?
Internet Sites Visited as Part of Home Buying Process Q. What Internet Sites did you visit as part of your home buying process?
Internet Sites Visited as Part of Home Buying Process Q. What Internet Sites did you visit as part of your home buying process?
First “Web Site” Visited During the Home Buying Process Q. What was the first Web site that you visited during your home buying process?
First “Real Estate” Web Site Visited During the Home Buying Process Q. What was the first “real estate “ Web site that you visited during your home buying process?
Most Useful Web Site Visited During the Home Buying Process Q. What was the most useful Web site that you visited during your home buying process?
Activities the Internet Was Used for As Part of Home Buying Process Q. For which of the following did you use the Internet as part of your home buying process?
Activities the Internet Was Used for As Part of Home Buying Process Q. For which of the following did you use the Internet as part of your home buying process?
Importance of Online Features for Home Buyers in the Home Viewing Process(Percent “Very Important” or “Extremely Important”) Q. Please rate the online features by the level of importance they were to you in your home viewing process.
How Did You Find Your Real Estate Agent?Unaided Multiple Responses
Most Important Reason for Selecting AgentAmong Those Who Interviewed More Than One Real Estate Agent Multiple Unaided Responses Q. What was the single most important reason for selecting the agent that you used in your recent home purchase?
Most Important Reason for Selecting AgentAmong Those Who Interviewed More Than One Real Estate Agent Multiple Unaided Responses Q. What was the single most important reason for selecting the agent that you used in your recent home purchase?
Importance of Agent’s Response Time in the Selection Process Q. How important was the agent’s response time in the decision on your final selection?
Importance of Agent’s Response Time in the Selection Process Q. How important was the agent’s response time in the decision on your final selection?
Percent of Home Buyers Who “Google” Agent Before Final Selection Q. Did you “Google” your agent to find out information about him/her before the final selection?
Weeks Considered Buying a Home Before Contacting Agent Q. How many weeks did you consider buying a home before contacting a real estate agent?
Weeks Spent Investigating Before Contacting Agent Q. How many weeks did you spend investigating homes and neighborhoods before contacting a real estate agent?
Weeks Spent Looking for Home With Agent Q. Once you found your agent, about how many weeks did you spend looking for a home with your real estate agent?
Number of Homes Previewed with Agent Q. About how many different homes did you preview and visit with him or her prior to your purchase?
Agent’s Online Presence • Q. Did your real estate agent:: • Update you on your home closing by email? • Use electronic or online forms in the transaction? • “Blog” on the Internet? • Use social networking sites such as "My Space", "Facebook", "Linkedin", or "Twitter", to communicate with you?
How Often Agent Communicates with Buyer(Every “X” Number of Days) Q. About how often did you receive communications from your real estate agent?