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avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!

avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!<br>avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!<br>avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!<br>avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!<br>avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!<br>

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avocado smoothie for breakfast or a healthy snack!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Intro: Pear, Avocado and Rocket Green Smoothie Green smoothies are a great way to start your day! This pear, avocado and rocket smoothie is so tasty and filling. I first got into the green smoothie craze quite a few years ago when I discovered Victoria Boutenko and her book Green for Life. It's a wonderful book and I discovered that eating greens in your smoothie was a great way to get extra nourishment into your diet. Honestly, at first I thought it was a disgusting idea! I mean - a GREEN smoothie! I had never had anything like that before. But, the first time I tried it, I couldn't really taste the greens at all (the idea is 60% fruit and 40% greens) as the bananas masked the taste of the greens very well, and I had so much energy that I went for a massive bicycle ride around where I lived. And I don't even like riding! I also felt clearer and more focused. You could have this smoothie for breakfast, or it's also great as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. The rocket tastes great with the pear in this smoothie, but if you don't like rocket, then try spinach for a more neutral flavour. Some people don't like bananas (shock horror!), so if you don't like them, you can add extra avocado and it'll still be creamy and won't separate. Smoothies are so versatile - you can add so many different things to suit your tastes! Try berries, kiwi, apple, and different greens - mix it up as much as you want! If you want an extra boost of nutrients in your smoothie, then try using coconut water, instead of water. This will give your smoothie a great taste coconut water also and aids digestion and hydration. If you like the look of this smoothie, then you'll love our recently released FREE eBook - 7 ways to Kickstart your Day. Subscribe to our email list to receive this awesome book in your inbox! Step 1: Ingredients You will need: 2 Bananas 1 large Pear 1 small Avocado 1 cup of Rocket 2 cups of Filtered Water

  2. Step 2: Mix it up!! Put all ingredients into a high powered blender and blend until well incorporated

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