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Blackjack Dealer

Blackjack Dealer. By: Emily Tracy P. 4-5. Blackjack is also known as “Twenty-One.” The point of the game is to get your cards to add up to 21. (Duh.)

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Blackjack Dealer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blackjack Dealer By: Emily Tracy P. 4-5

  2. Blackjack is also known as “Twenty-One.” • The point of the game is to get your cards to add up to 21. (Duh.) • Blackjack dealers don’t get paid a lot, but if you work at an interesting location, you can probably see some cool people. Tips are usually given also, but all places vary.

  3. It’s played with a deck of 52 cards. • It’s your turn, now here are your options: “Hit" (take a card), “Split" (if the two cards have the same value, separate them & make two hands), “Stand" (end your turn), “Double“ (double wager, take a single card & finish), or “Surrender” (give up a half-bet & quit the game.)

  4. Math /*+-. • To become a blackjack dealer, you have to take a small, “prescreen,” math test. You have to be able to add small numbers together very quickly.

  5. Sources ( : • http://www.bjmath.com/bjmath/feature.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackjack

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