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  1. 媒體對用藥安全的知識、態度及行為之影響 • 近年來由於有許多醫療不良事件的報告被公佈,病人安全已成為一個重要的健康議題,而國內研究指出有63.9%的民眾是經由媒體獲取到病人安全的相關資訊,然卻鮮少有研究去探討媒體對病人安全的影響。由於病人安全範圍過大且2005年有研究指出有88.4%的民眾未聽過病人安全,故將研究主體縮至成媒體報導量最多且為民眾最為熟悉之「用藥安全」。本研究之主要研究目的:一、探討國內用藥安全訊息的主要傳播管道,二、探討媒體來源種類與媒體報導取向對用藥安全的知識、態度及行為之影響,三、探討媒體來源種類與媒體報導取向對用藥安全媒體資訊感受之影響,四、分析報紙在報導用藥安全時所呈現的報導取向。本研究設計與結果分為內容分析法與問卷調查法,分述如下:在內容分析法中,本研究採用普查的方式調查2006年度的自由電子報與蘋果日報,以用藥安全等關鍵字共篩選出155篇報導,並針對此155篇報導之內容進行分析。由內容分析法結果可知:主要呈現的報導取向為負面報導(49%),正面報導(19%)佔居第二,其餘則為混合報導(17%)與中性報導(15%)。在行動呼籲方面,媒體有提供閱聽眾如何去做的方法或觀念的佔46%,未提供行動呼籲的訊息報導則佔54%。在問卷調查法中,本研究因探討報導取向的傳播效益,故設計兩種版本的問卷(正向、負向報導),並隨機將問卷分發給449名里長,問卷回收率為54.12%,主要研究結果如下:1.受訪者獲得用藥安全資訊的主要來源為:大眾傳播媒體(53.9%),其次則為醫院/診所(43.2%),而最主要的媒體傳播管道為:電視(55.6%),其次報紙(26.7%)。2.不同的媒體報導取向對受訪者之用藥安全的態度及行為則有顯著之影響。3.不同的媒體來源種類會影響受訪者對用藥安全資訊之信任度與遵從性。4.不同的媒體報導取向會影響受訪者對用藥安全媒體資訊與醫療環境的信任度。5.年齡對用藥安全的態度有顯著影響,教育程度對用藥安全的知識有顯著影響。6.領藥頻率對用藥安全的知識與行為有顯著影響。根據上述研究結果,提出以下建議:1.衛生機關、醫療院所與媒體形成健康資訊傳遞的金三角,以電視或報紙進行用藥安全資訊傳播,在用藥安全資訊的設計上,則建議可採混合報導取向並增加行動呼籲。2.在宣導用藥安全時,應多加關切年長者、教育程度較低、領藥頻率較密集之民眾。3.後續研究者宜針對本議題進行更深入的探討及全國性的研究。

  2. The Effects of Mass Media on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Medication Safety • Patient safety has become an important public health concern due to the reporting on the medical adverse event. A study in Taiwan in 2005 pointed out that 63.9% of the national population receiving the information regarding patient safety through the mass media. However, very few studies addressed the impact of mass media on general awareness of medication safety. Another study in 2005 revealed that 88.4% of the population in Taiwan had never heard of patient safety. Therefore, this research focuses on medication safety, the most well-known topic among all the adverse events.The aims of this study includes, 1) to find out the main media channels broadcasting medication safety in Taiwan; 2) to investigate the impacts of various types of media and their orientation on the knowledge, attitude and practice of medication safety of the audiences; 3) to survey the influence of various types of media and their orientation on audience’s perceiving toward the information provided; 4) to analyze the orientation of media orientation appeared on newspapers regarding medication safety.This study was performed by using content analytic method and questionnaire. In the first part, we searched The Liberty Times and Apple Daily in 2006 using the keyword by “medication safety”. A total of 155 reports were found. Content analysis revealed that in majority (49%) media took mainly negative approach, followed by positive approach (19%), mixed reporting (17%) and neutral reporting (15%). In terms of advocating for action taking 46% of the reports offered the audience the methods or ideas on what to do while the other 54% did not.This research intended to study the communication effects of media’s orientation; the questionnaire was designed as two different versions (positive and negative reporting orientation). The subjects of this study were 449 heads of subdivision of districts in Taipei. Questionnaires were mailed in March 2007. A total of 243 questionnaires were returned (54.12%). The main findings were as follows:1.The main sources that interviewees obtained medication safety information were mass media (53.9%), followed by hospital / clinic (43.2%). The major mass media communication channels were TV (55.6%) and newspapers (26.7%).2.Different reporting orientations also had significant influence on interviewees’ attitude and practice for medication safety.3.Respondents had different levels of trust and compliance toward the medication safety information in different types of media.4.Different reporting orientations influenced interviewee''s trust on the medication safety information as well as the medical environment.5.The attitude toward medication safety significantly varied by age while the knowledge of medication safety showed significant difference by education level. 6.The frequency of taking medication significantly influenced the knowledge and practice of medication safety.According to our findings, three suggestions are concluded. Firstly, the authorities of health care, medical institutes and media can team up for health information delivery, and broadcast medication safety information via TV or newspapers. Regarding the design of medication safety information, it is suggested that adopting mixed reporting orientation would enhance appeal for action-taking. Secondly, while advocating medication safety, medical institutes should pay extra care to the elder, those who with lower education level, and patients with higher frequency of taking medication. Finally, further studies can approach to focus on a national-wide research on the issue.

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