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Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed. Choosing activities for Core Learning in Mystery of God in P1. Primary 1 pupils are exploring the world through their five senses. It is important to engage
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Mystery of God in P1 Primary 1 pupils are exploring the world through their five senses. It is important to engage as many sensory channels as possible. When talking of the gift of creation – smooth pebbles; shells, robust green plants that can be touched and elicit experiences they may have of pets, Animals, fish or nature. Video clips of wildlife can be helpful –penguins or birds, bears etc Choose what is age appropriate. No hunting animals! Emphasise God’s joy: giraffes, Hippos etc. • A fun homework task is to ask pupils to choose a creature – talk about it at home – perhaps • bring in a picture or a drawing and then describe the creature to a partner. Pupils could make • a praise psalm to share in a circle – perhaps ten at a time. I praise you for the giraffe • who is so tall. Links to art activities. Laminated pictures of animals are useful props as well • As links to Maths. Counting etc. • Chant the Psalms 148 and 150. Encourage the pupils to repeat the teacher’s joyful rendition • of a line with actions and non-pitched instruments. Very biblical and in the tradition of the • Boy shepherd David who wrote many of the Psalms. • Look for opportunities to consider the gift of the seasons, the weather, and the life of • animals and people, including themselves as a sign of God’s love for them. Cross curricular • activities including the Outdoor Classroom can be encouraged as occasions to praise God the • Creator.
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Image of God in P1 Primary 1 children are gradually becoming self aware emotionally, physically and intellectually. Part of this discovery and unfolding sense of self is achieved by recognising both similarities and differences between them and their peers. Along with this is the natural development of categorising or sorting into boy and girl, fair, red or dark-haired; or have preferences of food, colour or play. In all of these differences they should hear that they are all equal and loved in God’s eyes. • In listening to the call of David, attention should be given to v7 where God sees the goodness • in David’s heart. So too he call each person, big and small, young and old , to follow him. • a banner display stating man sees the outside but God sees the heart – wax relief scribble • rainbows with a watercolour wash could make a good early display. Drawings of hearts and • have a o writing saying God sees my heart. This activity could be linked o prayer of the heart. • Pupils reflect on God-given talents of people who help them – family, community and priests – • A visit from a priest and a discussion on how he teaches and heals God’s people through the • Care and sacraments of the Parish makes good links to Son of God, Signs of God, Hours of • God and Reign of God. • The teaching of liturgical gestures such as kneeling, processing, blessing their heads, lips and • Lips to greet the Gospel and blessing woth Holy water should begin and continue throughout • the year. Links to HWB and communicating gestures as well as words and also an awareness • That our bodies are a gift from God and we can worship God through our 5 senses.
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Revealed Truth of God in P1 • Much of this strand in Primary 1 makes clear links to Mystery of God and Image of God. • As in the psalms, the beauty of God as Creator is known through the Creation, which is a gift • of God to us. Try to plan actual experiences: outdoors, butterflies, growing seeds, with an • element of responsibility for watering, turning to the light of plants: links to later ideas of • Stewardship of Creation and Eco activities within school. • The loving protection of God for each one of us – His Providence – is expressed in relationship • with others and there should be repeated opportunities to reflect with gratitude on this. • This should be expressed through prayer routines of Thanksgiving and art responses. • Thank you cards to God, family etc. Awakening disposition of thanksgiving and gently • Guiding pupils away from self-centredness which is a natural dimension of this • developmental stage • The Sign of the Cross is one of the first prayers taught in P1. It should be done slowly • as a meditation: In the name of the Father (the Creator of heaven and earth, and • all living things, plants and animals, and people. And of the Son ( Son of God and Son of Mary, • Jesus who loves me) ; And of the Holy Spirit ( who guides, helps and comforts me) • Amen. (this is true: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit love and cherish me) • Display of a picture of the Baptism in the Jordan, where we first learn of Jesus as the • Beloved Son of God, anointed by the Holy Spirit – makes links to Baptism in Signs of God.
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Son of God in P1 In P1, learning about Jesus as Son of God and Son of Mary (The Incarnation ) is gives experiences of full participation in the Advent season – largely through the Nativity play. The Christmas narratives of Luke and Matthew’s gospels introduce the figures of the Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Wise Men/Magi, Shepherds and Angels. The P1 children develop an understanding of the setting in which the Christmas narrative takes place including the fact of a difficult journey to Bethlehem; Mary and Joseph seeking for shelter; Jesus being born in a lowly stable; and the star being the sign of the birth of a special person. P1 children hear that Jesus died and was buried in a tomb but overall as they are at a sensitive and impressionable age, the major focus is upon the joy of the resurrection. Stations of the Cross as a meditation and devotion are not included until Primary 5-7. The account of Jesus’ resurrection from Mark’s Gospel retells how the women are going to the tomb to anoint Jesus and that the risen Jesus is with us always. Primary 1 pupils reflect on the joy and wonder that Jesus’ friends felt when they discovered he was risen. This same joy is with us when we gather in the presence of Jesus at Mass.
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Signs of God in P1 Primary 1 pupils are beginning to explore what it means to be part of a community, principally through the communities of family and home, but including links with the parish through the chaplain and parish priest. Pupils in Primary 1 will recognise in the domestic Church of the family and through the experience of a praying community in class, assembly or Church, they are part of one family and part of the family of the Church. Through prayers for their school patron and hearing about the name and story of the school’s patron, pupils will realise that patron saints watch over and protect the school community. The same is true for their parish(es) Efforts should be made to introduce and frequently name the priest(s) in the local Parishes - as well as picture displayed in the classroom should support confidence and Understanding of the role of the priest in the faith community. .
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Word of God in P3 Primary 1 pupils will know that God’s holy book is called the Bible and will behave reverently towards it. Images from key vocabulary will support this.. Old Testament readings in P1 are an account of the creation; the flood; the birth of Moses; And the crossing of the Red Sea. New Testament readings are an event – the widow’s mite; a parable of the Good Samaritan And 4 miracle stories which show that Jesus is the Lord of Creation: The cure of the sick man at the pool of Bethsaida, the healing of the ten lepers; The wedding feast of Cana; and Jesus walking on water. Visual images from key vocabulary as well as props and actions from traditional storytelling Using repetition, anthems, and props should encourage retelling and enjoyment through active learning. Reverence for Sacred Scripture, identifying where it is placed in Church and in school and understanding that it is the inspired Word of God. Proclaiming scripture – even a verse or two should become increasingly confident.
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Hours of God in P1 Taking time to listen to God should be encouraged, even in Primary 1. 30 seconds of prayer in the heart should be gradually increased to 4 and a half or 5 minutes in 30 second stages. A visual image could help to focus and build stamina for silent prayer. Repetition is the mother of memory – joyful repetition with a meaningful context should aid memory Children should be encouraged to pray through liturgical gesture, words and song \prayer starters like – The Lord be with you should be encouragedand simple Mass responses Added to classroom prayer routines. The Hail Mary and small devotional acts to Mary the Mother of God should be encouraged. Images of a variety of genres – old Christmas cards are very useful – should Encourage familiarity and small personal prayers to Our Lady, Our Mother and Mother of the Church Learning in Mystery of God and the 7 days of Creation should make the Day of Rest or the Lord’s Day as a time to attend Mass. Later links made to Easter and the risen Jesus from Son of God should be made as term progresses. Primary 1 pupils shouldengage in class school and parish liturgies. A sense of being valued for their contribution is key to later confidence and enthusiasm. Opportunities to engage prayerfully with Advent and simple Lenten activities are also to be encouraged. Para- liturgical processions and prayer intentions are positive.
Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed Choosing activities for Core Learning in Reign of God in P1 Decorating the sacred space or altar with flowers is suitable in October, Advent and May. Procession can be rehearsed at this time too. Key vocabulary , statues and prayer cards will all achieve an awareness of the various icons without too much effort. Teaching through the environment and display. Christmas cards are also useful for this. Emphasis on saying Yes to God as Mary did. Core learning on Mass will gradually increase awareness of the Liturgy of the Word, and Liturgy of the Eucharist as well as the Penitential rite and the Sign of Peace. Visits to Church , processions, knowledge of vestments, penitential services helping prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation should be arranged. Pupils should recognise different genres of crosses and crucifixes as a symbol of Jesus’ love for his people.