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Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development. Breakout session – Group 4 . TM/WS Infrastructure Development 9-12 February 2010. Group: 4 HR Development 1. EXPERIENCES. Nuclear energy strategy in place including plan for human resources development Programme for nuclear specialist education

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Human Resources Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Human Resources Development Breakout session – Group 4 TM/WS Infrastructure Development 9-12 February 2010

  2. Group: 4 HR Development1. EXPERIENCES Nuclear energy strategy in place including plan for human resources development Programme for nuclear specialist education Cooperation with IAEA, bilateral agreements national project for nuclear knowledge management (Ukraine) Training abroad Foreign experts invited TM/WS – Breakout session 9-12 February 2010

  3. Group: 4 HR Development2. LESSONS LEARNED Experienced operators can be transferred to regulatory body Promotion of jobs in nuclear field Comparable salaries of inspectors and operators Own national training centre and programme (especially for regulators) Benchmark of foreign human resources structures to indentify own needs 3 TM/WS – Breakout session 9-12 February 2010

  4. Group: 4 HR Development3. DIFFICULTIES/CHALLENGES Knowledge recovery/preservation Long breaks in commissioning and operation Language barrier Lack of qualified teachers and trainers Technology and knowledge transfer Keeping qualified/experienced staff 4 TM/WS – Breakout session 9-12 February 2010

  5. Group: 4 HR Development4.RECOMMENDATIONS Need for strong government commitment Secure financial sources for HR development Obligate vendors to train staff Long term contracts with personnel Exclusion periods for ex-regulators 5 TM/WS – Breakout session 9-12 February 2010

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