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Stop Hoscar Solar Farm

Stop Hoscar Solar Farm. Finding the planning application. Visit: www.StopHoscarSolarFarm.com Follow the link to the planning page of the WLBC website. 2014/0791/FUL. 90 Acre area, equivalent to 51 football pitches. What impact would a Solar Farm have?. Loss of agricultural land

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Stop Hoscar Solar Farm

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stop Hoscar Solar Farm

  2. Finding the planning application • Visit: www.StopHoscarSolarFarm.com • Follow the link to the planning page of the WLBC website

  3. 2014/0791/FUL

  4. 90 Acre area, equivalent to 51 football pitches

  5. What impact would a Solar Farm have? • Loss of agricultural land • Development of greenbelt land • Industrialisation of rural landscape • Potential damage to important habitats • Potential negative effect on property values • Negative visual impact

  6. Impact on views

  7. Impact on views

  8. Impact on views

  9. Other concerns • Change of land status – Could lead to further industrial development • Could open the door to further solar farms in the area

  10. Opposing the development

  11. Action already taken • Parish Council involvement • Website , posters and petition by residents action group • Some written objections lodged with WLBC

  12. What to do next • Sign the petition • This will be submitted to the WLBC planning department. The internet petition is easy to share via email and social media • Write a planning objection • Most effective way to object • Offers a chance to argue our case

  13. What to write • For ideas on point to include in your objection, see the ‘How to oppose the plans’ page on the website • Send your objections to : plan.apps@westlancs.gov.uk. • Objections must be received by the 26th August!

  14. How else can you help • Ideas for campaigns • Ideas for objections • Suggestions for interested groups

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