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Explore the world of music technology with practical applications in computer software and hardware. Discover the main types of microcomputers, power supply functions, and file management. Learn how to utilize Finale for music notation and access MIDI files for your projects. Enhance your music development skills through digital tools and resources.
Computer Applications In Music Class 4-5 Frank Markovich Fall 2005 Revision A August 27, 2005
Reminder • Your computer interview is due on Monday the 19th. • Look at the following website : http://music.northwestern.edu/links/projects/midi/expmidiindex.html • We will do some of this in class this week. • We will start today with a brief review. • Give me your 6 disks today!
What are the Main Types of Microcomputers? There are two main types of microcomputers in use today. These are the IBM models and compatibles and the Apple models. There are a number of others including the Commodore Amiga and the NeXT computer manufactured by Steve Jobs who started Apple. However these only serve very specialized niches in the market. What does the Power Supply do? The power supply takes the 110 volt alternating current (AC) from the wall outlet and converts it into several direct current (DC) voltages for use by various computer components. The power supply is REGULATED and FILTERED to supply very stable currents. Despite this computers should be plugged into a SURGE SUPPRESSOR which eliminates any major power fluctuations from the wall outlet.
Organization • There are a few items that I should be noted: • Organization and process on the computer can help and will often be required. • Really decide on how you will save your data and where you will save it. • Hierarchical structure best for most people. • Do constant backups – • To CD or DVD • To a hard drive • To tape • To a large storage site (Gmail is a good one to use 2Gig). • Next assignment covers file management (refer to page 29-35 in text).
Go to: http://music.northwestern.edu/links/projects/midi/expmidiindex.html
Start up Finale In the Help choose “How to use the manual”
After reading how to use the manual go to help and read Chapters 1-3 • in the manual. • Do a paper for assignment 6 on how you will use Finale or a notation • program in your music development. • Answer the following questions: • Why use the computer to notate? • What advantages does the computer have in doing notation? • What could be future uses for the computer in notation? • How will you use the computer and notation? • What roadblocks do you see to learning how to notate on the computer? • This should be turned in by Oct 17, 2004
2) Which website that have lots of MIDI files to download? How to put a MIDI on my web page? What is the difference between MIDI and MP3? Let’s start by answering these questions: MP3 files are audio files that have been compressed. The compression takes the audio files and makes them smaller with some minor loss of information. Digital data (16 bits) is in the original Wave file. This is at 44KHz with 16 bits. That data would normally be run through a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) and converted into an analog signal to drive the speakers. With MP3 the data is compressed and on playback it uncompressed but is still handled in a similar matter. A 3 minute MP3 would have about 4Meg of information. MIDI files are computer files that are MIDI data. No music until it goes through a MIDI instrument and the digital data is then read to control the instrument and make the music. A 3 minute MIDI file would have about 1K of data. Much smaller and easier to handle.
First Finale Assignment • Watch the Finale Tutorial. • Read in text 331-356. • Will enter in step first. • Make sure that you ask instructor questions about areas that you don’t understand. • Enter Happy Birthday as on the next page. • Send me the file by Oct 18, 2004.
We will watch the Video training • We will watch the first part of the video training in class. • Best if we watch and then try what we see on the tutorial.
MIDI Folder Hands On Midi Library - H MIDI Files on the Net - Self Sequenced Music Under 75 Years Old Midi Music Page Music Software GUITAR (Shareware Music Machine) Music Software NOTATION (Shareware Music Machine) SyntheSysResearch The Finale Forum - For users of Coda Music's Finale The Midi Express - Hundreds of TV and movie midi themes WAVPLANET.COM- Television
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Use a search engine • Use a search engine to explore the web. • Find at least 4 new sites with MIDI files. Look particularly for styles that you are interested in. • We will work on importing into Finale. • Isn’t as easy as you might think it is.
Finale Tutorial • For this assignment you must finish watching the entire video tutorial on Finale. • Answer the following questions: • Explain the steps setting up your score. • How do you create pickup measures? • How many tools in the main tool palette? • How do you add new staves? • What is the difference between page view and scroll view? Why would you choose one over the other (give examples). • Explain how to change the key, time or clef. Give at least 2 examples of the clef. • Explain in simple entry tool how to enter notes using the number keys. • Explain exactly how to use your computer keyboard and speedy entry to inter notes. • Explain in Speedy Entry how to enter notes. For an example use a C major scale and then the C major chord all quarter notes. • Explain steps to entering music using Hyperscribe and a MIDI keyboard. • Why is setting up the Hyperscribe correctly key to a correct entry of your piece? • Explain Quantization. • Can you enter music with a non MIDI instrument? Explain how if you can do that. • Explain the steps in copying a section of music and pasting it somewhere else in the score. • Explain at least 5 things that the mass edit tool can do, how to do them and why it is important.
Cont. • Explain 2 different ways to add lyrics to your score. • How do you add chord symbols? How do you show fretboard diagrams? • How do you add staccato to a note? To a group of notes? • Explain 3 different shortcut keys for adding articulation. • How do you pick a note duration range to apply articulation (like 1/8th to ¼ notes) • How do you apply performance markings to a rhythmic section. (explained in articulation video). • Explain use of resize tool. • How do you you change the size of just 1 staff? • How do you join measures from one line to the next? Very important for some of the pieces you already did. • How do you freeze the number of measures per line in your piece? • How do you just listen to one note or chord in the playback menu? • Explain how to use smart playback. • How do you print individual parts of a score? • Explain how to create a worksheet for a class in finale. • Explain the steps to scanning a piece of printed music. • Explain how to use at least 3 plug ins and why you would use them in your music. • How do you create slashed symbols for rhythmic notation?
2nd Notation Assignment • This assignment will be using Hyperscribe. • Pick a piece that you have music for or better yet compose your own piece. If you compose your own piece you can earn an A+ on this assignment. If you pick a piece then your top grade you can earn is A-. I really want you to write a piece. If you are not a music major there is only a bonus for doing your own piece. If you compose your own piece you will not be required to have lyrics, otherwise you will need to put lyrics in the piece or have an piece with at least 4 instruments. • Enter the following: • Notes • Title • Composer • Lyrics • Chords (in symbol form) • Articulation. • Time and key signatures • Correct clef’s • Space music so no more than 4 measures per line • Must be at least 24 measures long. • Due a week from next Monday (Nov 8, 2004). You are being allowed extra time so that you can compose something. Last term one of the best pieces was composed by a non-music major. The student didn’t have any bias towards what to do and came up with a very modern sounding piece. • You may have to start it in Notepad and then move it to Finale in order to complete it and have it look close to the original!
For Tuesday • Review slides • Student information – fill it out and email it to me!!! • Pick up the textbook. • Bring 6 blank CD’s to class. (have cases or sleeves for each CD.