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Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Module #4: SLO Annual Report. Office of Academic Planning & Accountability, Institutional Effectiveness Moderator: Dr. Cathy Bays. Objectives.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)Module #4: SLO Annual Report Office of Academic Planning & Accountability, Institutional Effectiveness Moderator: Dr. Cathy Bays
Objectives Upon completion of module #4, participants will be able to complete each component of the SLO Annual Report. The SLO Annual Report is one way for academic programs to document and manage the SLO process including provision of the necessary evidence for ‘closing the loop’ Key components of the SLO Annual Report are: • Program mission, program goals, program SLOs • Measure and targets for SLOs • Findings • Action plan
SLO Annual ReportProgram Mission Broad statement of the purpose of the academic unit/program within the context of who it serves and in what ways. Each academic unit/program should have its own mission statement that reflects their contribution to UofL’s institutional mission http://louisville.edu/about/mission.html
SLO Annual Report Program Mission Key components: • Provides clear and concise statement of the program’s purpose and is specific to the unit/program • Identifies stakeholders/who it serves • Aligns with UofL’s mission
SLO Annual Report Program Goals for All Academic Programs • Broad statements that describe the overarching long-range intended goals of the academic unit/program. • Answer questions like primary function, key activities involved, and student competencies upon graduation • If appropriate, align with respective professional organization and program-specific accrediting bodies.
SLO Annual ReportProgram Goals for All Academic Programs Key components: • Uses clear and concise statement • Indicates student competencies expected upon graduation • Identifies targeted population • Aligns with discipline specific accreditation, if applicable
SLO Annual ReportProgram Goals for UG Academic Programs A review from module #3 – Integration of program goals and associated ‘SLOs’ reinforces and builds the necessary competencies needed to demonstrate progression towards program completion and assures multiple and layered opportunities for undergraduate (UG) students to develop the desired outcomes.
SLO Annual ReportProgram Goals for UG Academic Programs Clear and concise program goal for each of these areas: • within the undergraduate academic major • reinforces at least one general education competency • for i2a (both critical thinking and the culminating undergraduate experience {CUE})
SLO Annual ReportSLOs for All Academic Programs A review from module #1 – Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are specific, measurable statements that use action verbs to articulate the knowledge, skills, and perceptions students should gain or improve through engagement in the academic program during a specific time frame.
SLO Annual ReportSLOs for All Academic Programs Key components • Provides at least one SLO per program goal • Includes clear and concise statement • Uses action verb(s) • Needs to be measureable • Indicates the specific knowledge, skill or perception to be gained or improved • Identifies targeted population
SLO Annual Report SLOs for UG Academic Programs Clear and concise program SLOs for each of these areas: • within the undergraduate academic major • reinforces at least one general education competency • for i2a revise or create (both critical thinking and the culminating undergraduate experience {CUE})
SLO Annual Report Measures/Targets A review from module #1 – Measures are methods of assessment either direct (students show us) or indirect (students tell us) assessment to provide evidence that the outcome has been achieved.
SLO Annual ReportMeasures/Targets Key components: • At least one direct measure (students show us) for each SLO • Objective tests, essays, presentations, lab experiments, artistic performance, special projects, classroom assignments, portfolios • In addition can use indirect measure (students tell us) • Quality Measurement System (QMS), exit surveys, student interviews, alumni surveys, faculty questionnaire, and employer satisfaction surveys
SLO Annual ReportFindings Findings are the tabulation and analysis of direct (and indirect) assessment results.
SLO Annual ReportFindings Key components: • Show the results of the direct (and indirect) assessments identified for each SLO • Express in percentage of students actually achieving the performance target related to each measure of SLO • Indicate the results for multiple targets, if applicable
SLO Annual ReportAction Plan The planincludes an act to address each unmet performance target and utilizes assessment results to indicate needed changes to improve student learning or the program. Commonly referred to as “closing the loop”.
What is ‘Closing the Loop’? Closing the loop is the final step in the SLO process that helps faculty, chairs/department heads, deans, administrators, and staff understand how to better facilitate student learning through continuous instructional improvement
SLO Annual ReportModel of “Closing the Loop” Assessment image taken from Westminster College at http://www.westminster.edu/acad/oaac/cycle.cfm
SLO Annual ReportModel of “Closing the Loop” How do I use what I've learned? What do I want students to learn? Are my outcomes being met? How do I teach effectively? Assessment image taken from Westminster College at http://www.westminster.edu/acad/oaac/cycle.cfm
SLO Annual Report The SLO Annual Report is a management tool to document the SLO development process. • Due by November 1, 2011 to theOffice of Academic Planning and Accountability.
References & Resources Maki, P.L. (2004). Assessing for learning: Building a sustainable commitment across the institution. Sterling, VA: Stylus. Suskie, L. (2009). Assessing student learning: A common sense guide. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Contact Information Bob Goldstein Associate University Provost rsgold03@louisville.edu Connie Shumake Assistant University Provost ccshum01@louisville.edu Cheryl Gilchrist Director of Institutional Effectiveness cbgilc01@louisville.edu Cathy Bays i2a Specialist for Assessment clbays01@louisville.edu