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Nicolas Coppernicus The Real Epitome in the Rennaisance. By Toni Olvera. (Copernicus representation). What You Shoulhd Know about My Education.
Nicolas CoppernicusThe Real Epitome in the Rennaisance By Toni Olvera. (Copernicus representation)
What You Shoulhd Know about My Education My father died when I was just ten. My uncle had to take care of me. My uncle worried about my education and sent me to study. I went to really good universities. I studied mathematics and art at the University of Cracovia and I studied astronomy at Bolonia.
I was against Church`s Ideas • I studied astronomy because I could not think that the Earth was the Center of the Universe. Iwas against the church although I was catholic. • I thought that the Earth was not the centre of the Earth. We would often have lots of solar eclipses between other things. I did not said anything because I was afraid of the critics of the scientific community.
My Revolution I made a revolution to the astronomy with a book called “De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), despite the opposition of the Catholic Church, was gaining ground due to scientific observations and the support of distinguished astronomers like Kepler and Galileo.
Between my Birthday & Dead some important Facts happened • In the ages when I was born (Feb. 19, 1473), Gutenberg printed the first bible, Casimir the fourth of Poland united the Polish Kingdom, my Fatherland. • While the day of my dead arrived,(May 24 ,1543), the imperial troops sacked Rome, the good news were that they started the construction of the Basilic of St. Peter and Michael Angelo started sculping the statue of David. My book was published.
Bibliography • "'Copernicus, Nicolaus.'" Britanica. 1991. Print. • "Nicolas Copernicus and the Astronomy." monografias.com. N.p, n.d Web. 9 Mar. 2010. < http://www.monografias.com/trabajos16/nicolas-copernico/nicolas-copernico.shtml >. • Wikipedia foundation inc. "Nicolas Copernicus." Wikipedia foundation inc. N.p, n.d Web. 8 Mar. 2010. < http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicol%C3%A1s_Cop%C3%A9rnico >.
Appendix • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VF0lsuf7PFc/SRL3unVk32I/AAAAAAAAA_M/SiBTD0uRtRg/s400/sistema_solar.gif (Solar System) • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__JJ4usxFY-Y/SZSiKK9vZII/AAAAAAAAALE/UUmAj5NYxRg/s400/bol025.jpg (Bolonia University) • http://shethoos.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/el-david-de-miguel-angel.jpg(David of Michel Angeló) • http://www.sfu.ca/~poitras/Nikolaus_Kopernikus.jpg (Copernicus Photo)