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Conspicuous. Easy to notice; obvious “spicuous” sounds like suspicious. Everybody notices suspicious people. Defunct. Having ceased to exist or live De- not Funct- like function So not functioning or broken. Deleterious. Having a harmful effect
Conspicuous • Easy to notice; obvious • “spicuous” sounds like suspicious. • Everybody notices suspicious people.
Defunct • Having ceased to exist or live • De- not • Funct- like function • So not functioning or broken
Deleterious • Having a harmful effect • Sounds like delete which is always a destroying or clearing on the computer
Dilatory • Habitually late • From the idiomatic expression dilly dally (take one’s time) which leads to being late
Dubious • Doubtful; of unlikely authenticity • Sounds like Duo (two) • So there’s shifting between two ideas which promotes uncertainty
Duplicitous • Given or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech • Duplex-buildings • Therefore, Duplicitous is like two intentions • Which will end up in deception
Eminent • Distinguished; prominent • Em- in • To be in or cool, taking the spotlight • Preeminent- the most important
Empathetic • Identification with understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives • En/Em- Suffix means in • Pathetic- pathos or feeling • In someone’s feelings or understanding them
Erratic • Having no fixed or regular course; wandering • Rat- Like a rat wandering through a maze. No specified pattern
Exorbitant • Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness • Ex- outside or no longer • Orbitant- like orbital. An expected pathway • So combined no longer following the excepted pathway or behavior
Opulent • Exhibiting a display of great wealth • “opal”ent
Ornate • Elaborately decorated
Parity • Equality, as in amount, status or value • Parity • Antonym: disparity
Perspicacious • Having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted • Keeps things in “persp”ective
Philanthropic • Humanitarian; benevolent
Prodigious • Enormous • Synonyms: colossal, epic, gigantic, grand, huge, immense, tremendous
Profundity • Great depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning • Profound understanding
Rancorous • Hateful; marked by deep seated ill-will • Bitter, resentment
Redolent • Having or emitting fragrance; aromatic; suggestive, reminiscent • Synonyms: balmy, savory, scented
Sanctimonious • Feigning piety or righteousness • Synonyms: holier than thou, hypocritical, preachy, pious, smug
Aesthetic • Having to do with the appreciation of beauty • anesthetic
Affable • Easy going friendly
Amiable • Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likeable
apathetic • Feeling or showing little emotion • Opposite of pathetic
Banal • Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite
Bombastic • Given to pompous speech or writing
callous • Emotionally hardened; unfeeling
Cantankerous • ill tempered and quarrelsome
Capricious • Impulsive and unpredictable
Circumspect • Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences
Specious • Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually not true
Superfluous • Extra; unnecessary • “Super” “flowing”; overflowing
Surreptitious • Done by secretive means
Tawdry • Gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance • Think of dirty “lawndry”
Tenuous • Having little substance or strength; shaky
Therapeutic • Having or exhibiting healing powers • Think of therapy and its benefits to one’s health
Variegated • Having streaks, marks, or patches of a different color, varicolored • Think of “very segregated”
Verdant • Green with vegetation; covered with green growth • In the word “verdant,” 3 of the 4 letters in “green” are used
Vicarious • Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of one another
Vindictive • Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful; spiteful • Vindictive and Vendetta have similar meanings and connotations.
Filled with unrestrained enthusiasm or joy. Like a baseball team after winning a game. Exuberant
Extremely shocking or noticeable Flagrant
Given freely; unwarranted. Think of the “gratuity” or tip you leave after you eat somewhere Gratuitous
A great personal dishonor or humiliation. The word ignorant has a similar sound and if someone says something ignorant it could cause them humiliation. Ignominy
Harmless, having no effect. The word binocular sounds similar and a bird watcher with binoculars has no effect on the birds he is watching. Innocuous
Giving praise. If you score high on the national Latin exam you get a “Cum Laude” award. Laudatory
Easily understood; Clear. Intelligible. Lucid sounds like Liquid.. Water is a liquid and it is clear. Lucid
Meticulous Meticulous means extremely careful or precise. The tic in the middle could remind you of a clock.. Which is a very precise way to tell time
Multifarious Having great variety; diverse. The prefix multi- means many.. Which you could associate with the word’s description of a variety.
Obsequious Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning. Obedient, dutiful