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Turbidite. Serpentinite. Mélange. Pelagic Sediments. Increasing metamorphism. Basalt. Gabbro. Turbidite Shale Greywacke. Shale. Glaucophane. Shale. blueschist. Shale. blueschist. Shale. blueschist. greenschist. Shale. blueschist.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Turbidite Serpentinite Mélange Pelagic Sediments Increasing metamorphism Basalt Gabbro

  2. Turbidite Shale Greywacke

  3. Shale

  4. Glaucophane

  5. Shale blueschist

  6. Shale blueschist

  7. Shale blueschist greenschist

  8. Shale blueschist greenschist

  9. Shale blueschist greenschist amphibole schist

  10. Shale blueschist greenschist amphibole schist

  11. greywacke

  12. greywacke meta-greywacke

  13. greywacke meta-greywacke Quartzite?

  14. Shale Greywacke Shale

  15. Turbidite Pelagic Sediments

  16. Pelagic Sediment Clay Siliceous ooze Shale Chert

  17. Shale blueschist greenschist amphibole schist

  18. Pelagic Sediment Clay Siliceous ooze Shale Chert

  19. Chert Quartzite Quartzite

  20. Turbidite Pelagic Sediments Basalt Gabbro

  21. Oceanic Crust Basalt Gabbro

  22. Basalt Greenstone

  23. Greenstone

  24. Basalt Greenstone Amphibolite

  25. Amphibolite Mélange

  26. Basalt Greenstone Amphibolite Eclogite

  27. Eclogite

  28. Dehydration of Ocean Crust basalt greenstone Most water H2O H2O amphibolite H2O Wet melting Least water eclogite

  29. Turbidite Serpentinite Pelagic Sediments Basalt Gabbro mantle (Peridotite) mantle (Peridotite)

  30. Mantle Peridotite

  31. Mantle Peridotite Serpentinite

  32. Mantle Peridotite Serpentinite

  33. Serpentinite Amphibolite Greenschist Blueschist

  34. Diagrams from Grove et al, 2006

  35. 120-115 Ma 100-95 Ma


  37. Pelona Schist

  38. Catalina Schist

  39. Blueschist Catalina Schist

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