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The Phonics Dance. Are you ready?? EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!. sh. s - h sh, sh, sh s - h sh, sh, sh. ch. c - h ch, ch, ch c - h ch, ch, ch. th. t - h, th, th, th t - h, th, th, th Th is is a th orn and th at is a th istle. wh. w - h wh, wh, wh
The Phonics Dance Are you ready?? EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
sh s - h sh, sh, sh s - h sh, sh, sh
ch c - h ch, ch, ch c - h ch, ch, ch
th t - h, th, th, th t - h, th, th, th This is a thorn and that is a thistle.
wh w - h wh, wh, wh w - h, wh, wh, wh It’s a question word… WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? AND WHICH?
ph When you see ph you don’t say ph you say f--f, f, f. phone
kn When you see kn you don’t say the k you say n--n, n, n. knock
wr w - r rrrrrr w - r rrrrrr Shhh, don’t wake the W! write
qu q-u kw q-u kw You must be quiet when you visit thequeen!
-ed When you see –ed at the end of a word you say “d, d,” or “t, t.” or when you see –ed at the end of a word you say “Ed”. looked jumped dusted
ing i-n-g ing, ing, ing i-n-g ing, ing, ing swing
er e-r errrr e-r errrr errrr, errrr, errrr! power
bird ir ur But, it’s i-r errrr and u-r errrr in the middle of a word. turtle
ar Car, car c-a-r stick your arm in a jar of stars. a-r ar, ar, ar a-r ar, ar, ar stars car arm
or o-r or, or, or o-r or, or, or I want more fish!
-ck c-k kkkk, c-k kkkk When you have a short vowel you need ck - kkkk. peck lick truck
ic i-c ick i-c ick With two syllable words, its -ic, ick. magic picnic music
-le l-e l-l-l-l l-e l-l-l-l l-e l-l-l-l at the end of a word! whistle juggle candle
-ge g-e jjj g-e jjj gems vegetables cage
-dge d-g-e jjj d-g-e jjj When you have a short vowel you need dge, jjj. badge fridge judge
-all a-l-l a-l-l all, all, all
ice ace i-c-e, i-c-e ice, ice a-c-e, a-c-e ace, ace
ow o-w oh o-w oh It’s snowing! It’s blowing! Will our school be closing? We love SNOW DAYS!
ow o-w ow o-w ow Going down, going down, D-O-W-N!
ou o-u ow o-u ow O-U-T, O-U-T, get out of here you bumble bee! OUCH!!!!
ay Some letters a-y, sayay, ay, ay. Hey, do you want to play? Swish, score, hooray! But don’t forget this. . . some letters a-y say ay, ay, ay at the end of a word and don’t you forget it! hayspray crayons
ai said to , “Hey i, get out of my way! I’m going to say ‘a’ today!” So when you see ‘ai’ you say ‘A’! train snail
eigh e-i-g-h A-A-A-A e-i-g-h A-A-A-A Hey neighbor! How much do you weigh? Eightypounds! eighty neighbors weigh
oi o-i oi, oi, oi o-i oi, oi, oi in the middle of a word point oil
oy But it’s o-y oy, oy, oy o-y oy, oy, oy at the end of a word. boy toys
ee When you see the double e you say, “ee, ee.” When you see the double e you say, “ee, ee.” It’s a bumble beeparty! e-e-e-e-e-e e-e-e-e-e-e
ea You take a scaredy-cat and a scaredy-cat you put them together and what do they say? “eeeeeeee!” teacher ice cream
ea You take a sick little and a sick little you put them together and what do they say? “ehhhhh!” bread breakfast
-ie i-e E, E, E i-e E, E, E A thief stole all the cookies? Good grief!
ie i-e I, I, I i-e I, I, I When flies land on the pies, everybody cries! WAAAAAH!!!!
igh i-g-h I, I, I i-g-h I, I, I lightning frightened
oa said to “I love you!” and said absolutely nothing. So when you see ‘oa’ you say ‘o’! boat toast
-ewe-w ewwwe-w ewww He grewturnips to put in the stew! Ewww!!
-ui u-i …….ewww u-i …….ewww Rotten fruit juice! Ewww! fruit juice cruise
ue u-e ewww!!!!! u-e ewww!!!! bluejay clue
-oo o-o ooooo o-o ooooo We love Bloomfield School!
-oo o-o ooooo o-o ooooo Take a look at a good book!
aw a-w aww a-w aww Do you see the claws on my paws?
au a-u aww a-u aww Audrey went to Austin in her automobile.
aught a-u-g-h-t awt, awt a-u-g-h-t awt, awt My daughter caught a cold—aaachoo!
ought o-u-g-h-t awt, awt o-u-g-h-t awt, awt You ought to see what I bought!
ion i-o-n, i-o-n, yun, yun i-o-n, i-o-n, yun, yun Millions, billions, trillions of onions! Peeee-yuuuu!!
-tion -sion t-i-o-n shun, shun t-i-o-n shun, shun s-i-o-n shun, shun s-i-o-n shun, shun