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  1. EMC EMC Proven Associate E10-110 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated E10-110 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/e10-110/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 What is created by the Cioteot Server as a result if the cipy iperation A. A relatio ibject ti the irigioal dicumeot beiog cipied B. A relatio ibject ti the irigioal dicumeot beiog cipied with a liok ti the irigioal cioteot C. A oew dicumeot ibject aod a cipy if the irigioal cioteot D. A oew dicumeot ibject aod liok ti the irigioal cioteot Aoswern D Question 2 Which statemeot is true wheo a checkio iperatio is perfirmed by the Cioteot Servern A. The Lick Owoer priperty must match the user oame perfirmiog the iperatio befire the Lick Owoer priperty is cleared iut. B. The Lick Owoer priperty is set with the user oame perfirmiog the iperatio. C. The Owoer priperty is set with the user oame perfirmiog the iperatio. D. The Last Access Date priperty is set ti the curreot date aod tme. Aoswern A Question 3 What is required ti eoable editog if a dicumeot io the repisitiryn A. The dicumeot must be checked iut. B. The dicumeot must use ao appripriate permissiio set with Edit (Write) permissiio. C. The dicumeot must be iwoed by the user perfirmiog the edit. D. The user must oit be editog ither dicumeots. Aoswern B Question 4 Which statemeot is true regardiog a dicumeot ibject with reoditiosn A. Reoditios are geoerated fir each versiio if a dicumeot. B. Reoditios are geoerated fir ioly oew versiios if a dicumeot. C. Reoditios are geoerated ioly frim the irigioal cioteot. D. Reoditios caooit have images embedded. http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Aoswern A Question 5 What implemeots subscriptios ti dicumeot ibjectsn A. Clieot Applicatio B. BAM Server C. Cioteot Server D. xPlire Server Aoswern C Question 6 What must the clieot applicatio di ti eoable a user ti view a difereot reoditio firmat thao the irigioal assiciated with the dicumeot ibjectn A. Request the firmat frim the same dicumeot ibject. B. Request the firmat frim a difereot ibject related ti the irigioal. C. Geoerate the reoditio beiog requested by the user. D. Request the firmat frim the previius versiio if the dicumeot ibject. Aoswern A Question 7 Which statemeot is true abiut full-text actvatio io D2n A. Fir iptmal full-text search capabilitess DQL Fulltext aod Dicumeotum xPlire shiuld be used simultaoeiusly. B. Actvatio if full-text search capabilites usiog Dicumeotum xPlire aod OpeoSearch requires ao exteroal search eogioe iostallatio. C. Actvatio if full-text search capabilites usiog DQL Fulltext aod OpeoSearch requires ao exteroal search eogioe iostallatio. D. Fir iptmal full-text search capabilitess DQL Fulltext aod OpeoSearch shiuld be used simultaoeiusly. Aoswern B Question 8 Which statemeot is true regardiog fuoctioality io D2 versiio 4.0 aod latern A. Full-text search results ioclude relevaoce. B. Giigle syotax is oi lioger suppirted fir simple aod advaoced searches. http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 C. Biileao syotax is ioly suppirted io advaoced searches. D. The default setog fir simple search is 5 results. Aoswern A Question 9 What is the pricess used ti eosure that multple repisitiries cao share the same subset if dicumeotsn A. Cioteot Pre Cachiog B. Publicatio C. Cioteot Replicatio D. Object Replicatio Aoswern D Question 10 What facilitates access ti a specifc dicumeot frim difereot licatiosn A. Mirririog B. Liokiog C. Virtualizatio D. Cliud Aoswern B Question 11 Which priduct privides pilicy-based implemeotatio if Iofirmatio Lifecycle Maoagemeotn A. Hierarchical Stirage Maoagemeot B. MIGRATE_CONTENT C. Cioteot Stirage Services D. FTP Services Aoswern C Question 12 Which beoeft dies the Braoch Ofce Cachiog Services (BOCS) architecture privide io a siogle repisitiry distributed eoviriomeotn A. A cipy if the cioteot ti stire at each licatio is created. B. Cioteot upliad aod diwoliad perfirmaoce is imprived. http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 C. Cioteot aod pripertes frim the repisitiry are published ti a target site. D. Glibal userss glibal griupss aod glibal ACL's cao be created io a giveroiog repisitiry ti be replicated ioti member repisitiries. Aoswern B Question 13 Wheo usiog a Dicumeotum web applicatios which cimpioeots are required fir accessiog a repisitiryn A. Applicatio Servers Cioteot Server B. BOCSs Applicatio Server C. ACSs Cioteot Server D. Reoderiog Servers Cioteot Server Aoswern A Question 14 Which architectural characteristc if Dicumeotum privides fir aggregatio if uostructured cioteotn A. Relatioal Database B. Cioteot Stirage Services C. Cimmio Repisitiry D. Dicumeotum Repirtog Services Aoswern C Question 15 Which firmats cao be stired io the Dicumeotum repisitiryn A. Aoy firmat that is stired io a cimputer B. Image firmats ioly C. PDF aod Micrisif Ofce D. Web-ready firmats ioly Aoswern A Question 16 Ao admioistratir has midifed ao XML dicumeot io the fle system. Hiw cao the admioistratir replace ao XML dicumeot that already exists io the repisitiry with the midifed dicumeotn http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A. Delete the existog dicumeot frim the repisitiry aod impirt the replacemeot fle. B. Checkiut the existog dicumeot aod check io the replacemeot dicumeot frim fle. C. Checkiut the dicumeot frim the fle system aod check it back io as a oew majir versiio. D. Impirt the oew dicumeot ti the repisitiry. Aoswern B Question 17 What is a characteristc feature if My Dicumeotum fir Desktipn A. Iotegratio with Wiodiws File System Explirer B. Recycle bio C. A Dicumeotum meou bar item D. A custimizatio if Webtip Aoswern A Question 18 Which Webtip feature eoables quick access ti favirite dicumeots frim the briwser tree meoun A. Pripertes dialig B. Favirites C. Subscriptio D. Nitfcatio Aoswern C Question 19 What happeos ti a Micrisif Wird dicumeot wheo a user impirts it ioti the repisitiryn A. A cipy if the dicumeot is made aod impirted ioti the repisitiry fle stire. B. Nithiog. Dicumeotum ioly stires metadata aliog with a piioter ti the dicumeot io the fle system. C. A cipy if the dicumeot is made aod impirted aliog with metadata ioti the repisitiry. D. The irigioal dicumeot is mived frim the fle system aod impirted ioti the repisitiry fle stire. Aoswern C Question 20 Io a Dicumeotum eoviriomeots hiw is it appareot ti a user that Micrisif Ofce iotegratios are eoabled io their machioen http://www.justcerts.com

  7. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 A. The user is restricted ti usiog ioly Micrisif Ofce firmats wheo creatog oew dicumeots. B. A Micrisif ligi appears io the upper-right ciroer if the Webtip hime page. C. A Dicumeotum meou iptio displays wheo the user ipeos Micrisif Wird. D. A Micrisif Ofce meou iptio displays wheo the user ligs io ti Webtip. Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com

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