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Flying High With Kites . Math Elective Project Mr. Eakins’ Class. Introduction.
Flying High With Kites Math Elective Project Mr. Eakins’ Class
Introduction • 3. . . 2. . . .1. . . Lift-off! You are about to take a flight with your very own kite designed and built by none other than YOU! The next few days, you and a partner will not only BUILD a kite, but also RESEARCH kite history, find kite PLANS, BUILD that kite, DRAW a scale drawing, DECORATE your kite, and of course TEST your kite outside! A PAPERLESS DOCUMENTATION and CLASS presentation are also involved in this project. This will not be easy, but fun is guaranteed! Don't forget to remember your geometry skills while building your kite and especially while drawing your scale drawing. • Have no fear, your grade does not depend on if your kite makes it up off the ground!!! (But extra points awarded for kites that do take off).
Task • As a result of this project you will not only be an expert kite designer/builder, but you will have some real world geometry experience! During this project you should keep in mind what you have learned about different geometric shapes, polyhedrons, angles, lines, and scale drawings. You and a partner will find and research a particular kite plan and then construct that kite following your plan. You and your partner will be expected to present to the class your kite type, the geometry that is involved in your kite, and at least two fun facts you found while researching for your kite! Be prepared for questions from your classmates! The presentation criteria is listed under Creative Presentation. • In addition a scale drawing must be turned in. Hand drawings are acceptable, however, extra credit will be awarded to drawings completed with geometer’s sketchpad or another sketching program. • A group paper will be done through Google docs. You must share with your partner as well as with me (reakins@neo.rr.com). Do not print out paper. No hard copy is necessary. Keeping our carbon footprint small. Click on the following link.https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=writely&passive=1209600&continue=https://docs.google.com/&followup=https://docs.google.com/<mpl=homepage). This is a math paper, so make sure your paper involves your mathematical ideas/concepts. The paper criteria is listed under Paper Outline.
Process • Choose one other person in this class you can work well with and if need be could get together with outside of class time to complete this kite project. • Here's a couple of helpful hints to remember while searching for the perfect plan: • Equilateral Triangular Kites do not seem to fly well. (They are hard to balance) • Your kite must have some geometry ideas involved. • at least two sets of either congruent figures or similar figures. • at least two types of angles used in your kite. (With the exception of a box kite). • Your kite should have lines that you can explain where they are at, i.e. parallel lines, perpendicular lines, or skew lines. • You should be able to calculate the surface area of your kite. • You are on a limited time schedule, don't build an airplane! • You must work together!!!
All about Kites http://www.gombergkites.com/nkm/index Go and Fly a Kite!http://www.skratch-pad.com/kites/ Or search on your own using Google or Yahoo! From the above web sites choose a kite to construct and research!! • To learn about kites and their physical properties search the following links:
FLYING YOUR KITE!!! • Video of your kite in flight (or the attempt at flight) can be shown after the initial presentation of your kite. • After everything is done (with the exception of the paper) we will take a day to fly our kites. If necessary, you may have to find a time outside of class to video your kite flight. However, prior to flying your kite read the following article. Once again knowledge of this article needs to be reflected in your paper.
CONCLUSION • A rubric is included. Please check it often for evaluation process. • At the completion of this project you will have had a real life application of geometry and math! • In addition, you should better understand the concepts behind kites and why they fly. • I hope you have an enjoyable experience as a result of this project.