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Adding, Editing and Deleting Allergies from the Managed Care Program Menu in CHCS

Adding, Editing and Deleting Allergies from the Managed Care Program Menu in CHCS December 17, 2012. Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; delois.klemm@tma.osd.mil Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products

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Adding, Editing and Deleting Allergies from the Managed Care Program Menu in CHCS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adding, Editing and Deleting Allergies from the Managed Care Program Menu in CHCS December 17, 2012 Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; delois.klemm@tma.osd.mil Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products 703-882-3950; ronald.anderson@tma.osd.mil

  2. From the MCP Menu: Type “R”; ENTER.

  3. Type “R”; ENTER.

  4. Type “M”; ENTER.

  5. Search for the patient (Q0408 is the most common method). • When prompted to select the patient’s name, use one of the following: • Type in the First letter of the last name and the last four of the Sponsor’s SSN; ENTER • Type in the last name,first name (with no spaces); ENTER • Type in the last name; ENTER

  6. ENTER.

  7. Press the Page Down button.

  8. ENTER if No, Type “Y”; ENTER if Yes.

  9. ENTER.

  10. ENTER.

  11. ENTER.

  12. Option 1: Adding an Allergy

  13. Step 1: Type in the name of the Allergen; ENTER.

  14. Step 2: Type in the Reaction(s) Your cursor will be on the Allergy name. ENTER to put your cursor under “Comment”. ENTER when comments are complete.

  15. Step 3: Verify that the Allergy was stored

  16. Option 2: Editing an Allergy

  17. Step 1: Select the Allergy Press your up arrow to put your cursor next to the desired allergy. Press your “End” key to select the allergy.

  18. Step 2: Change/update Allergy or Comment Your cursor will be on the Allergy name. ENTER to put your cursor under “Comment”. Type over the existing comments, press the Space Bar to delete any excess text, or use the Right Arrow to scroll to the end of your comments and begin typing additional comments. ENTER when comments are complete.

  19. Option 3: Deleting an Allergy

  20. Step 1: Select the Allergy Press your up arrow to put your cursor next to the desired allergy. Press your “End” key to select the allergy.

  21. Step 2a: Delete the Allergy Press your “Delete” button; ENTER

  22. Step 2b: Delete the Allergy Type “Y”; ENTER

  23. Step 3a: Verify the Allergy was Deleted

  24. Step 3b: File/exit to save changes

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