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Business Manager and Bursar forums October 2013. 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk / ict @ESCCSchoolsICT. Introduction. SIMS Personnel CPD Module SIMS Roadmap – A Final Reminder! Schools ICT Credits Anti-Virus Software License Renewal
Business Manager and Bursar forums October 2013 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
Introduction • SIMS Personnel CPD Module • SIMS Roadmap – A Final Reminder! • Schools ICT Credits • Anti-Virus Software License Renewal • The Link – An Update • Office 365 – An Update • PC Power Management 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts • Since April this year our technicians have helped schools by installing and setting up: • 191New Desktop Computers • 387New Laptop Computers • 117New Apple iPads • 97New Windows 8 Tablet Computers 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
SIMS Personnel CPD Module • The Personnel module has been re-designed to include a new tabbing structure. The tabs include: • Personnel details • Professional details • Employment details • There can be a fourth tab – Appraisals – which includes the new staff performance/CPD functionality. • This is available to anyone who has bought the new Continuing Professional Development module 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
SIMS Personnel CPD Module Personnel - new functionality Objectives Observations CPD Reviews Notepad 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
SIMS Personnel CPD Module 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
SIMS Personnel CPD Module • SIMS Personnel CPD– Summer 2013 Costs: • Primary/Special - £200 – one off price – no annual maintenance • Secondary - £500 – one off price – no annual maintenance 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts Since April this year we have installed new school-wide wireless networking equipment in 25 schools 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
SIMS Roadmap – Final Reminder! • The current (Summer) release of SIMS is the last version to support: • Windows Server 2003 (for the SIMS/FMS Server) • Windows XP (for running SIMS/FMS client software) • All SIMS machines will need to be upgraded before the Autumn release 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts • We have completed the installation or upgrading of SIMS servers in line with the Capita Roadmap: • On all IT10 Schools • And on many other school SIMS servers • We have upgraded 97 servers since Jan 2012 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
Schools ICT Credits • A Reminder! Do you have Schools ICT Credits? • IT10 Schools receive 12 credits per year • IT11 Schools receive 4 credits per year • They can be used for training and other Schools ICT services. They expire at the end of March • Have you still got some available? Look out for an email from us. If you are not sure please contact the service desk to check 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts • Since the 1st April this year the Schools Service Desk have resolved: • A total of 7,604 support calls • c40% of these were dealt with directly by the service desk without requiring a visit • 1,580 support calls were closed by our team of local support engineers in September alone 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
Anti-Virus Software Renewal The current 3 year McAfee Anti-Virus license that most schools bought into through Schools ICT expires at the end of December We are currently in negotiations with McAfee and some other suppliers to get best pricing for schools We anticipate a maximum cost of no more than the last renewal: £5 per machine for three years (that’s total – not per year!) Please watch out for a VSB with more info very soon 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts Our central Mc-Afee “ePO” server manages the updating of the anti virus software on 12,689 computers across the county 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
“The Link” – An Update The Link is the new Sussex-wide network currently being rolled out. The Link Project office and/or the Schools Service Desk will be in touch to arrange for access to the school for the network engineers Some schools will require a single visit however some might require two or more visits Network disruption will be minimal and any downtime will be agreed in advance 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts The “Link” project involves connecting a total of 602 sites across Sussex onto the new network in the first phase alone 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
Office 365 • Schools ICT are currently offering to help all schools currently using the old RM EasyMail system to migrate to the new Microsoft Office365 system which offers the following (and more): • A new, modern email system with 50 x the storage space per staff member than RM EasyMail • Individual and shared calendars • Safe and secure ‘cloud’ storage space for accessing documents from any location • Access you email, calendar and contacts on almost any device 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Office 365 We will be in contact with all IT10 schools soon to ask if you wish to migrate and to arrange a date We are also about to start contacting IT11 and IT12 schools that use EasyMail with details on how we can help with the migration process if requested – please speak to your ICT technicians for further information. 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts East Sussex Schools currently have c8650 mailboxes on the RM EasyMail system and we are geared up to help to migrate them all if requested 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
PC Power Management Leaving computers running overnight in your school can leave a noticeable impact on your electricity bill Schools ICT have started working to implement an automated shut down service on computers within IT10 schools Please contact us for more information on how it might help you 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict
Schools ICT Facts By Implementing the power management policy in one school we were able to see a lowering of power consumption between 7pm and 7am of 130.9 kWh which equated to a saving of £13.00 in one week 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict @ESCCSchoolsICT
Questions? For more information on services, products, please speak to one of the Schools ICT Staff! Email: schoolsict@eastsussex.gov.uk Phone: 01273 482519 Web: czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict Twitter: @ESCCSchoolsICT 01273 482519 SchoolsICT@eastsussex.gov.uk czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/ict