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Alberta SRED Team - Canadian SRED

We have a team of Alberta SR&ED experts who have filed thousands of SR&ED claims with 100% success. We encourage businesses to participate in R&D to improve or develop new technologies , products and processes. For further enquiries visit us online at Canadian SRED. https://canadiansred.ca/<br><br>

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Alberta SRED Team - Canadian SRED

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  1. Alberta Scientific Research and Experimental Development Scientific research and experimental development means systematic investigation orsearchthatiscarriedoutinafieldofscience or technology by means of experiment or analysis. https://canadiansred.ca

  2. SREDEXPERTS IN ALBERTA SR&ED Experts can determine your SR&ED eligibility as part of free initial review. Then wecanproceed to file your claimby causing minimumdisruption to your day to dayoperations.

  3. When yourSR&EDClaimsCanadagetsselectedforareview,theCRAwillgetyourtaxreturncheckedand assessit.CRAreviewersmightdecidetovisityourfactory,laboratoryorworkplaceto speakwithyourstaffandverifythecostsaddedintheclaimactuallyarisefromthescientificortechnologicalresearchanddevelopment.

  4. 1000 + SR&ED CLAIMS ON BEHALF OF OUR CLIENTS AND HAVE A 100% SUCCESS RECORD IN GETTING OUR CLAIMS APPROVED AlbertaSR&EDfinancetaxcreditisan incentive program run by CRA that enables companies to claim 35%+ of their eligible expense in the form of a tax reductionor a cash expenditure.

  5. Canadian SR&EDSolutions www.canadiansred.ca Toronto: First Canadian Place100 KingStreetWSuite 5700Toronto, ON M5X1C7 Tel:647-699-5222 Vancouver: 1285 WestBroadwaySuite 600Vancouver,BCV6H3X8 Tel:778-722-1984

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