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A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission Tim Yarbrough. So Many Faces. We Need Good Partners!. A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission Tim Yarbrough. Tools (Part 2) – Getting Started Mobilizing Your Church to be On Mission. Jesus’ Acts 1: Challenge.
A Local Church Visionfor a Worldwide Mission Tim Yarbrough
A Local Church Visionfor a Worldwide Mission Tim Yarbrough
Tools (Part 2) – Getting Started Mobilizing Your Church to be On Mission
Jesus’ Acts 1: Challenge “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” - Acts 1:8 (HCSB) A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
The Acts 1: Challenge Initiative • A Quick Review… • The Acts 1:8 Challenge is an inspirational challenge…and opportunity for SBC churches to establish an intentional and comprehensive mission strategy to make Jesus Christ known in their community (Jerusalem), state (Judea), continent (Samaria) and world (ends of the earth). A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Essence of the Acts 1:8 Paradigm • God’s history-long and worldwide mission to redeem the lost peoples of the world is now the Great Commission of every local church…as Jesus shared with believers shortly before His ascension into heaven! • The Important Thing: Regardless of size or location, every local church can be a worldwide mission center! A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Essence of the Acts 1:8 Paradigm • Southern Baptist denominational entities – local associations, Baptist state conventions, the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board – exist to assist and partner with local churches in fulfilling their Great Commission responsibility. • Embracing an Acts 1:8 paradigm of missions can help bring clarity… A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Pastors Juggle Many Things…
Acts 1:8 Brings Clarity, Provides a Framework…
Churches of All Sizes Participate • 3,500+ churches have made a commitment to the Acts 1:8 Challenge … making it one of the fastest-growing new initiatives in the Southern Baptist Convention! • In essence, all 40,000-plus SBC churches and missions are commissioned by Jesus Christ to be Acts 1:8 churches! It’s Not a Program, but a Passion! A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
NAMB-IMB Strategies Support A18C • NAMB’s purpose of Sharing Christ, Starting Churches and Sending Missionariesis in sync with the Great Commission-Acts 1:8 charge to the local church! • As it does with IMB’s purpose of Sending Missionaries, Reaching the Lost and Planting Churches among the diverse and unreached people groups of the world! A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Video: The Biblical Mandate(Acts 1:8 Study)
Embracing the Acts 1:8 Challenge • Getting Started… • The Embracing the Acts 1:8 Challenge Leadership Guide is designed to assist you and your church implementing the Acts 1:8 Challenge strategy.
Acts 1:8 Doctrine Study The Acts 1:8 Challenge: Empowering the Church to Be on Mission Baptist doctrine study is an excellent way to start churches on becoming Acts 1:8 focused.
Embracing the Acts 1:8 Challenge • Getting Started… • Small group studies all ages is now available through the Acts 1:8 Challenge. This innovative and relevant curriculum is free and written specifically for children, students and adults and can be done one week or up to 13 weeks.
One Challenge - Eight Responses • Prepare—empowering a designated leader of missions and developing mission teams, strategies, and plans to take the gospel to our community, state, continent, and world. • Learn—bringing mission awareness and interaction to the entire church body, training members for service, and connecting them to missionaries and mission needs. A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
One Challenge - Eight Responses • Pray—asking God for kingdom perspective and worldwide vision, interceding for Christian workers and unevangelized peoples. • Give—increasing the financial support of the Cooperative Program and other SBC cooperative missions. A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
One Challenge - Eight Responses • Go—enabling a growing number of members todirectly participate in short-term, long-term, and marketplace opportunities to minister and spread the gospel beyond our church’s walls. • Tell—involving an increasing number of members in intentional, culturally relevantevangelism. A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
One Challenge - Eight Responses • Send—providing members with opportunities to hear and respond to God’s call tovocational mission service. • Multiply—participating in church planting, and facilitating church planting movements. A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Resources & Tools for Churches • Sermons Outlines • Videos-Articles • Presentations • ActsOne8.com A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Church Accepts Acts 1:8 Challenge Map Acts 1:8 Church Partners A18C EquippingResources ChurchActions Desired ChurchActs 1:8 Outcomes Implementation and Curriculum Resources:- A18C Leadership Guide- Acts 1:8 Website- Acts 1:8 Curriculum (13-week, 6-week, 1-day)- EKG Book- Sermon Series, videos- A18C Doc Store (banners, posters, bulletin inserts)- State/Association Resources Pastor and team work through A18C Leadership Guide; establish strategic A18 plan Pastor preaches sermon series on Acts 1:8 Challenge Jerusalem (association) Church conducts church-wide 13-week Acts 1:8 study Judea (state convention) Pastor, key staff and leadership attend A18C Leadership Conference or Seminar Leadership/Training:- Missional Assessment Tool- A18C Leadership Conference- State/Association Resources Strategic Acts 1:8 partnerships Associations, States NAMB, IMB Pastor and team work with association/state convention on training, events, strategies Networking Resources:- A18C Website- A18C Consultant Network- A18C Podcasts- State/Association Resources Samaria (NAMB) Event Resources:- A18 Church 1-Day Rally- A18 Celebration Event- A18 Renewal Weekend- EKG 40-Day Emphasis- A18 Student Weekends- State/Association Resources Church conducts EKG Study or A18 Renewal Weekend Church conducts 1-Day Rally; A18 Celebration; Student Weekend; etc. Ends of the Earth (IMB)
New Acts 1:8 Challenge Tools • Acts 1:8 Challenge Leadership Conference and Seminar • Acts 1:8 Challenge 1-Day Rally or Multi-day Celebration Event • Acts 1:8 Renewal Weekend - EKG • Acts 1:8 Challenge Studies • www.MAPChurch.com (Acts 1:8 Missionial Assessment) • Acts 1:8 Challenge Student Weekends A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
New Acts 1:8 Challenge Tools • Acts 1:8 Challenge Consultant Network, includes pastor practitioners, denominational missions leaders www.namb.net/ccd • Acts 1:8 Challenge Podcast • Acts 1:8 Challenge Doc Store • Acts 1:8 Website Resources • Acts 1:8 Challenge Convention Pages on www.ActsOne8.com • Acts 1:8 Language Resources A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
Acts 1:8 New Tools Promotion • An Acts 1:8 Challenge Event Planning Guide is available for download at www.ActsOne8.com. • Suggested plans for implementation for use by small, medium and large churches are being completed. A Local Church Vision for a Worldwide Mission
www.ActsOne8.com Where there’s a Wealth of Resources!
How to Get Started… Using the Acts 1:8 “4 Field, 8 Commitment” Grid
It’s all about intentionality… Think about it. What gets the Most attention in our lives? Things we love!
Video: A Vision for Acts 1:8
Video: Embracing an Acts 1:8 Paradigm of Missions
Video: We Speak to Nations
Wrap-up Q & A