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Top 10 Agile Transformation Quotes

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Top 10 Agile Transformation Quotes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Top 10 Agile Quotes

  2. Michele Sliger: “Scrum Masters, please don’t touch the task board. It do not belong to you." #1

  3. Robert Sculler : “Big Egos have little ears” #2

  4. Lindo Rising : “Listen, really listen to people who disagree with you in order to fight confirmation bias." #3

  5. Henrik Kniberg : “Alignment enables Autonomy" #4

  6. Kent Beck : “it's not a testing problem, it's a design problem manifesting as a testing problem. usually." #5

  7. Selena Deleie : “My advice is to stop emphasizing the Agile Transformation process frameworks and start focusing on the company culture and mindsets." #6

  8. Esther Derby : “Every retrospective should be unique." #7

  9. Henrik Kniberg: “Failure really just means that your system is trying to tell you something – so you’d better listen." #8

  10. Pete Deemer: “When the manager plays the role of Scrum Master, it’s highly unlikely the Team will ever begin to self-organize." #9

  11. Klaus Leopold : “Trying to speed project schedule by reducing testing is like trying to lose weight by donating blood." #10

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