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Client Of The Week – A Video Production Company From New York

Each captioning requirement is unique. And so, every captioning story of ours is as interesting as well. Recently, we had a chance to work with a leading video production company in Texas, and they had a list of queries. Read more https://bit.ly/3ecFaKt

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Client Of The Week – A Video Production Company From New York

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Client Of The Week – A Video Production Company From New York CASE STUDY

  2. 01 Introduction Client’s Background 02 Client’s Actual Requirement 03 Challenge 04 iTranscript Platform 05 Streamlined Captioning Process 06 Conclusion 06

  3. Introduction: CaptioningStar has been the choice across multiple domains for their streamlined captioning workflow and perfect accuracy. Of course, that’s what each of us look for in a captioning service provider, right. When working with varied client base, understanding and interpreting each client’s expectation is little complicated. But, with a deep client-centric focus and vast experience in this field, we could easily perceive each client’s requirements and deliver more than what they expect. We are working with no less than 100 trusted clients; from media and video production companies, to hospitals, schools and universities to digital marketing agencies and many such diversified fields.

  4. Each captioning requirement is unique. And so, every captioning story of ours is as interesting as well. Recently, we had a chance to work with a leading video production company in Texas, and they had a list of queries. To our pleasure, each of the solution we offered gave a huge relief and put a smile to their face. It really was an unforgettable moment. Want to read more? But stuck with your other chores? Relax! Download this case study (PDF) and read it in your leisure. Our Client’s Background.. A leading video production company in Texas once was in demand of closed captions for their videos.

  5. The video production company produced appealing videos for its clients of many major domains. From VIP interviews, brand marketing, brand awareness videos, e-learning videos to social media videos, they have been delivering engaging videos for many years. Also, the video production company has a chain of medical practices focused primarily on women’s health and wanted to create compelling and informative waiting room videos. Comprising either of doctor interviews, patient testimonials, a virtual tour of the hospitals, explanation of health procedures, doctor’s answers to frequently asked questions, health awareness programs or could even be videos that boost patient’s morale thereby decreasing their stress.

  6. Our Client’s Actual Requirement Our client put forward a plain and straightforward requirement list over the phone call. The video production company required open captions for their waiting room videos. They needed the captions to be burnt to the video because when played in a hospital or health center, the captions would automatically display without the need for any manual operation. They required open captions for their 100+ health related videos in their Vimeo platform, each of which was about 2 minutes long. They wanted a simple solution for transfering the videos over to the captioning service provider. Also, they required the transcription of the videos first, for approval, before they could be burnt as captions. Finally, they wanted to stream the video from their own server.

  7. Challenge The video production company was seeking a captioning service that would meet all these expectations. After several Google searches, and enquiries with many of the top captioning services, they were disappointed and felt that none was up to the task, as many didn’t offer all this in a package, and some seemed to offer, but, quoted huge price for these services. Their huge problem was the lack of a good and accessible solution to have their videos delivered to the captioning provider. For such large volumes of files in Vimeo, it wasn’t an easy task to upload each file one by one to the service provider.

  8. The video production company felt it as an additional task in their busy schedule. It also would halt all their other chores. Which, at that point, made them feel fed up and hopeless. So, they decided to give up on looking for a better captioning service with a complete solution and rather go with any captioning company and simply share with them their Vimeo account’s password. This meant the captioning company could download the videos themselves, but it also meant that the client had to compromise on their secure information. However, as fate would have it, finally, through a friend’s reference, the video production company found CaptioningStar and they were immensely pleased to know about our iTranscript platform. Integrations are made easy now for captioning platforms with iTranscript. Know more about our iTranscript user-friendly interface. Click here

  9. Our iTranscript Platform iTranscript- A simple and effective captioning platform where you can upload your n number of files, download, edit and also track the captioning status of your files. Yes, all within a single and secured application. But, the most important thing is, iTranscript has been integrated with major video and audio platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud and the list goes on. All that the video production company had to do was, just signup with our iTranscript account and choose the platform to be integrated. That’s it. Your files will be listed and you can select the files to be captioned or transcribed and you are done.

  10. You can also receive the transcripts/captions through the same iTranscript platform and its again just a click to download, with guaranteed 100% confidentiality of your content. Get to know more about iTranscript and its features at https://www.transcriptionstar.com/iTranscript-features.html Our Streamlined Captioning Process- A Plain Approach… We explained the detailed working of our iTranscript platform, and our client was taken aback by our transparency in the process and was pleased to give us the project. Client “We have inquired many captioning services before reaching you. But none of them explained to me their services in detail like the way you did. Now I believe that you can deliver better results”

  11. Then, once integrated, our sales expert asked our client to select the 100 health segments in the iTranscript account which they wanted to caption. But, at this point, we felt some sort of hesitance in their response. Curious we asked about it, and they replied that they were doubtful about the accuracy of our captions since the audio contains many medical terminologies. They were afraid whether the words would be misspelled. Sales team “No worries about accuracy when you are working with Captioningstar. Do you know? Our team comprises of professional transcribers and captioners who have several years of experience in this field. Moreover, we do medical transcription services for many hospitals and clinics. We have a team of transcribers who are well-versed in medical terms”

  12. The video production company was fully content after this. Client “That’s really great. I am more than happy to know about this fact. It’s like CaptioningStar is designed in such a way to please me, satisfying all my requirements. Thank you so much. Eager about your end results.” The process begins… Once, we had their Vimeo account integrated and the files to be captioned were selected by our client, the transcription process begins. Our captioners received the selected files and begin transcribing the videos. And as per our client’s request, the transcripts were then sent across to them for approval.

  13. In a day, we got their approval, and then the captions were burnt to the videos as open captions. After embedding captions, the files underwent nearly 5 stages of quality checks by our quality analysts to maintain more than 99% accuracy. Once the quality check was done, captions embedded files were uploaded to their servers as they requested. All this done before the given turnaround time. The client was delighted with our service and we could hear a gleeful chuckle in her voice.

  14. The Conclusion To This Success Story The client streamed the open-captioned videos in her Vimeo account and was happy with the audience response and views. Since our client was very happy and satisfied with our service, accuracy, delivery time and responsiveness, she promised to work with us on her ongoing captioning project every month.

  15. Client “It is really a great experience working with CaptioningStar. Your results were more than my expectations. Your integration platform saved much of my time and your service saved me dollars. And I have promised to load you with the ongoing captioning projects for every month and gonna make you super busy”, and she laughed.

  16. THANK YOU 108-44 63rd Rd, Queens, NY 11375, United States Info@captioningstar.com +1 707-200-4628

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