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Proton-Antiproton Annihilation in Baryonium. Outline. Mu-Lin Yan (USTC) hep-ph/0502127(to appear in PRC (2005)) (collaborate with Gui-Jun Ding (USTC)). BES experiment Possible Interpretations The coherent state method for -annihilations
Proton-Antiproton Annihilation in Baryonium Outline Mu-Lin Yan (USTC) hep-ph/0502127(to appear in PRC(2005)) (collaborate with Gui-Jun Ding (USTC)) • BES experiment • Possible Interpretations • The coherent state method for -annihilations • The construction of coherent state and its prediction • Summary
Enhancement Observed By BES fitted peak location J/ygpp acceptance weighted BW +3 +5 -10 -25 M=1859 MeV/c2 G < 30 MeV/c2 (90% CL) c2/dof=56/56 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 M(pp)-2mp (GeV) 3-body phase space acceptance
Possible Interpretations • bound state ---most simple and natural, simular to deuteron (studied from Skyrmion model by M.-L.Yan, B.-Q. Ma et.al,from linear sigma model by Y.-B.Ding, X.-Q. Li et.al and from constituent quark model by C.H.Chang, H.-R.Rong ) ; (call it as X(1860)) • Final state interaction(studied by B.S. Zou and H. C. Chiang ); • Quark fragmentation mechanism(by J.L.Rosner); …..
In order to ascertain whether or not theX(1860)exists, more evidence is needed. • Feature of X(1860)-decays are mainly due to p-p\bar annihilation in the baryonium. • It has well been known that: p-p\bar annihilations favor the processes with 4—7 pion final states over those with 2—3 pion’s. This is a significant feature for p-p\bar annihilations in their scattering at low energies. • Are there similar feature for X(1860)-decay?
A Toy Model( collision in Baryonium Baryonium decay ) . ( Yan,Li,Wu, Ma, hep-ph/0405087) • Model: p-p\bar with a double well potential , This model can be solve analytically.
Using WKB approximation, the tunnelling coefficient is The total width of X(1860) is We find = −17.2 MeV p-p\bar collision frequency:
Basis of The Coherent State • From Skyrmion model studies, annihilation proceeds very rapidly. • The rapid annihilation leads to pion pulse forms basis of the coherent state. [Amado et al., PRL 72, 970 (1994).] • Should use the conhereht states to describe the pions radiated from p-p\bar annihilations.
Coherent State Method for P-P\bar annihilation • Coherent state is the eigenstate of annihilation operator (a is annihilation operator, is the eigenvalue)in quantum mechanics .Then is given by • The free quantum scalar field is : The coherent state associated with a given classical state,is the quantum state that is an eigenstate of the positive frequency part of the field ,and
The normalized coherent state • Then the normalized quantum state defined by : this is a coherent statein whicheach model carries weight It is clear that is the eigenstateof thepositive part of the field , , is given by .
The coherent state with fixed four-momentum and isospin [R.D.Amado et.al Phys.Rev. C50, 640(1994); C52 ,2158(1995)]
Mesons radiated from annihilation described by conherent states • Starting from the above coherent state the mean number pion of and the branch ratios of nucleon-antinucleon annihilation et.al can be predicted, all these quantity are in good agreement with experiment.
Construct Coherent State with fixed G- and P-parity • We should construct coherent state not only with fixed isospin and four momentum but also definite P-parity and G-parity.Since Then where is the isospin-triplet creation operator ,and isospin-singlet creation operator.
The field operator that create or at space point x and pointing in the isospin direction ,is Under G transformation , become And under P transformation In the above and for simplicity we have take
X(1860) with as meson radiation souce • The desired coherent state with fixed four-momentum, fixed isospin and also with G-parity(+) and P parity(-) is :
The state is are orthogonal where N(K) is the normalization factor where
Using the expansion method, the normalization integral is where • Note that the effect of phase space for the decay has been taken into account via the in function I(K,m, n).
For X(1860) + ,the probability of the decay due to annihilations is where : even; : odd.
The probability of X(1860) to is: Where Since the branch ratio for is proportional to P(m,n),also considering charge conservation,we have the ratios between these branch ratios are as follows
Parameter Choosing and Prediction • Following the work of Amado et. al, the meson field source turns on at t = 0 and then decays exponentially in time, and that it has a spherical symmetric Yukawa shape, then f(k)-function (which is a Fourier transformation of the meson field source) is where , C is a strength and can be fixed by required that the average energy be the energy released in annihilation, which is equal to 2 . In the unit of pion mass ( = 1),we take 2. This corresponds to an annihilation region with a time and distance scale of half a pion Compton wave length— a reasonable size and leading also to a reasonable agreement with experimentaldata. Since both and belong to the pseudoscalar meson octet we argue that g(k) should be same with f(k) except that should be replaced by
Main Results • With the above parameter chosen, the ratios between branch ratio is: We see that is heavily suppressed comparing with The experimental check to it is expected.
Summary and Discussion • If X is the p-p\bar bound state, then: Br(X )>> Br(X ) • A naïve interpretation: (Gluon-content in Baryon)>> (Gluon-content in meson) So, (G in X=(pp\bar))>>(G in ). The natural process should be: (G: “redundant gluons”) X = = I.e., X • Therefore,
BES New Results Reported in this Meeting: • BES reported in this meeting there is a narrow resonance of ( ) at M=1835MeV though to observe ( )-resonance. This is an important support to the prediction of our baryonium-decay theory.