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FOSBAC PLUS T (F+T) IN BROILER PRODUCTION . Technical Department Bedson Africa. WHAT IS F+T. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria like E. coli, Samonella, Pasteurella, etc. and Mycoplasma. MAIN INGREDIENTS . Fructose 1.6 Diphosphate 18%
FOSBAC PLUS T (F+T)IN BROILER PRODUCTION Technical Department Bedson Africa
WHAT IS F+T • It is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria like E. coli, Samonella, Pasteurella, etc. and Mycoplasma.
MAIN INGREDIENTS • Fructose 1.6 Diphosphate 18% • Fosfomycin 20% • Tylosin 5% (pure) • Electrolytes
FRUCTOSE 1.6 DIPHOSPHATE 18% • As auxiliary Energy Source that helps animals to recuperate from disease, helping them to continue eating while recuperating. • To ”camouflage” Fosfomycin to the bacteria membrane wall receptors and completely eliminate bacterial resistance. • It acts as a Vehicle in transport of the active ingredients allowing the antibiotic to enter the bacteria cell and reach the target area quicker.
FOSFOMYCIN 20% • Broad spectrum antibiotic. • Smallest antibiotic molecule, reaching areas like bone and abscesses. • Does not bind to proteins, so it is freely available. • Non-toxic.
TYLOSIN 5% (PURE) • Effective against Mycoplasmas • Synergistic effect with Fosfomycin improving therapeutic effect of product • Dose of active ingredient per kg of body weight is effective enough in F + T.
ELECTROLYTES • Immediate re-hydration • Re-hydration of day old chicks when arriving from hatchery due to changes in humidity from hatchery to farm. • Help the sick bird to recover from imbalances due to fever or diarrhea
WHY IS F+T A SUPERIOR PRODUCT • Effective against a wide range of bacteria. • Reliable/trustworthy - permanently active, NO RESISTANCE! • Efficient – The smallest molecule – fast absorption, fast elimination • Versatile – Available in water soluble powder and premix forms • Safe - No possibility of overdosing – literally non toxic • Flexible – Dose can be used at different levels for variety of problems. • Resourceful – energizing compound accelerate the processes of recovery
BENEFITS OF F+T • Suppresses bacterial growth • Improves production parametres • Improved gain first 7 days, carries over at the end of the cycle. • Improve live body weight at the end of the cycle. • Improved FCR • Less or minimum mortality • Other benefits
TARGETS OF BROILER PRODUCTION • Live Body Weight (LBW) • Feed Conversion Rate (FCR) • Minimum mortality
F+T PROGRAM FOR PREVENTION OF SECONDARY BACTERIAL INFECTIONS IN BROILERS F+T premix – for ±15days eliminates “Hot spot” in broilers. F+T w/s - first 5days “Clean out” Week No. 1 2 3 5 6 4
F+T PROGRAM APPLICATIONS • Water soluble - first 5 days of broiler’s life in drinking water - “Clean out” / Energy booster 160mg (0.16 gr.) / kg Live body weight / day 2. Premix – preventative treatment of “Hot spot” day 20-35 500 - 800 gr. / Ton of feed (48mg / kg Lbw) 3. Treatment - in drinking water 160mg (0.16 gr.) / kg Live body weight / day
DOSAGE CALCULATION FIRST FIVE DAYS - IN WATER PER DAY: Kg. LIVE BODY WEIGHT AT THE LAST DAY OF THERAPY X 160 mg. F+T In practice 160 g of F+T is required for the treatment of 1000 kg/LBW
BENEFITS FIRST 5 DAYS OF LIFE • Clean out effect: eliminates the main incidence of infections in the one day old baby chick. • Provide easy to absorb energy and electrolytes for re-hydration when arriving from hatchery • Improves weights at 7 days.
BENEFITS OF PREVENTATIVE TREATMENT • 1-2 days feed savings (Huge economic impact) • FCR (Financial benefits) • Weight gain (Financial benefits) • Reduction in mortality • Electricity cost savings • Labor cost savings • More open days for cleaning and biosecurity
DOSAGE CALCULATION TREATMENT - IN WATER PER DAY Kg. LIVE BODY WEIGHT AT THE LAST DAY OF THERAPY X 160 mg. F+T * TREATMENT PERIOD 3-5 DAYS *In practice 160 g of F+T is required for the treatment of 1000 kg/LBW
BENEFITS OF TREATMENT • Immediate reduction in mortality • Compatibility with other antibiotics • Effective against E. coli, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, etc. • Energy and electrolytes will help the bird on the recovery process.
E. coli SUSCEPTIBILITY TO ANTIBIOTICS Fosbac + T has been constantly effective throughout the years!
SUMMARY • Fosbac plus T reduces costs, by improving production parameters (feed conversion, weight, mortality and uniformity). • Reduces secondary bacterial problems E . coli/PPLO (caused by primary viral infections). • Prevents bacterial intestinal infections - Salmonella.
SUMMARY (cont) • Improves uniformity of the flock (mixing of product in feed is critical). • Prevents losses due to illness during critical periods (natural and stress-induced immunosuppression). • Lowers the mortality rate of birds at the end of the growth cycle. • Reduces post vaccinal reactions.