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Writing Courtesy Letters. ECED 4300-A Instructor: Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2010 5 th Grade Presenters: Jacki Portis Amaris Hawkins. Jacki Portis-- Prewriting/Drafting.
Writing Courtesy Letters ECED 4300-A Instructor: Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2010 5th Grade Presenters: JackiPortis Amaris Hawkins Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Jacki Portis--Prewriting/Drafting GPS-ELA5W2. The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres: The student produces informational writing (e.g., report, procedures, correspondence) that: Creates an organizing structure appropriate to a specific purpose, audience, and context. PLO--Students will create a letter fitting to a specific purpose, audience, and context. ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Courtesy Letters • A type of friendly letter • Means a polite act or remark • Used to say thank you • Used as an invitation ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Prewriting • Prewriting • The getting ready to write stage • 70% of writing is spent here • Topic is chosen • Purpose, form, and audience is identified • Ideas are created and organized ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Prewriting Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer for Topic, Audience, and Purpose (n.d). Retrieved April 1, 2010 from website: http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/instruction/ela/6-12/Tools/Tap.pdf ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Prewriting SAMPLE ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Drafting • Drafting • Ideas are put on paper • Skip lines for revision • Focus on content not mechanics • Label the copy “rough draft” ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Drafting SAMPLE ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Invitation letter example and citation American Legion-Milford. Ceremony Archives. (n.d.) Retrieved April 1, 2010 from website: http://www.milfordlegion216.org/1/legion/ceremony_archives.asp ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Practice Activity • Write an invitation letter to your friends for your birthday party • Combine the prewriting and drafting stages of writing • Work should reflect the 5th grade ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Assessment Activity • Write a letter of invitation for the end of year class picnic • Combine the prewriting and drafting stages of writing • Work should reflect the 5th grade ECED 4300A, Spring 2010, Portis J
Amaris HawkinsRevising/Editing Stage Georgia Performance Standard Primary Learning Outcome Students will revise and edit a thank you letter. • ELA5W4The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student: • b. Revises manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences. • c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc. Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Form of Writing: Courtesy Letters • Friendly Letter • 2 types: • Thank You Notes • Used to thank people who have been helpful. • Invitations • Asks for someone's attendance to an event. Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Revising Stage • Reread writing • Clarify and refine ideas • Rearrange • Substitute • Delete Reread writing make more understanding and meaningful Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Revising Checklist • __ 1. I added information and details. • __ 2. I removed or changed words and sentences that did not make sense. • __ 3. I rearranged words, sentences, or paragraphs to make my writing better. Adapted from:Kidd, L. (2007, May). Revising checklist. Unpublished checklist, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Editing Stage • Spelling • Capitalization • Comma inserts • Complete Sentences • Punctuation Correct spelling and punctuation mistakes in our work. Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Proofreaders Chart for Editing GTO CalComp. (n.d.) Proofreader’s Marks. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from the GTO CalComp Web site: http://www.gtcocalcomp.com/erc/interwritebackgrounds/proofreader_marks.gif Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Published Example Healy Stearns Ph. D., P. (2006). Inspiring Gratitude: Cool Stationery for Thank You Notes. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from education.com website: http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Inspiring_Gratitude/ Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Practice Activity • Revise and edit thank you letter for a gift you received. • Work should reflect 5th grade Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A
Assessment Activity • Revise and edit thank you letter for someone who helped you when you were in a time of need. • Work should reflect 5th grade level Eced 4300-A, Spring 2010, Hawkins A