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Develop a comprehensive sustainable procurement strategy to align with Deakin's commitment to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic efficiency. Enhance supplier engagement and promote sustainable practices across all procurement processes.
AUPN – Sustainable Procurement In Universities Developing a Sustainable Procurement Strategy for your University
Deakin Strategic Plan LIVE : THE FUTURE Agenda 2020 Four Deakin Promises: Learning, Ideas, Value and Experience. Under the Value Promise one of the commitments is to ‘Progress a sustainable and competitive enterprise’. That is, Deakin will strive to be a Green Star Education enterprise, integrating environmental sustainability principles into all of its operations, policies and activities.
Deakin Strategic Plan Cont’d Specific Actions: Leverage expertise, intellectual property, and infrastructure to generate economic, social and environmental returns. The use of resources across Deakin will continue to be improved through analysis of and revisions to operational, services and procurement practices . The Sustainability 2020 Plan
The Deakin Context Deakin spends ~$300 million annually on goods and services (approx. 40% of total budget and growing); Four campuses in Melbourne, Geelong and Warrnambool; Alignments with other organisations particularly in Western Victoria but also overseas; Staff complement is approx. 3,500 EFT (plus ~ same for casuals); Approx. 340 individual budget centres. The trend/awareness to procuring sustainably is increasing.
A Strategy So in the context of the Strategic Plan and a very complex and growing organisation we needed something to complement other polices and strategies and to oversee/drive the sustainable procurement agenda. Sustainable Procurement Strategy
Sustainable Procurement Sustainable procurement at Deakin is guided/controlled by: Procurement policy and procedure; Environmental policy and procedure; Procurement strategy; Sustainable procurement strategy; Sustainable procurement working group; Procurement Services and the Office for Sustainability.
Sustainable Procurement Strategy Strategy provides direction on sustainable procurement activity. It is structured around: Leadership and governance; People; Risk & opportunity assessment; Engagement; and Measurement. the enablers from BS8903.
Aim of Strategy The University will become a leader in sustainable procurement through: • Having effective sustainable procurement practices embedded within its processes that ensure procurement is recognised as being vital to the delivery of the University’s objectives. • Ensuring procurement activity is outcome focussed with well defined deliverables that cover social, environmental and economic issues. • Engaging and encouraging our suppliers to ensure they recognise and understand their role in supporting these objectives. • Using Procurement Services in conjunction with the Sustainable Procurement Working Group and the Office for Sustainability for maintaining momentum and driving the sustainable procurement agenda forward, with Procurement Services to be the main point for policy advice, mentoring and training and reporting on sustainable procurement matters.
Strategy Objectives The University shall seek to purchase goods and services that are aligned with the objectives of sustainability. To achieve this Deakin’s faculties, institutes and other areas will: • Purchase goods and services that achieve the same function and value for money outcome and that have a reduced impact on the environment compared with competing goods and services. • Consider, where appropriate, the inclusion of minimum environmental outcomes in defining requirements for the purchase of goods and services. • Consider, where appropriate, the inclusion of sustainability criteria when selecting suppliers. • Procure goods and services based on the principle of value for money and consideration of the whole of life cost in meeting the area’s business needs and budgets. • Give consideration to the elements of sustainable procurement in the planning stages of all projects.
Strategy Objectives Cont’d • Engaging suppliers that: • demonstrate best practice sustainable business practices and supply sustainable products • do not misrepresent themselves, their products or their services • provide strategies to avoid and mitigate environmental impacts as or before they arise • demonstrate knowledge and engagement of their suppliers. • Developing procurement and category specifications that include environmental and social requirements. • Factoring in the environmental and social impacts of the use of a particular product or service into tender and quotation evaluation (ie. having appropriate sustainability performance assessment criteria and weightings in tender and quotation requests and documentation). • Reviewing the sustainable performance of suppliers over time.
Strategy Principles Deakin’s faculties, institutes and other area’s must assess whether their purchases uphold the following principles. The principles are designed to minimise detrimental impacts from the purchase and include: • Avoiding unnecessary purchases and managing demand. • Purchasing goods and services that: • minimise waste disposal according to the waste hierarchy • respond to climate change through mitigation and adaptation measures • maximise resource efficiency • protect and restore natural resources • provide a safe, healthy and enjoyable working environment • conserve and improve biodiversity and ecosystems • consider the on-going service requirements of any product to be purchased • consider the possibility of aggregating demand amongst multiple users to better achieve usage of assets • are sustainable investment decisions.
Specific Actions Objectives/actions (22 in total) include: Assessment of our sustainable procurement profile Engagement with business areas through Deakin Development of sustainable procurement training programs Development and implementation of sustainable procurement initiatives Developing and publishing guidance information on sustainable procurement practices Introducing sustainability requirements in quotation and tender documentation Promotion with and development of sustainable procurement practices by suppliers Assisting SME suppliers with the adoption of sustainability principles Development of performance indicators and auditing and reporting of achievements Benchmarking of Deakin’s achievements Fairtrade accreditation
Specific Actions Cont’d Actions have been scheduled as short term (<12 months), medium term (1-2 years) and long term (>2 years). Major current activity is determining our profile.
Sustainable Procurement Working Group Established in mid 2012. Membership from academic, general & student areas (12 No). Coordinated by Office for Sustainability. First achievement - development and endorsement of Sustainable Procurement Strategy. Will be used to develop and implement further actions and specific initiatives from Strategy. Major challenge is involvement of the diverse member base.
Current Position Current initiatives: • Power, gas and water • Computer, printer and copier equipment • Cleaning products and services • Office stationery and related products • Office furniture • Tea, coffee and related kitchen consumables • Janitorial paper products • Copy paper • Printing • Construction and maintenance initiatives • Vehicles and related equipment • Waste collection • Catering/food services.