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CLIMATE WORLDWIDE. Pluvia Loriente CEIP JOSEP TARRADELLAS. TROPICAL CLIMATE. http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/photos/CorcovadoTrail00D.jpg. It is found near the Tropics. Climate. - Rainfall is abundant all year. - Temperatures are always hot , between 24ºC-27ºC.
TROPICAL CLIMATE http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/photos/CorcovadoTrail00D.jpg
Climate - Rainfall is abundant all year. - Temperatures are always hot, between 24ºC-27ºC. -Twoseasons; thedry and therainyseason. TWO DIFFERENT HABITATS Savannah Rainforest
RAINFOREST Where ? The mainrainforesare in South and Central America, Central Africa and South-eastAsia. Landscape ? Always dense and greenwithmanydifferentspecies of animals. The tallesttreesare 40m. hight. Notmanypeoplelivetherebecause of theheat and humidity. Somenativepeoplelivebyhunting and gathering plants. activerain.com/blogs/floridarealtyprofessional Life ?
Savannah Where? Savannaharefound in Central America, America, southAsia and parts of Australia. Landscape? It is a hugeplainwith tall grass, green in therainyseason and yellow in thedryseason. Most people live on the coast or near the rivers in rural areas working in agriculture. Many animals live there, such as giraffes, zebras, lions and cheetahs. picasaweb.google.com/.../3Z3GejtsnwrlC_t6M-2ixQ Life? Turn to page 1
COOL TEMPERATE CLIMATE http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Urals_forest.jpg
Climate • - It is usuallycloudy. • - Average temperature is 3-8ºC. - Wintersareverycold and summersarehot. • - It is very wet, it usually rains 3or 4 days a week. - It has fourseasons; Winter,Spring,Summer and Autumn.
Where? The population in the forest is verysmall. Most peoplelive in prairies. Peoplehavebuilttowns in prairies and theygrowfood and raiselivestock. Many animals live in theconiferous forest such as squirols and moose. In summer a lot of birdsmigratethere. It is found in Europe, Asia and NorthAmerica. Life? The population in the forest is verysmall. Most peoplelive in prairies. Peoplehavebuilttowns in prairies and theygrowfood and raiselivestock. Many animals live in theconiferous forest such as squirols and moose. In summer a lot of birdsmigratethere. Pluvia Loriente Landscape? Coniferous forest and taigas.Coniferoustreessuch as, fir and pine. Prairies of tall grass in wetterwarmerareas. Steppesare in dryareas. turn to page 1
Climate - It often snows in Winter. -Temperatures are low in Winter and cool in Summer. -There is abundant precipitation during the year. -Temperatures grow colder going up the mountain.
Where? INTERESTING FACT Mount Everest is in theHimalayasrange in Asia. It is thehighestmountain in theworld It is found in thehighestmountainranges. Himalayas in Asia, the Andes in SouthAmerica and Alps and Pirinees in Europe. Landscap? In temperate zones mountainsarenotpopulated, peoplelive in valleys. In hot zones mountainsaredenselypopulatedbecause of thelowertemperature. VegetationChangesfrom a part of a mountain to another. Changeswithaltitudebecause of thedifferenttemperature. There is lessvegetation in windy places. The vegatation in sunnyslopes is differentfromtheshadyslopes. Pluvia Loriente Life?
POLAR CLIMATE http://www.wallpaperscorner.com/data/media/4/Brown_Bear.jpg
Arctic It is foundbetweenthe Polar Circles & thePoles. Antarctic
Climate - It is verycold. - Strong and drywinds. - Snow falls about 2 or 4 days a week. - The averagetemperature is about-10ºC.
Where ? INTERESTING FACT Antarctica is thecoldest continent on Earth and it is biggerthan India and China combined. Two regions; theArctic and theAntarctic Landscape ? Human life is very difficult, no water and few animals or plants. Small groups of Sami and Inuit live in the Arctic regions. In the Antarctic there are only a few scientists Mainlyice and snow all around. Thereare tundra wheretheicemeltsduringtheshortsummer Life ?
Climate Weather - There is little rain. - In hot deserts it is very hot during the day and cold at night. - In cold deserts it is very hot in Summers and very cold in Winters.
Where ? INTERESTING FACT FILE The Sahara in Africa is thelargest desert in theworld. Nearthetropics and in temperate zones. Landscape ? Peoplelive in oasis, places withwater all year round. Somenomadslivethere; Tuaregs in Sahara and Mongols in Gobi. The lak of watermakesvegetation and animals scarce. Some especies has adapted to dryconditions. Pluvia Loriente Life ?
Climate Mediterranean -Temperature is high in Summer and mild in Winter. - Precipitation is not abundant. - Summersareverydry. Oceanic - Temperatures are mild all year because of the ocean. - Precipitation is abundant and regular. - It rains in all seasons.
Rivers in Summercarrylittlewater. Thereare forest of holms, oak, and pinetrees. On thecoast fruit and vegetables used to be grown. MEDITERRANEAN PEOPLE Theseareasaredenselypopulated. Vegetation is abundant and landscape is green. Thereare forests withoaks, ash and beechtrees. Landscape has changed, many forests havebeencutdown to obtainroom for farmlands, towns, factories or roads. OCEANIC