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13 th Annual Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Procurement Conference March 6, 2013. Prepare Present Pursue: Yes, you can sell to the Global 100s Charles Gillean. Target: Corporate Supplier Diversity – “How to get your business in the door”.
13th Annual Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Procurement ConferenceMarch 6, 2013
Prepare Present Pursue:Yes, you can sell to the Global 100sCharles Gillean
Target: Corporate Supplier Diversity – “How to get your business in the door” • Prepare– getting ready, research (from both sides) • Present– That crucial 10 minutes • Pursue- Near and long term strategies
Preparing for and marketing to large corporations Suggestions on Do’s, Don’ts Preparation resources , Follow up Using your existing customers to be your sales force
Prepare for that First Impression Corporation - 10Ks. Annual Reports Corporation Web Site – Kick the tires, primary - subsidiaries Small Business Your D&B Report - outdated information Your Credit rating – Current data Your Threat Index – non-negotiable score minimum Get your financial house in order – You are competing against the best companies in the world. Make sure the report is accurate, address any issues. (long lead)
Prepare for that First Impression • D&B Report • WEB Site/Email/Telephone Home Page Accurate/Complete; no “under construction” No dead links; Return to home - easy to navigate News – be sure it is current, not 3 years old Certification(s) on first page; Aura/Association Marketing Who are your high visibility customers Stand Alone – contact information on every page Hotmail, AOL, Gmail, Verizon.net - NO! Phone ans. message – clearly identify company, live is best Email Blasts vs. Privacy: Corporate firewalls See CC
Sample eMail distribution • Ricchini, Sandra A CIV NSWCCD Philadelphia, 018; Bullock, Alyse C CIV SECNAV OSBP; Capers, Derrick P CIV SECNAV, OSBP; Fletcher, Wendy M CIV SPAWAR, 21300; Ford, Sarah D CIV NAVSEA, SEA 02; Foreman, Timothy OSBP, WNY; Gail Wegner; Michael McCall; Obey, Patricia CIV SECNAV SADBU; Sara West; Sheryl Woods; Stinson, Oreta CIV OSBP, OSBP; Susan Rapoza; Tamika Gray; Tatigian, Sarkis CIV NAVSEA, SEA 00K; Taylor, Brad CIV MSCHQ; Temika Morris; A. Joseph Bowers; Andy Hair; Ashley Burton; Barbara Knox; Barbara Page; Bill Cantrell; Bonnie Nesselroad; Bruce Schneider; Carol Decker; Cathy Hampton; Chari Russell; Gillean, Charles T; Cheryl Chandler; Christine Haber; Claire Hackett; Clyde Stoltzfus; Crystal Ober; Cynthia Lee; Daniel Shade; David Canada; David Gray; Dawn Chartier; DeVera Redmond; Diane Dempsey; Diane Marsden; Docey Chaplin; Donna Feaganes; Edward Resnick; Edwin Beussink; Elizabeth Cardillo; Emily Harman; Eric Bankit; Gedell Hawkins; Glenn McAllister; Gregory Mcmullin; Jack Beecher; Jack Lassiter; Jada Poller; James Lumley; James Noviello; James Regan; Jan Mirijanian; Janet Pritt; Jeraline Artis; John Fedkenheuer; John Henley; John O'Brien; John Rasmussen; Joseph Moore; Joyce McDonald; Juanita Beauford; Karen L. Baker; Karen O'Donnell; Kathy Koslosky; Kristen Moyer; Linda Toth; Lisa Price; Louis Cosby; Lynne Hood; Mari McNally; Mary Lee Kolich; Mindy Scott; Nancy Small; Nellie Mells; Pat Monastero; Pat Tashima; Patricia Bullock; Patricia Cleveland; Paul Rooney; Peter Brown; Raymond X. Blauvelt; Renee Decker; Robert A. Brown; Robert Brown; Robert Stag; Ron Moreau; Sheila Dews-Johnson; Sherry Rose; Stan Daise; Stephanie Sherwood; Stephen Suder; Susan Cooper; Terry Budge; Thelma Gabrielson; Thomas Miglas; TJ Smith; Wayne McDonald; Wendy Martin; Ahluwalia, Jaspreet; Ahn, Deborah; Anderson, Lola; Anderson, Stacey K.; Austin, Lorena; Baldini, David; Belden, Ronald R.; Bergman, Donald; Blankenship, Cheryl; Boettger, Christine; Bowlson, Cheryl; Buffler, Janice; Burke, Rachael; Burns, Patricia; Burrows, Susan CIV NAVSUP HQ, OSBP; Burton, Harriett L; Cail, Dawn R CIV NAVFAC LANT, SB; Campbell, Judy; Cantrell, William; Carkhuff, Kenneth A CIV NAWCAD, 7.1F; Carosella, Rosita; Carpenter, Becky; Carpenter, Cynthia; Celani, Kristen; Chieffo, Jacob; Christina, Paula J.; Clark, Theresa L.; Clark, Victor; Crickman, Nancy; Dalton, Dennis; Davis, Irene; Dawson, David; Diehr, Kathleen R.; DiPhillips, Gay; Egley, Sandie; Erazo, Lidija; Evans, Allison S CIV NAVFAC, Washington; Fairfield, Marita L.; Farris, Andrea; Faulkner, Derek; Flannery, Bill; Forlenza, Robert; Freeman, Sherry; Furey, Gerald CIV NAVSUP FLC Norfolk; Gahagan, Robert B; Gallagher, Anges; Glodek, Kate Lacey; Gordon, Jennifer L; Goss, Guy A CIV NSWCCD Philadelphia, 3310; Gouaux, Carl; Gurney, Raynette H.; Hall, Pazant Alecia; Hansen, Erica; Harmon, Joanna (Joey); Harned, Kynn; Harris, Joyce; Haynes, Vickie; Heal, Diane H; Heyward, Evonne; Hill, Kari; Hill, Wendy Y.; Hughes, Robert CIV NAVSUP WSS; Jackiewicz, Christy; Jean-Baptiste, Omoro; Jennings, Faye G; Johnson, Carrodena D CIV NAVSUP FLC Norfolk, Code 240; Johnson, Gwen; Jones, Chris; Katacinski, Irene H CIV NSWCCD Philadelphia, 01800; Kates, Brenda A; Kim, Amy; Klein-Pintouri, Rachel; Kline, Steve; Knowles, Mary Anne; Kokinda, Carol; Koone, Linda; Kurzendoerfer, Karen A; La Bar, Bruce R; Levner, Louis; Lewis, Andrea; Livengood, Lynn; Lowe, Rochelle; Lucretia Gresham; Macchitelli, Karen; Martin, Becky; Mastrincola, Anne; Matt Haaga; Matthews, Kay; Mazzotta, Vincent; McClain, Sheila; McHugh, Pat; McNamara, Sean; McReal, Mimi; Merrion Johnson, Annette; Merritts, Sarah; Moore, Andrea; Moore, Jill A. USNCIV NAVAIR Small Business Office; Morrow, Sharon R.; Myers, David ; Newell, William; Newman, George; Nyanko, Michelle; Owens, Linda; Panos, Craig J; Parrott, Claudette; Perkins, Anita; Peters, Christine ; Pickett, Brenda P CIV ONR, 22; Pierce, Cris; Polizos, Bill; Powell, Mary H; Pualani, Gloria; Rachubinski, Katherine; Richardson, Casey G.; Sacidor, Ricardo; Schneider, Eric; Schumacher, Mark; Scott Paige, Sarah; Shark, Bob; Silvestri, Patricia; Simelton, Cathea M.; Singleton, Lisa; Sisler, Donna; Small, Stacey; Smith, Donyale; Smith, Faith; Smith, Shawn CIV SECNAV; Smith, Terri; Snyder, Robyn; Stevenson, Orlando; Stewart, Michael; Stith, Wesley; Sullivan, Jerrol; Sullivan, Larry; Swain, Kevin; Tack, Troy; Taylor, Barbara N CIV NAVFAC Lant; Thrower, GFelecia; Tompkins, Joanne; Travers, Chris; Treseler, John; Troyan, Lauren; Tyree, Sandra F CIV MSFSC, N00SB; Wachob, Darryl; Warfield, A.M.; Warner, Denise; Watts, Paula K; West, Tonya; Whitlow, Walter; Whittaker, Sharon; whittenburg, Mitzi S; Wilk, Michael; Wilkerson, Michael; Wilkins, Marjorie J. USNCIV NAVAIR AIR 2.OD1; Williams, Jennifer; Williams, Martina; Wilson, Pamela; Wood, Lisa; Wright, John; Wright, Yvette V.; Zahirieh, Shahrokh
Prepare for that First Impression • D&B Report • WEB Site/Email/phone • Market Research Learn what the company/individual does/needs. Research recommendation “Google Alerts”, Search social media, LinkedIn Again -Kick the tires on their Web site, SEC 10-K report Again - your existing clientsin/out of targeted industry Fed Biz Ops for Federal Contracts Look at your competitors Dynamic Small Bus. Search DSBS.SBA.Gov (example next)
Search Criteria: Calif. - NAICS 541813 Marketing ConsultingReferences: (2 of 16 references!!)Name: California PUC, California Telephone Access Program Contract: Develop Protocols for Call Center Start: 02/27/2004 End: 12/30/2012 Value: $7,225,000 Contact: John M. Leutza Phone: 415-703-1060 Name: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Western Blind Rehabilitation Center Contract: Market Research Start: 09/29/2008 End: 03/01/2009 Value: $78,000 Contact: Brian Higgins Phone: 650-493-5293
Prepare for that First Impression • D&B Report • WEB Site/Email • Market Research • Use Trade/Professional Associations/Clients NMSDC is a prime example; Actively mine memberships; ask for introductions (perceived as an endorsement) Active participation – Be a Leader in your profession Write; Speak; Publish – Distinguish yourself Follow individuals to and from your client company Contact representatives at conferences – networking Social Marketing – LinkedIn, FB, Twitter (follow competitors)
Present Yourself • That First Contact Develop a strong/short Value Proposition/Capability Statement , based on what the targeted company needs. (7-12 seconds) “I forward freight” or “You call, We haul, That’s all” “I’m in IT” or “ We’re an SAP Executive Partner” Don’t lead with price, “I can save you 20%” ARGHHHHH Be succinct/to the point. Address the problem, fix, savings Where do ‘Me Too’ presentations wind up? Can do vs. Are doing. How are you unique? Are you great at what you do? ,
Present Yourself • The Value Prop./Capability (7-12 seconds) Tell me: Who you are (tick) Hi, I’m Harvey Wallbanger, with We Build it Best Construction Company What you do (tick, tick) We’re a leading construction management company in the Healthcare industry How you do it better (tick, tick, tick) We’re certified by the FDA and Why should I care (TADA!) We just built a clean room for The Cleveland Clinic, came in 2 months ahead of schedule and $1.4M under budget.
Pursue…….. • Follow Up Deliver what you commit to get, in a timely manner, they are watching Keep in touch, but not obnoxious BE PATIENT – remember 85%/6 month rule Once you get that contract – ask for referrals, repeat cycle • Referral The strongest of marketing tools. Referral is equivalent to an endorsement. Follow your clients. Job changes, LinkedIn, Twitter.
Pursue…….. • Follow Up • Referral • Be the Best “The World is Flat” Thos. Friedman. Competing against the best in the world. Do it on your terms. • Identify needs as you penetrate and collaborate/JV with • Patience - Corporation will look at you on their timetable, not yours
Unique Corporate perspective • If not a corporate supplier, what of the employees? (Company intranet) Decker Ceramic Tile, Making dreams a reality one tile at a timeIn business since 2006. From design to the finishing touches communicating step by step cause we understand and care. If you're looking to brighten up that mudroom, spruce up the foyer, or enhance and beautify your home by remolding the bathrooms and kitchen with new tile. We are a phone call away. Decker Ceramic Tile is insured and licensed in the states of Delaware and Pennsylvania.We offer free estimates and offer 10% off on labor to all AZ employees.www.deckerceramictile.com PH: 302-250-1369 EMAIL: deckerceramictile@verizon.net • Explore ways to access the companies employees.
Save on sunglasses, transition/polarized lenses and more!! (EyeMaxx.com) • EyeMaxx at the Shoppes of Dilworthtown Crossing in West Chester, is pleased to offer AZ employees special pricing on a variety of eye care products; Think sunglasses! Please see the site for full details to qualify. Offer is good through August 31, 2011.AZ welcomes this local minority woman owned small business • Desserts by Dana. Wedding cakes and much more (DessertsbyDana.com) • At Desserts By Dana we are known as Delaware‘s King of Cakes. We do it all from wedding cakes, to birthday cakes, to sculpted cakes and more. If you have a theme, bring it to us. We will do what the others are afraid to touch. Take a look at some of our designs and galleries. We also have Delaware's Best Buttercreams and Fillings.Identify yourself as an AZ employee for special pricing!!AZ welcomes this minority business; winner of the City of Wilmington's 2008 Business Plan Competition & a member of the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce & America’s Next Great Baker 2010 • Great Scot Cleaning Service (GreatScotSystems.com)Homes and much more! • When we're done, you'll be happy. If you're not happy, we're not done. Serving DelCo, ChesCo, New Castle, Harford & Cecil counties offers carpet cleaning, windows, germ/odor control and much more. Homeowners are looking for good trustworthy cleaners to come into their homes & we fill that void. Contact Great Scot (610-203-3535/443-207-0367) for your cleaning needs and ask about our special AZ pricing.AZ welcomes this minority veteran owned business
Charles Gillean ChasGillean@Gmail.com 610.804.8024