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The Best Process For Temporary Recruitment Agency

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The Best Process For Temporary Recruitment Agency

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Best Process For Temporary Recruitment Agency 1. Refine Your Job Descriptions 2. Pre-Screen Candidates 3. Use a Two-Step Interview 4. Work with a Staffing Agency 5. Keep Cultural Fit in Mind

  2. Identify Your Recruitment Needs For Upcoming Projects Temporary and contract staff are often niche specialist experts, so you have the opportunity to select the specialist support you need for each project you have planned. This approach will save on recruitment costs, reduce team stress levels and the addition of specialist talent will help your existing team to upskill, too. Before you begin the temp hiring process, look at the business objectives for the coming year and identify where your potential talent deficits lie.

  3. Work With Temporary Employment Agencies Temporary employment agencies are arguably one of the fastest and most efficient ways to find temporary workers. To help refine the search for the top temporary staffing agencies, employers can look at specialists for the role or sector they’re hiring for, so they get the added bonus of a network of niche talent and specialist expertise.

  4. Write A Temporary Job Description Before you start advertising temp jobs, work with your professional temporary recruitment agency to isolate the tasks you need for the project at hand, the must-have skills and experience for the job, and the ‘nice-to-have’ skills. Don’t forget to outline the duration of the project and when the start date should be. After you’ve fleshed out all the essential details, you can start writing your job description. Aim to be functional, clear and practical when listing your requirements and rely on industry reports like the Robert Half Salary Guide to choose a competitive pay bracket to feature in your temporary job advertisement.

  5. Be Decisive And Hire As Quickly As Possible As with permanent staff hires, time is of the essence. Long hiring times and periods of indecision not only cost the business money in lost revenue and productivity, they can also cost you the first-choice temporary staff professional. Because temporary professionals work from contract to contract, periods of inactivity equate to lost earnings. They are most likely to accept an offer from a company that engages them first, even if that’s their second-choice employer.

  6. Develop A Temp Staff Onboarding Process Recruiting temporary staff is different from recruiting permanent staff in that they need to be able to hit the ground running so they can deliver as much value as possible in the short time they’re working with the company. Without a thorough and comprehensive onboarding process, it’s far harder for a temporary employee to be able to deliver maximum value to an employer, as they may hit an information block which stops work flow.

  7. Thank You…. Website:https://www.tempy.co.uk/

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