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An essential in your head shaving kit

While many people enjoy their shaving time, a few fear the self-shaving process for various reasons such as razor burns, uneven shaving, frequent bruising, etc.

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An essential in your head shaving kit

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  1. Electric head shaver: An essential in your head shaving kit While many people enjoy their shaving time, a few fear the self-shaving process for various reasons such as razor burns, uneven shaving, frequent bruising, etc. For them, an electric head shaver is the most viable solution which is an upgrade to traditional razors and facilitates an effortless shave. The significant popularity of bald hairstyles among men of all age groups has prompted grooming brands to come up with an exclusive range of head shaving products aimed at improving the shaving experience. Bald hairstyles are trending and so have increased the need for quick grooming. So, if you are planning to sport a bold-bald look or already have it, having a standard head shaving kit is a must! Head shaving kit: What does it include? Like most grooming activities, head shaving is a very personal regime wherein preferences differ significantly. Not just the techniques or how frequently one shaves, there’s a huge variety of shaving tools and products available in the market. While there’s no limit as to how many products you can include in your head shaving kit, there are a few essentials that you cannot afford to miss. The key contents of a basic head-shaving kit are: ●Head shaver:There’s no shaving without a shaving tool, it’s as simple as that! A modern head shaver is ergonomically designed and ideal for an effortless head shave. Although manual razors were popularly used in the past, they did not guarantee a smooth and flexible shave. ●Pre-shave oil: As the name suggests, this is a nourishing oil meant to be applied before a head shave for smoothening the scalp surface and preparing it for a razor glide. ●Lathering agent: This is a must for those who prefer a wet shave. Irrespective of using a modern electric head shaver, it is important to apply a lathering agent during a wet shave. It not only ensures a smooth glide but also freshens the skin surface while washing away dead skin cells. ●Aftershave: An aftershave is applied to calm and smoothen the razored scalp after a shave. In most cases, people may experience redness or sore scalp due to blade glides. Hence, using an aftershave lotion that is antiseptic nullifies the risks of infections or bruises. ●Exfoliation: Some people may argue about the inclusion of an exfoliation cream in the shaving essentials without acknowledging the multiple benefits that it offers. Since our scalp region is directly exposed, they are prone to accumulated dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. All of these can be removed by regular exfoliating sessions. Benefits of electric head shavers

  2. There’s been an ongoing debate on which is the best head shaver - a manual razor or a modern electric head shaver lately. Well, in reality, there’s none that is best for all. Grooming preferences differ from one individual to another, and so does the choice between a manual razor and a modern head shaver. Keeping personal preferences aside, modern head shavers quite overweighs the practicality and benefits offered by a manual razor. Since electric head shavers are an upgrade to traditional ones, they are better functioning in most aspects. A few benefits of electric head shavers are listed as follows: ➔Quick & Comfort: Since the best head shavers are developed with smooth shave technology, they offer a smooth, close, and effortless shave in less than 3 minutes. The blades are double coated and glide across the contours of the head smoothly without bruising or causing any razor burns. ➔Versatility: An electric head shaver comes with a waterproof body that facilitates both wet and dry shaves. No matter whether you are traveling, in a hurry, or in the mood for a refreshing head shave, modern head shavers are your go-to tool. Also, these can be used for shaving other body areas flexibly. ➔Cost-effective: Although the upfront costs of an electric head shaver are high, they offer great utility and last longer than other manual razors. The components of the shaver are made of high-quality materials that do not break or wear off easily. Also, these head shavers do not require frequent repairs or replacements as such. Now that you know the key essentials of an ideal head shaving kit, have yours ordered today! Given the wide range of available options in the market, choosing the best ones may get a little tricky. If you are looking for a quality purchase, Groomie’s BaldiePro head shaver and other shaving essentials are worth trying out. Check out their exclusive range of head shaving products at affordable prices.

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