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www.balticit.com/elogmar. Introduction to eLOGMAR-M project. Introduction. The eLOGMAR-M CA is the instrument to co-ordinate organisations, programmes and projects in the area of innovative Web-based and mobile solutions with logistics and maritime applications.
www.balticit.com/elogmar Introduction to eLOGMAR-M project
Introduction • The eLOGMAR-M CA is the instrument to co-ordinate organisations, programmes and projects in the area ofinnovative Web-based and mobile solutionswith logistics and maritime applications. • The project is initiated by the major partner group under the co-ordination of the Fraunhofer IFF with the aim: • to create an international network of scientists and experts, • to improve transport logistics and harbour processes, • by using IT-solutions • Previous Projects of the major partner group: • AMCAI (COPERNICUS 1994), • DAMAC-HP (COPERNICUS 1998), • BALTPORTS-IT (IST FP5, 2001)
AMCAI1995 - 1997 DAMAC-HP1998 - 2000 BALTPORTS-IT2001 - 2003 eLOGMAR-M2004 - 2006 Collaboration from 1994 to 2004 + Baltic Container Terminal LV Riga Freeport Authority LV Ventspils Freeport Auth. LV BALVA LV Latvian Railways LV + IDC Information Techn. LV KSSA LT Warsaw University PL University of Ulster UK JSC Ventamonjaks LV Kaunas University LT Port of Gdansk Auth. PL BI-Info EST + M & S chain Solutions UK TREDIT GR China Harvest Dev. CN Beijing HOPE Software CN Thessaloniki Port Auth. GR Logitrans Consult EE Hafen HH Marketing GER SONEX LT RTSB GmbH GER Port of Kokkola FI Interbalt EE Fraunhofer IFF GER Magdeburg University GER Riga Technical University LV Latvian Intelligent Systems LV Charles University Prague CZ TNO Apeldoorn NL Latvian Maritime Systems LV
Consortium • The 17 partner organisations complement each other at different levels: • Industrial Enterprises, Universities and Research Institutes, Transport Logistics, It-Solutions Companies: • Fraunhofer IFF(Germany); Warszaw University of Technology (Poland), Riga Technical University (Latvia); • KSSA(Lithuania), PKA(Finland), RTSB(Germany), HHM(Germany), ThPA(Greece),IB(Estonia) • IDC Information Technologies, Latvian Intelligent Systems (LV); Sonex (LT); HOPE (China) • M&SS (UK), TRD (GR), CHD (CN), LTR (EE) • Different geographical regions along the selected freight route: • China • Mediterrania (Greece) • Western Europe (Germany, U.K) • Baltic Sea (Finland, Poland, Lithuania,Latvia, Estonia)
Major Goal • Create a dynamic, collaborative partner pool uniting organisations from one Asian and eight different European countries. • Incorporate the different partners operating along the selected maritime freight route by the way of uniting their information management systems, databases, Internet Web-sites and portals • Provide services and new work methods for the mobile actors (traders, shippers, brokers, consignees, forwarders, railways, etc.) Deep sea ports Feeder ports Railway container terminals Estonia Hamburg Germany Tallinn Customers Shanghai China Riga, Ventspils Latvia Klaipeda Lithuania Gdansk Poland Kokkola Finland Thessaloniki Greece Trains Deep sea shipping lines Feeder shipping lines Multilevel logistics and transport business process.
Baltic Sea China Provide services and new work methods for the mobile actors (traders, shippers, brokers, consignees, forwarders, railways, etc.)
Objectives • Creating a Web-portal for information providing to transport services’ consumers;Demonstration of mobile access to Web-portal for different categories of transport • services’ consumers; • Organisation of conferences and regional workshops for dissemination of research • knowledge; • Further development of the Baltic Regional Competence Centre in the field of • advanced IT-solutions and maritime eLogistics in Riga and its branch office in • Tallinn; • Development of recommendations for application of Collaborative Work • Environment with mobile access to it in the form of the project handbook.
Identification Integration Demonstration Internet-based interactive Web-site as supporting tool eLOGMAR-M outcome Study and analysis of logistics and maritime transport processes Study and analysis of m-services, e-work, information and simulation systems Study and analysis of legislation and regulations Creating the opportunities for the training of specialists Identification Generalisation of studies and analysis of results, assessment criteria and customers requirements by using an Interactive Web-site of a dynamic, collaborative, virtual society Integration Setting up of demonstrators of an Internet based Collaborative Work Environment Setting up of demonstrators of mobile access to Collaborative Work Environment Demonstration Work plan – general structure The CA consists of three stages
Logistics Solution • The Main Objective of eLOGMAR-M Project from logistics point of viewis to estimate a start-to-finish transportation rate of cargo and to select logistics supply chain by providing information for choosing basic carrier who meets the required criteria. • Two major target groups: • 1) Transportation group: • Shipping lines (deep sea and feeder lines, ship-owners); • Container terminal operators; • Block train operators; • Forwarding companies; • Multimodal transportation operators. • Freight brokers • 2) Cargo group: • Cargo owners; • Forwarding companies as representatives of goods’ owners (manufacturers • or buyers); • Traders.
Users Web-portal Central DB (MySQL) Cargo group Browser only Transportation group http://www.balticIT.com WAP Mobile actor 1 PDA Mobile phone Mobile actor 2 Wi-Fi Internet GPRS Browser only Bluetooth Demonstration scheme
Project Network eLOGMAR-M CA Web-based and Mobile Solutions for Collaborative Work Environment with Logistics and Maritime Applications Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg LOGIS-mobile SSA Logistics Training mobile solutions LIS Latvia EC-BRIDGE CA EU-Chinese forum on eWork, eLogistics, Research networks and Broadband solutions for mobile user and worker Schlumberger Sema MOSAIC SSA Mobile Worker Support Environments: Aligning Innovation in Mobile Technologies, Applications and Workplaces for Location-Independent Cooperation and Networking Salford University Telematica Intituut IST4BALT CA Information Society Technologies Promotion in Baltic States EDNES SIMS SSA Supporting Innovation of SMEs in the Mobile Services and Application Supply Business Norcontel