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    2. Part 1 Introduction

    3. “Recidivism in violence is a massive and ever growing problem in every part of the world that merits serious attention” (W.H.O., 2002)

    4. Becomes a more frequent and a common occurrence. Becomes an inevitable hardened criminal behaviors, as it has for adult crime. Directly affects society and leads to mental health problems. Harms to individuals (victims and juveniles), families, communities, societies, and the nation deeply (death, illness, disability and quality of life). Problem and significance of recidivism in violence

    5. Increases the cost of health and welfare services Reduces productivity Decreases property value Disrupts a range of essential services Undermines the fabric of society Often relates to other problems (i.e., truancy and dropping out of school, substance abuse, sexual abuse, compulsive lying, reckless driving, high STD rate, mental health and behavior disorder) Problem and significance of recidivism in violence

    6. In Thailand 26.8 million children and youths (~1/4 pop) Almost 1% are juvenile delinquents 91% are male 7% are poor > 12% are recidivists From 1996-2006 : recidivism cases ? 109% : recidivism in violence cases ? 676%

    10. Violence = Offense of life and body or relating to sexuality (Criteria of the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection) Offense life and body - Murder or malicious killing - Manslaughter - Attempt murder - Negligent murder - Affray murder - Bodily harm - Attempted bodily harm - Assembly of 10 or more peoples - Negligent bodily and mental harm - Affray grievous bodily harm - Abortion Offense relating to sexuality - Indecent act - Rape - Attempted rape - Orbation - Ravishment - Attempted sexual offense

    16. Part 2. Methodology

    21. Case The recidivism cases among violent juvenile delinquents Age 7-18 years Incarcerated in the offense of life and body, and/or relating to sexuality > 1 time Training in JOPC since Jan 1, 2007 (in the province with high recidivism rate identified in phase 1.) Thai nationality Willingness to participate in this study, and signed in consent form - Full consciousness when communicating Control The non-recidivist violent juvenile delinquent Age 7-18 years Having committed an offense of life and body, and/ or relating to sexuality only once and did not repeat this offense within 6 months (after released from JOPC since Jan 1, 2007) Reporting to their probation officer 6 months (after released from JOPC in the province with high recidivism rate identified in phase 1.) Thai nationality Willingness to participate in this study, and signed in consent form - Full consciousness when communicating

    25. Part 3. Results

    35. Part 4. Discussion and conclusion

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