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Week #7: Discussion results

Week #7: Discussion results. Battery management. Group #33 Group member: Tianhao Han Ximeng Sun(Susie) Xing Cao(Star) Zhuoran Yang. Family of B attery M anagement . Battery Fuel Gauge Battery Charge Management Lithium Ion Protection Charger Front End Protection

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Week #7: Discussion results

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Week #7: Discussion results Battery management Group #33 Group member: TianhaoHan Ximeng Sun(Susie) Xing Cao(Star) Zhuoran Yang

  2. Family of Battery Management Battery Fuel Gauge Battery Charge Management Lithium Ion Protection Charger Front End Protection Battery Authentication

  3. Battery Fuel Gauge: measure battery current, voltage and temperature to find state-of-charge.(99% accuracy) Battery Charge Management: critical for maximizing battery capacity, cycle life and safety. Lithium Ion Protection: offer this protection with the BiCMOS process, different voltage thresholds, sleep current consumption of less than 3.5µA, 50 mV precision internally trimmed thresholds and short-circuit protection.(overcharge, over discharge and short circuit conditions) Charger Front End Protection: provide protection from input over voltage, input over current and battery over voltage conditions, which may result from a power spike during charging, or a defective or incorrect wall adapter. Battery Authentication: achieve required performance and safety goals

  4. I2C(C) Inter-Integrated Circuit: A multi-master serial single-ended computer bus. It is used to attach low-speed peripherals to a motherboard, embedded system, cellphone, or other electronic device.

  5. SMBus (SMB) System Management Bus: It is a single-ended simple two-wire bus for the purpose of lightweight communication. Most commonly it is found in computer motherboards for communicaiton with the power source for ON/OFF instructions. SMBus, defined by Intel in 1995, is a subset of I²C that defines the protocols more strictly. One purpose of SMBus is to promote robustness and interoperability. Accordingly, modern I²C systems incorporate policies and rules from SMBus, sometimes supporting both I²C and SMBus with minimal re-configuration required.

  6. HDQ

  7. Battery Fuel Gauge (68) • BQ27545-G1 Single Cell, Pack Side, Impedance Track Fuel Gauge • BQ27541-G1 Pack-Side Impedance Track Battery Fuel Gauge With Integrated LDO • BQ34Z653/BQ34Z100 SBS 1.1-Compliant Fuel Gauge and Protector with External Battery Heater Control and LCD Display

  8. Battery Charge Management (182) • BQ24161B 2.5A, Dual-Input, Single Cell Switchmode Li-Ion Battery Charger with Power Path • BQ24273 2.5A, Singe Input, Single Cell Switchmode Li-Ion Battery Charger with Integrated Current Sense & I2C • BQ24278 2.5A, Single-Input, Single Cell Switchmode Li-Ion Battery Charger with Power Path Management

  9. Lithium Ion Protection (40) • BQ294700 • BQ294701 • BQ294701 Lithium ion protection IC offering accurate, cell-by-cell V monitoring

  10. Charger Front End Protection (17) • BQ24314C Overvoltage & Overcurrent Protection IC & Li+ Charger Front End Protection IC

  11. Battery Fuel Gauge

  12. Battery management for companies • TI(Device Uses) Light Electric Vehicles Power Tools Medical Instrumentation Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Mobile Radios

  13. Battery management for companies Intel There is a product named Intel® RAID Smart Battery AXXRSBBU3, which is an optional RAID Smart battery back up for use with Intel® RAID Controllers AXXRAK18E, SRCSAS144E, SRCSASJV. For my opinion, TI’s BQ34Z100 can be used in it. Because for this backup battery, to be controlled automatically to reduce system power consumption so that the backup battery can be used longer is significant.

  14. Battery management for companies • Dot Hill AssuredSAN™ Pro 5000 Tiered Storage adds automated tiered storage capabilities to our smart, simple, SAN storage line-up. Using BQ34Z100 on the equipment can improve its behavior, and reduce system power consumption.

  15. Battery Chargers – Moving Towards Smart Chargers • Nowadays, green battery chargers are growing. Green chargers are environment friendly, and The most attractive selling point for green chargers is the mobility aspect, It is convenient and accessible anywhere since these chargers do not require an electrical socket or plug to be charged. Customers can use them while on the move and in any kind of environment. • Are there any chances that TI’s products can be used in green battery?

  16. Question time.

  17. Thank you for your listening!

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