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Gold Collars for All? Assessment of the Curriculum of Entrepreneurial Education Programme in Nigerian UNIVERSITIES. Fayomi Abimbola Olugbenga (PhD) Centre for Industrial Research and Development, and Simeon-Fayomi Bolanle Clara (PhD) Department of Continuing Education, Faculty of Education,
Gold Collars for All? Assessment of the Curriculum of Entrepreneurial Education Programme in Nigerian UNIVERSITIES Fayomi Abimbola Olugbenga (PhD) Centre for Industrial Research and Development, and Simeon-Fayomi Bolanle Clara (PhD) Department of Continuing Education, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
FACTS AND FIGURES • Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, the seventh most populous country in the world, and the most populous country in the world in which the majority of the population is black. • It is listed among the "Next Eleven" economies, and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The IMF projects a 8% growth in the Nigerian economy in 2011 • Nigeria re-achieved democracy in 1999 when it elected Olusegun Obasanjo, the former military head of state, as the new President of Nigeria ending almost 33 years of military rule (from 1966 until 1999) • Nigeria is ranked 37th in the world in terms of GDP as of 2007. Nigeria is the United States' largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa and supplies a fifth of its oil (11% of oil imports). • It has the seventh-largest trade surplus with the U.S. of any country worldwide. Nigeria is currently the 50th-largest export market for U.S. goods and the 14th-largest exporter of goods to the U.S.
FACTS AND FIGURES • Nigeria is the 12th largest producer of petroleum in the world and the 8th largest exporter, and has the 10th largest proven reserves. • 2006 estimates claimed that 42.3% of the population is between 0–14 years of age, while 54.6% is between 15–65; • Nigeria has more than 250 ethnic groups, with varying languages and customs, creating a country of rich ethnic diversity.
THE CHALLENGE • According to the official statistics of the federal office of statistics (F.O.S) less than ten percent of graduates of formal educational system get absorbed into the labour market annually. • Today , about ten million graduates of tertiary institutions roam the streets of Nigeria unemployed
Entrepreneurship EDUCATION TO THE Rescue • In line with the global thinking, the Nigerian University Commission mandated all Nigerian Tertiary institutions to introduce entrepreneurship education into their curriculum in 2006 • Though Entrepreneurship education has been introduced for about five years, the problem of graduate unemployment in Nigeria still persist. • It is against this background that this study is conceived to assess the entrepreneurship education programme of selected universities in Southwestern Nigeria with the aim of making useful recommendation towards curriculum re-engineering and better delivery of the EE programmes.
Objectives of the study • The overall objective of the study is to assess the entrepreneurial education programme of tertiary institutions in southwestern Nigeria • The specific objectives of the study are to • (a) examine the nature and operation of EE in tertiary institutions in Southwestern Nigeria; • (b) appraise the effectiveness of EE in the study area; • (c) determine the influence of selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics on the entrepreneurial performance of the study sample. • (d) compare the outcomes of EE in the selected institutions in southwestern Nigeria.
Methodology • Kirkpatrick evaluation model was adopted for the study. The population consisted of undergraduate students in selected universities in Southwestern Nigeria. Three universities, namely: Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Lagos State University (LASU), and Covenant University (CU) were purposively sampled to represent Federal, state and private universities where the two prominent models of EE in Nigeria has been run for a substantial period of time in southwestern Nigeria. A total of 1,080 final year students, comprising those who have offered EE courses and those who have not were proportionately sampled from the selected universities. Ninety percent of lecturers teaching EE courses in the three Universities were involved in the study. Two questionnaires labelled Entrepreneurial Education Assessment Questionnaire (EEAQ) and Entrepreneurial Education Methodology Assessment Questionnaire (EEMAQ) were used to collect relevant information for the study. EEAQ elicited information on students’ socio-economic and demographic characteristics, as well as students’ entrepreneurial behavior and inclination. EEDEQ gathered information on the personal data and entrepreneurial inclination of lecturers handling EE. A desk research was conducted to collect secondary data from programme blueprint and synopsis. Data were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics.
Examination of the nature of Entrepreneurship Education in the study area.Assessment of nature EE was done according to the framework developed by Paschka and Welsh (1990) Robinson and Haynes (1991)namely: Depth of entrepreneurship education programme;, Breadth of entrepreneurship education ; Content development procedure and Delivery of entrepreneurship education. • DEPTH OF EE IN STUDY AREA Criterion Institutions • OAU LASU COVENANT Integration with entrepreneurs N/A N/A Applicable Integration with other facultiesApplicable N/A N/A International support Applicable N/A N/A Complementary activities Applicable N/A Applicable
Table 30: Delivery of entrepreneurship education programme EE delivery approach Institutions • OAU LASU COVENANT Lectures Applicable Applicable Applicable Old war story N/A N/A Applicable Case study N/A N/A Applicable Planning Applicable Applicable Applicable Generic action(experiential) N/A N/A Applicable • Source: Field Survey, 2010.
Content development of entrepreneurship education programme Content development procedure Institutions • OAU LASU COVENANT From the perspective and expertise of educators Applicable Applicable Applicable Based on students’ needs and requirement N/A N/A N/A From the view point of programme designersApplicableApplicableApplicable
effectiveness of EE in the study area This section presents the analysis of the effectiveness of EE in the study area using the perception of respondents and Kirkpatrick model of evaluation (table 63)
Objective 3: Determination of the influence of selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics on the entrepreneurial performance of the study sample. • Mother’s occupation and entrepreneurial inclination: The study revealed that respondent’s mother’s occupation has significant effect on the entrepreneurial intention of the study respondents (Pearson chi-square = 17.029; P < 0.05). • Current involvement in entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial inclination: The study revealed that current involvement in entrepreneurial activity has a significant influence on the entrepreneurial inclination of the respondents (Pearson chi-square =23.401; P< 0.01). • Individual perception of employment prospect of his/her discipline and entrepreneurial inclination: The study revealed that how individual perceived the employment prospect of his/her discipline has significant influence on his/her entrepreneurial behaviour. (Pearson chi-square = 157.5; P< 0.01). • Parents’ financial status entrepreneurial inclination: The result of the analysis showed that parent’s financial status have significant effect on the entrepreneurial inclination of the study sample (Pearson chi-square = 21.015; P< 0.01). • Gender and personal entrepreneurial competencies of the respondents: The study found a significant difference between male and female students in opportunity seeking (t=1.972; p<0.05); However, no significant difference existed in the overall PEC performance of male and female students (t=1.003; p>0.05).
Comparison of outcome of model: The results of the study showed that a significant difference exist ( t = 2.753; df = 235; P< 0.01) between the two models. Furthermore, the mean entrepreneurial performance from model A differs significantly from that of model B; model A proved to produce better results than model B.
FOLLOW UP ACTION Curriculum re-engineering Training and retraining of entrepreneurship education Teachers in the Universities. Catching them young: This involved an intensive campaign for the introduction of entrepreneurship education into the Nigerian educational curriculum at the elementary and high school level Promotion of entrepreneurship clubs in elementary and high schools in our catchment areas Providing business support services to existing entrepreneurs for enhanced performance Introducing mentoring and apprenticeship into the curriculum Sourcing for grants and aids to support outstanding business ideas developed by students