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Report of the President of RA VI (Europe). Ivan Cacic. OUTLINE. Management of RA VI Strategic/Action Plan Work structure and performance RA VI main priorities: GFCS WIS and WIGOS implementation DRR Capacity-building RA VI challenges and opportunities. Management of RA VI.
Report of the President of RA VI (Europe) Ivan Cacic WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
OUTLINE • Management of RA VI • Strategic/Action Plan • Work structure and performance • RA VI main priorities: • GFCS • WIS and WIGOS implementation • DRR • Capacity-building • RA VI challenges and opportunities WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Management of RA VI • RA VI Strategic Plan(2008–2011) for the enhancement of the NMHSs in the Region: • First successful attempt to downscale the WMOStrategic Plan taking into consideration regional specifics, requirements and priorities • Complemented by theAction Plan with defined objectives, deliverables and timelines • Basis for planning the activities and tasks of the subsidiary bodies • Helps Members develop their National Strategic and/or Development Plans (e.g., Russian Federation) • Implies closer cooperation with regional partners such as ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EUMETNET, European Union etc. WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Management of RA VI • RA VI has optimized its work structure - to improve • efficiency and effectiveness of regional activities • Management Group (MG) • three Working Groups (WG) • flexible structure Task Teams (TT) Service Delivery and Partnership (WG/SDP) Technology Development and Implementation (WG/TDI) Climate and Hydrology (WG/CH) WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Management of RA VI • New method – ensures continuity of the implementation effort during the intersession period - action/result oriented • Task Action Plan • WGTT Deliverable • timeline target date • Crucial factors for success: • In-kind contribution by Members – expertise, time, travel expenses • Smart use of the limited financial resources from WMO – prioritization and innovative approaches • Identifying synergies with other implementing partners WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Priorities 1. GFCS - RA VI RCC Network • RA VI priority - to play a major role in the development and implementation of Global Framework of Climate Services (GFCS) • 2009 – initiation of RA VI Network of Regional Climate Centres (RCC); pre-operational pilot phase started in June 2009 • Regional implementationplan targeting formal designation of the Network by the end of 2011 • RCC Network structure includes three nodes, each supported by a consortium of NMHSs with one of them identified as the lead institution • DWD, Germany, is the overallcoordinator of the WMO RA VI Pilot RCC Network WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Priorities 1. GFCS - RA VI RCC Network WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
coordination • support, tools, methods • infrastructure RCCLRF RCCDATA RCCMONITORING EU climate services Priorities 1. GFCS - RA VI RCC Network Synergies in WMO RA VI help to build the GFCS regional component RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS RA VINMS
Priorities 1. GFCS – RA VI RCOFs and Climate Watch • RA VI advanced the establishment of RCOFs to assist Members to better utilize the Global Producing Centres products through: • capacity-building for preparing seasonal outlooks and forecasts • facilitatinginteraction with users from different economic sectors • Key driver: the success of the South-Eastern European Climate Outlook Forum (SEECOF) • five SEECOF sessions have already taken place • North Eurasian Climate Outlook Forum (NEACOF)– initiated by Russian Federation; first session May 2011 • Kick-off of Climate Watchimplementation through a Regional Workshop in 2010 WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Priorities 2. RA VI WIS and WIGOS Implementation • The implementation of WIS in the Region has been initiated through the designation of GISCs, DCPCs and NCs: • DWD, Germany, established the first pre-operational online GISC (21 May 2010) • Other centres in RA VI are in advanced stage of preparation • Regional Workshopon WIS planned – to develop regional implementation plan • WIGOS demonstration projects in the Region: • Integrated Meteorological and Hydrological Network in the Russian Federation • Re-design of the Regional Basic Observing Network • Identify needs of Members for rehabilitation/modernization of networks WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Priorities 3. Disaster Risk Reduction • South Eastern Europe became one of the most intensivearea on the NMHSs capacity building / development in RA VI • Facilitated by the Regional Programme on Disaster Risk Reduction in South East Europe (DRR/SEE) (April 2009 to April 2011) • Implemented through regional cooperation with the European Commission, UNDP, UNISDR, World Bank and other regional partners • Strong focus on institutional capacity building and raising the role and visibility of NMHSs as key stakeholder in Disaster Risk Management • The cooperation model of DRR/SEE programme promoted for use in other WMO Regions WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
National and regional gaps, needs and requirements for risk assessment and Multi-Hazard EWS identified National Policy Dialogues on DRR held to link NMHS to government DRR planning and budgeting Multi-sectoral risk assessment capacities for flood and droughts documented and trainings held Regional MHEWS Training Workshop conducted as input for the design of a regionally harmonized MHEWS Good practicesin EWS in the SEE region documented and shared Roadmap to strengthen regional cooperation and with European Centres and network to support DRRdeveloped Priorities 3. Disaster Risk Reduction Phase I Phase II has been proposed to EC DG Enlargement to start in 2011 WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
RA VI challenges • Specific RA VI challenges are related to: • requirements for compliance with EU policies and directives (e.g., Water management; data policy, INSPIRE) • provision of aeronautical meteorological services (ICAO and EU Single European Sky requirements) • increasing role of private sector in service delivery • increasing need to study and demonstrate the socio-economic benefitsof the meteorological, climatological and hydrological services • Resource mobilization and assistance for filling the technological and institutional gaps between the developed and developing parts of the Region WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
RA VI opportunities • Extension of partnership with: • Regional partners ECMWF, EUMETSAT and EUMETNET, contributing to capacity development through knowledge and technologysharing and transfer • Neighbouring Regions, particularly RA II and RA I – better coordination of activities for Middle East, Caucasus and Mediterranean sub-regions • TechnicalCommissions – better recognition of the complementary roles and responsibilities; enhanced collaboration,particularly in: • identification of regional and sub-regional requirements • coordination of implementation plans and projects • optimization of resources WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011
Thank you WMO Sixteenth Congress (Cg-XVI) , Geneva, 16 May to 3 June 2011